Gossip Spread Like Wildfire

At the Hopton Research Institute, Supervisor Bryan Cook was feeling pleased with himself as he thought of the promotion that he will for sure get. He is just waiting for the notification on Forrest Research Institute's decision to invest.

The phone rang in his office. It was the Receptionist.

"Yes? Can I help you?" Bryan asked in a good mood.

"Mr. Cook, we have people here from the Oxfield Crime Department, they said they are investigating the incident yesterday." the Receptionist said, dryly. She's very disappointed at the trouble Diana caused.

The news on yesterday's incident traveled fast. With the help of Clara and her friends, gossip spread like wildfire. With how popular Diana's name had become since she entered the Institute, this piece of news also was quickly disseminated.

A lot of them felt bad, thinking that they have committed a few mistakes in their career, even as seniors. And yet, that was Diana's first mistake but it was the cause for her to be terminated right away. Not even suspended, but fired. They didn't even hear them investigate it. It was simply too cruel. She was still young.

Her admirers felt for her the most. They wanted to speak to HR for her.

"What is there to investigate? And the Oxfield Crime Department? For such a small matter?" Mr. Cook asked, shocked at how the incident blew up. He has a suspicion that somebody has leaked the incident, or worse, because of the incident, the doctors might have misdiagnosed some patients and gave the wrong medicine, with this, some patients may have filed a complaint.

"Sir? Do I just let them in?" the Receptionist asked, feeling apprehensive.

"Hold on. I'm going there." Bryan quickly got up, intending to solve it without them needing to pursue the matter.

At this moment, he very much despises Diana. Because of this, his performance as a manager is affected. The higher-ups will think that he didn't do his job well in making sure his people don't mess up.

Taking the elevator, he fixed his necktie and made himself appear calm.

He greeted the woman and man who were standing by the Receptionist, especially the woman with a cold expression.

"How can I help you?" Bryan asked, courteously. "I'm a Supervisor here, my name is Bryan Cook."

"We're here to investigate yesterday's incident." Ed Meyer asked. He voluntarily went with Heather when he found out about their task. He felt bad about the injustice the pretty Diana went through.

"I see." Bryan's hands are clasped together, his head bowing slightly, appearing humble. "But the person involved is no longer working here."

"I need to check your Surveillance camera. Your cooperation will help us resolve this sooner." Heather said bluntly. She's heard of Bryan Cook from Diana. It took a great amount of self-restraint so she doesn't avenge Diana without following the law. Diana had told her before that her manager has been trying to ask her out but she kept declining. Just looking at Bryan's face and behavior, Heather could tell that he was slightly doing this for personal revenge. His ego was touched.

She could tell that he wanted Diana to owe him a favor since an office romance with him is clearly not in Diana's mind. He's not even trying to help Diana right now but voicing out his accusations.

"Surveillance camera? May I ask what you are looking for? Based on my understanding of the incident, it was the former employee's negligence on her part that caused the error. If you are looking for proof of her errors then I can just show you those lab results, depending on the patient who filed the complaint. Provided that the patient will agree to disclose their information, that is." Bryan stated, pushing for Diana to the edge.

Ed Meyer just looked at Heather and understanding dawned on him. There is more to this than a coworker destroying another's credibility. To him, the manager's behavior was suspicious. 'Why would he assume that a patient complained? He didn't even think that it could be the employee that he just fired, trying to clear up her name?'

Ed cleared his throat, sighing . "We'll just check the surveillance camera first. I can't disclose any details."

"Wait--" Bryan was still going to protest when heard footsteps heading their way.

"Officers, good morning. Please follow me." A man said. "I'm Vincent Smith, Assistant to President Carmichael. If you need anything, just let me know." Without addressing Bryan, he led Heather and Ed towards the Security room.

Bryan just stared at their backs as they left the lobby. He still can't believe that the Assistant himself would come down for this.

For the President's Assistant to personally assist those Officers in their investigation, that means the incident yesterday must have harmed a patient. That also meant that even the President has heard about this.

Bryan thought that it might be the reason. 'Could it be someone really got misdiagnosed by the doctor' He immediately called his friend who is a nurse at the Hopton Hospital.

"Mark. Do you know if the incident yesterday harmed a patient?" Bryan asked right on the bat.

"Gee--good morning to you too." Mark drowsily answered. He's on his day off and was planning to sleep for the whole day. He sighed. Yesterday was just stressful. As soon as he clocked in, they had too many issues with the lab results that didn't coincide with the patient's symptoms. "You could say that. 'Coz of the screw-up in the lab results, a patient was misdiagnosed by their doctors and was given medication that they didn't need. It's a good thing that my co-nurses noticed the other results and were able to inform the doctors. That's why we had to call you guys to fix it."

"I see. Thanks." Bryan's vision dimmed. He is really furious at Diana now. Being under him, she has put him in a terrible position. They would question his ability to lead and train his people. He hung up the call without saying bye.

He had cut Diana up a million times and drowned her in a pool inside his mind.