Chapter 3 " A Rebel's Welcome Party "

Demon Lord's POV:

I looked at my little princess coming into the throne room. I smiled at her. She sat down at her throne and said, "I've heard that you wanted to discuss matters with me? " she asked. " Yes, Your Royal Highness " replied Elder Jordan. " Okay, begin," she said. " Your Royal Highness and Your Imperial Majesty, as you both know that... Well... from the past years the monarchs have possessed light magic and- " Eldar Lonnie stuttered but Raven cut her and said or rather say asked, " And as I possess dark magic you are against my rule? ". The Elders shuddered in fear from the young heiress. She got up. " What if Haydrixin, my grandfather, returns? Who will be able to stop him? The light magic protectors? " she said calmly, " I hope you will think about it ". Then she exited the throne room.

The head of the council, Elder Soniala smiled meaningfully. " Your Imperial Majesty, we said this to Her Royal Highness cause after this a battle is coming her way," she said to me. " What battle, Soniala? " I asked. She smiled and replied, " The battle of Rebels and Royals ". I nodded cause I knew. Last time it was our battle with Haydrixin and now, it will be of Raven. I got up and gave them permission of leaving.

Even when they have broke hell on me...


Alessio's POV:

Being the twin of the only Dragon Rebel in the world is kinda weird, isn't it? But well... After the matters that Raven solved with the High Council, her mood was kinda bad. " Raven, Raven " I shouted as I ran after her. She stopped and turned back facing me with those weird eyes piercing in mine. I instantly looked down. She placed her hands on my shoulders. " Come let's go to my room and have tea," she said and I nodded.

We went to her room where Rosabella was setting tea. We sat down and she asked, " How have been your studies, Alessio? ". " Wonderful " I replied. She opened the box of coconut-strawberry biscuits and offered it to me. " I know you love these," she said. I was surprised. " You remember? ". " Why not? you're my '3 minutes younger' little bro " she replied. I chuckled and hugged her. " You are the best elder sister ever," I said.

After some time, I started to yawn but... I don't want to go back to my room as I know that the castle slut will be there to please me. Well, I'm from a group who save themselves for true love. You could say that I am from the Vivicano Clan. True love and that stuff. " Can I sleep here on the couch? " I asked Raven. She raised a brow and then replied, " You can sleep on the bed ". I thanked her and went to sleep.


Raven's POV:

It was early morning, 04:00 am when the alarm clock set off. I woke up and pressed the button to turn off the clock before Alessio wakes up. Yup, I slept with my brother. I walked up to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and went into the room. Opening the closet door, I took out a workout outfit. A sky blue shirt, red jacket and red trousers with sky blue outline. I grabbed her phone from the nightstand, walked out of my room, and closed the room. As silently as I could, I descended the stairs and stepped out of the castle, closing the doors behind me. I dialed Mateen's number. " Ahoy Mateen, you up for a workout session," I said in my usual tone. Mateen grunted and said, "Seriously Heir Queen, I was sleeping ". I sighed and said, "Okay you go back to sleep ". "Thanks a lot, milord, Nighty Nighty," he said and the call ended. I sighed and was about to get back to my workout.

" Looks like your 2nd in command has decided to sleep than train with you " a voice stopped me. The voice didn't matter but what shocked me was that the voice was really familiar. I turned around and was met by charcoal grey eyes. I quickly realized who it was. He was the son of Prince Liam Ruford and Prince Liam Ruford was the brother of the Demon Lord. His name was Asher Ruford. " You took me by surprise, Asher " I said. " It has been years, Trouble " he said with a smirk receiving a growl from me. He knew how much I hated when someone called me that. "You know that I hate it when someone calls me that, don't you Asher," I said through gritted teeth. "Yeah because it rhymes with my nickname, Bubble, hmm" teased with a smirk on his face, pissing me off even more. "You know what Asher you are the most annoying cousin in the world" I growled. "HaHaHa funny Heir Queen, I think you should know that it's your welcome party and I don't think that you should be late" he chuckled. After doing the workout, we both walked back to the castle.

I took a quick shower, wrapped myself in a towel, and walked out of the bathroom. I started to rummage through my closet. " Black Gown. No. Yellow Gown. No. Blue Gown " I mumbled while throwing dresses and ball gowns on the bed. " Need some help Trouble " Asher chuckled from the doorway. " * Sigh * Shut the fuck up Asher and stop calling me that " I whisper shouted. " Suit Yourself Heir Queen " he was about to go but he turned around and said " Hey I came here to give you this," he said handing me a medium-sized heavy box. As soon as Daya clasped the package, Jay went back. She placed the package on the bed and opened it. I quickly put on the dress and allowed my raven hair to fall to my shoulders in natural curls. I took my heels and tried to tie the strap but it was of no use.

Third Person's POV:

Mateen came in her room saying " Oh Come on Heir Queen, you will be laaa..... Hey why don't you just say it, Raven " Mateen said in a teasing tone. "Say what, " Raven asked. " Say that you need my help " Mateen reached and took her foot in his hand. He tied the strap, took the other one, and tied it too. " I have to tell you something, Raven " Mateen whispered, gazing in her grey eyes " Raven ..... I ..... I want to .... um ... say that... I ..... Lov- " But before he could finish " Trouble, I think we decided we are going to the ball together," Asher said from the doorway. " Mateen I have to go. I promised Asher my first dance " She stood up and went out. "Ladies First, I will join you in front of the Throne Room doors as we all cousins have to make an entry together". Raven went out. " You will never win against me Asher " Mateen's voice was filled with rage. " And why is that " Asher smirked leaning on the table. "We have been together for 15 years Asher. You can't win over this 15-year-old friendship" he growled. " We will see about that Matty " Asher chuckled and left. " Asshole " Mateen mumbled angrily.

" Where were you Asher " Raven questioned. " Teasing your so-called 2nd in command, where else? " Asher chuckled. " When will you stop being a joker, Asher " Ammara sighed. Raven turned to find Ammara coming towards her followed by Hannah, Mellissa, and Vanessa. "It's been years since your last visit Raven, how are you," Ammara said smiling at her. " I am fine thanks Ammara " Raven replied politely. " Ammara don't ask her she is just trying to act all nice when in reality she is a bitch " Hannah said rolling her eyes. " Shut up Hannah, Or else you will be responsible for the consequences " Raven snapped at Hannah. "I am so sorry, Heir Queen. Please forgive my daughter " Jennifer came walking from behind. " Don't worry Auntie Jen, I am not that merciless " Raven said in her Lordly tone.

The Demon Lord stepped up on the stage and said loudly " Enjoy the ball as it is my daughter's welcome party today". At his sentence, everyone clapped and the first dance started.

Asher and Mateen both walked up on the stage at the same time. Mateen asked her politely " Will you, Your Royal Highness, grant me the honor of this dance? ". Then Asher rolled his eyes and said " Come Raven, please dance with me ". Raven glanced over at her father and her father whispered, "Choose the one who you like to dance with ".