"Freeland has a law that states "superhuman abilities and magic of all forms are prohibited from being practiced. Any civilian caught using their powers in public will be charged with terrorism and arrested immediately"
It is claimed by the government that this law was put in place to prevent the great Meta incident that occurred twenty-five years earlier but the law wasn't doing anything to help the underclassed citizens of the country.
There were people those that the protection of the government couldn't reach. Those who lived with constant fear in neighborhoods with the highest rates of crime. Those who had the power to fight back but were forbidden to do so by law.
Soon, people grew tired. Those who were brave enough put on masks and took on nicknames in order to do what was right, they were called superheroes." Naomi narrated then took a huge slurp from her milkshake.
"I moved here to join and make a difference" she added as she took another huge slurp.