Chapter 7

Wan ke's P.O.V

The main hall is arranged with chabudai tables with four cushions placed around it in a row on the sides leaving the middle space empty.

Entering the noisy hall I make my way towards the table which is empty. Staying away from most of them will not cause any trouble because if I mingle with them I'm sure that they would find some clues.

Taking the kettle which is placed on the table I pour the green tea into the ceramic cup. Closing my eyes I move the cup to my lips and let the bittersweet liquid slide into my mouth refreshing my inner.

"Hey Keke," I almost choke when the words ring into my ears, opening my eyes I place the cup on the table and wipe around my mouth with the back of my right palm.

"Keke?," I repeat curiously looking at Henyu who is taking his seat opposite to me.