“And who is this?”
“Awww, do I have to go over this again? I already know all of the deities, the domains they rule over, and what they do.”
“Yes, my sweet child, you do. Besides we are almost finished,” Rhea said with a playful smile as she looked down at the child who currently sat rolling her eyes in irritation at having to do her lessons.
“Alright, fine,” huffed the irritated six-year-old godling.
“Alright, now who is this?”
“Aidoneus or Hades, the second-born child, and first-born male, of the Titan King Kronos and Rhea, the second Earth Mother. King of the Underworld, God of death and riches. Husband to Persephone Queen of the Underworld and Goddess of Spring.”
“That’s great, sweetheart, now, for the last one. Who is this?” asked Rhea as she pointed to the Goddess in the picture that the little godling had mesmerized and idolized from the time she first learned of her.
“Hera, the fifth-born child, and last-born daughter, to the Titan King Kronos, and the second Earth Mother Rhea. Queen of the Heavens and Olympus, Goddess of childbirth, women, marriage, and family. Wife of Zeus, King of Olympus, God of lightning and thunder, justice and law, and a complete asshole.”
“HELIA!!!” yelled Rhea. “You watch your mouth!”
“Why should I? It’s the truth, you know it, I know it, the entire universe knows he’s an ass...” she paused at the look her grandmother was giving her and knew that she needed to tread lightly, for she was cutting it close. “All I am saying is that everyone knows he’s a butthole, grandmother.”
“You still shouldn’t say things like about him, he is the King after all, and he would not like it if he were to hear of you calling him such names.”
“But you and Aunt Tethys call him that all the time,” the child countered back with a look of determination to get her point across.
“That may be true, but we are adults and can do and say as we please.”
“But that’s not fair, grandmother.”
“Life’s not a fair, sweet one,” chuckled Rhea at the little godling’s childish antics of pouting and folding her small arms across her chest. “Now, how about we head to the kitchen for some chocolate chip cookies to cheer you up, huh?”
At the sound of that, the child perked up, even if it was only a little bit, knowing her grandmother was trying to use one of her favorite desserts as a means to change the subject. She knew that she was right about Zeus and wanted nothing more than to prove her point, but that would have to wait until after she helped herself to her grandmother’s delicious cookies.
However, back on Olympus, Zeus proved the child to be correct in her view of him as an asshole. He had just been caught cheating, again, for Gods knows how many times now. It was a familiar routine by now. Zeus would go out, cheat with the next woman or man that caught his attention, fuck them until they passed out, return to Olympus, get screamed and thrown things at by Hera, apologize that he would never do it again, and start all over the next day. Different day, same routine, or at least that’s how it used to be. However, for the past three and a half years, she didn’t react to his cheating anymore. It was odd, to say the least. She wouldn’t be waiting up for him, ready to confront him on his whereabouts and who his latest whore was. Nor would she even bat an eyelash now whenever there was a new demigod born to him. She would just carry on like nothing was happening, and though he should be happy, he wasn’t, for he was slightly worried. Not about it concerning her health or well-being but instead afraid that she may have found another lover. He was confident in the past that she would never cheat on him for she is the Goddess of Marriage, and it would go against her very being to do so, but with how strange she had been acting in recent years, it bothered, worried, and angered him.
The violent thoughts that crossed his mind when he thought of another man’s hands, be it a god or mortal, around his wife enraged him to no end. She was his, he owned her, possessed her, and no one would take that from him. No one.