Chapter 5 " Last Decision "

Asher's POV :

As soon as the elders announced Raven as the chosen one, shock and silence fell over the room. Then suddenly the silence was shattered by a sharp and furious voice " How dare you choose Raven as the assassin. She is the heir to a fucking throne, not some wandering killer ". The voice belonged to the Demon Lord. " Listen Milord " Elder Marinolla started but to no avail as she was cut off by the Demon Lord's lordly tone "My final decision is that Raven won't be going to the assassination attempt ". This was the end of the conversation as everyone knew his words never change.

I was walking down the corridor after the council meeting. I spotted Raven going into her room. " Raven, Raven " I shouted while running towards her " I want to talk to you ". " Sure come in my room," she said and opened the door for me. " Lady Salvia please bring some tea" Raven ordered her lady-in-waiting as she entered the room. " Raven about what happened in the meeting today, the Demon Lord's objection, and the decision of the Anthobeast Community to send you as an assassin, it all is complicated but what do you think about going as an assassin, " I asked. " Asher this all is so winded up that one problem doesn't end the other starts. The thing is Xiya is our homeland and it can only gain freedom if someone assassinates His so-called Majesty of Darkness and my grandfather. With no one offering, I think that someone is me " I looked into Raven's eyes, the determination to enter Xiya's name on the world map was clear in them. " Why does that someone always has to be you? " I asked."I am the only Rebel. Only Dark Magic protector " she said " But Raven... " I started. " I am tired Asher, we shall talk about it later, " Raven said in a tired tone. " Sure " and with that, I exited her room.

Raven's POV :

This is not gonna work. If we didn't assassinate Haydrixin then let alone freedom, we won't even be able to exist. That is why Asher was referring to it as the first step towards the freedom of Xiya. After a lot of thinking I came to a decision. If it isn't me, then it's no one. I walked to the throne room and rang the serious matter conference alert bell. It is used only in Xiya and the purpose was when someone from the royal family needs to discuss some serious matter.

All the Elders came inside and were shocked to see me sitting on the Heir's throne. " Heir Queen you want to discuss something " Elder squealed. " Don't squeal Ronchird, if my daughter wants to discuss something it will surely be something serious" Papa commanded as he entered the throne room.

Everyone settled in their seats and Papa asked " Raven why did you called us here". " Papa I have made my decision," I said slowly. " Whatever decision it is I will be with you," Papa said and I was pleased. " I want to go as the assassin " I announced. Everyone was shocked at my announcement, excluding Papa, he was as calm as could be. " You know the risks and the dangers, don't you Raven? " Papa said. I smirked. " Papa, I know only one thing right now. If I don't go, no one will. If I didn't do this we will cease to exist. I want Xiya to be on the world map and the only way is assassinating Haydrixin ". Papa kept looking at me and said, " Very Well then I will make the arrangements but I have one condition," he said as he looked in my eyes, my grey-hazel eyes the same as my real sister's. I have seen her. She is still alive and in Haydrixin's prison. Her name is Mila Queen.

" Whatever the condition I will accept it," I said determinedly. " My condition is that if you want to go, you will take along 4 warriors that I have chosen " Papa Stated in his Demon Lord tone. That was the end of matters. He always protected me and I came prepared for it. But a team would be helpful. If they are warriors. " Okay then, it's settled. We will depart as soon as possible " I said and stood up. I walked out of that place.


Raven's POV :

I left the throne room and mind-linked Asher to come to the Dead Night Lake.

I shifted into my black dragon and flew towards our usual meeting point.

I landed and shifted back. There he was sitting on the fallen tree log. " You called me Milady " he said. " Yes Asher I have something to tell," I said. He nodded at me with questioning eyes. " Asher, I have decided to go and Papa says ..." I started but Asher cut me off and said, " The Demon Lord says that four warriors of his choice have to go with you. For your kind information I am one of those four warriors ". I knew that Papa will send someone from the royal family but I didn't think that he will send Asher. I was so happy that I jumped in his arms and he hugged me back. " I am so happy to have you as my companion on this journey Asher, Promise me you won't leave me alone," I said in a loving tone. "I promise I won't leave your side till my last breathe, Trouble. We live together we die together " He replied and I smiled. He was the best cousin one could get.