The rain was splashing against the windshield when Garciela turned the car into the driveway. She parked it with a peaceful smile, unbuckled her seatbelt, and looked at the blonde on the passenger's seat. Her left knee was nervously bouncing as she stared at the house in front of them, chewing the skin around her thumbnail, deep in thought.
She didn't answer and kept doing it, entirely focused on her brain—probably overthinking shit, Gracie wondered. "Baby," she said again, gently placing her hand on her bouncing leg.
Nyxie's head flew up, meeting her eyes, and sighed, giving her an apologetic smile. "It's okay," Gracie said softly. "They're gonna be nice, I promise." Her girlfriend chuckled, frowning, and she added, "Take your time, okay? Let's not do it before you're ready."
"We can't sit in the car for much longer," Nyxie murmured, nudging her chin towards the moving curtain, telling the two of them that Garciela's dads had been watching them.