Day one

Just in case you were wondering where the fight was happening, the SHIN SEKAI company built a large stadium in the middle of the island where all roads cross. It was not exactly a hard place to find; in fact it was the most findable place in all of the island.

The city was crowded with people from all over the world who were there for many different reasons.

With the exception of those that came to spectate the matches, the most common visitors to this event were scouts and reporter.

The tournament may not do much for the teachers, but it had the power to determine the future of the students that participated.

"Ellie Porter here, reporting live from stadium one" a woman spoke with a clear voice as she stood with a microphone in front of a camera man.

"As you can see, people from all over the world have come to witness the first match of the new world tournament"

"This tournament was first introduced thirteen years ago on the same year that the school was built"