The gods are dying

Power is always associated with trouble. Sometimes it is great enough to save us from trouble, sometimes it isn't. Sometimes it is so great that trouble can't get close and sometimes its greatness is the reason why trouble comes.

Sometimes it's not about how you use it, sometimes it's about the power itself. The mere existence of a certain power could stir up fear, awe, hatred and envy depending on who percieved it and how they do.

"My power is supposed to kind that helps me escape trouble" Victor said to himself as he drove through an empty road with nothing but desert on both sides.

"But unfortunately" he said with a sigh

"I'm stuck with a lot of trouble magnets"

"What a drag"

It wasn't long before the lonely house in the middle of nowhere came into view but it wasn't the only thing in sight. What was seen was both scary and magnificent.