"If you ask questions that have already been asked, you will get answers you've already heard"
"I find myself having to give answers to a question that has been asked many times"
"A question with many answers"
"An whatever action I take"
"I would just be chosing amongst the multitudes of answers that have already been given"
"What would you do if someone you love turned her blade against you?"
"Do you strike back?"
"Do you let them strike you?"
"Do you find fault in them?"
"Do you find fault yourself?"
"Do you blame an enemy?"
"Do you blame yourself?"
"Many answers are given to this question"
"But the only true answers are given by those who already made their choice"
"Some would say that a gentleman would first try to initiate dialogue before drawing his sword"
"But I am not a gentleman"
"There is a creed i stand by for all situations"
"If you want the story to go in your favor"