as we have come this far with the story, there is something that I have felt the need to do.
you surely have noticed that some of the words I use are not common or do not exist in the English dictionary. well that's because they're not English (obviously).
one could check on Google or use any other translation software but you might be led astray. not because the translation is wrong (it is sometimes) but because one word could mean different things and most translations don't take metaphor into account.
what I'll be doing isn't translations. but rather, I'll be trying to let you see the meaning of those words from my own perspective. I won't be explaining much unless I feel it's necessary.
so without further ado, let's get into it.
FUBUKI: this this is Japanese word for snowstorm. in this story it is used as Natsumi's surname and it is also the name of the island most of the story's events take place.