"Woe to those that make enemy of the priests of the mighty ones, for their fate is worse than death"
"The damned shall mock them, and the hopeless shall look down on them with pity"
"The sick will look healthy in comparison to them, and the shall look alive in their presence"
"For they have made and enemy of the priest and in doing so, they have made an enemy of his god"
These were the words spoken by Orie while he was held in chains in a small isolated room. There was barely enough light for someone to see around but there wasn't that much to see either. It was quite clean for a dark isolated room. There was no dirt, no bad odor, no rats. It was only him, some very strong chains and a guard who told him to shut up after he had just finished making a divine declaration.
"One of the perks of being a priest..." Orie said as he stood up
"...is that sometimes, we are required to make declarations before we take action"