"Sometimes in life you have to expect the unexpected, it could be either good or bad. You just have to be prepared for anything." - A.
So lets fast forward, shall we?
Okay so as the weeks pass I keep to myself, i've now dedicated my free time to reading.
I cry often though. After all I've lost my boyfriend and my bestfriend and there's also the fact that they are an official couple now, they aren't even trying to hide it, I see them around holding hands and making out.
Did they ever really care about me? I don't think so.
They try to talk to me often but there's nothing they can say to make things right. I feel like there's an empty hole where my heart's supposed to be.
But that can't be right because everytime I see them together I feel a stabbing pain in said hearts place.
I just walk away when they try to start up a conversation with me.
Because lets face it, them trying to talk to me, its like trying to strike a match stick that's been in the rain, its useless.
Maybe someday i'll be able to forgive them but I don't see that happening anytime soon...
One day months later, as I stood by the bus stop, in the pouring rain waiting for the bus to take me to school a lone biker pulled up in front of me.
"Need a ride, sweetheart? He asked.
"Um, no thanks." I told him nervously.
He stared for a while then said, "You don't need to be afraid of me, I'm a friend of your dad's."
"Oh, okay." I accepted his offer.
I knew he was lying but something about him drew me in.
With the rain pouring around us, he took off his leather jacket and helped me into it. With his helmet off I saw that he was quite handsome, with light brown messy hair, blue eyes and when he smile at me dimples appeared.
But beneath the dimpled smile and in the depths of his blue eyes lurked a sadness, I had only ever seen reflected back at me through mirrors.
Someone else might not have been able to see it but I knew sadness and in him I saw it.
With me safely tucked tight against him, he drove through the rain. With my arms hugged tightly to him and his unique woodsy sent filling my senses, I felt something i've never felt before, I felt free.
Like I'd been trapped my whole life and he had come to set me free...