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Chapter Six

On the first of October, my birthday, Jax held a party at the compound for me and invited everyone I knew, because lets face it he knew everything about me.

It was the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me.

The cake even had a printed on picture of me and Jax on his bike and when it was time to cut it, we both did together.

Things got wild after that, with him smearing cake on my face and all. It turned into an all out cake fight, in order to get cake you had to be willing to eat it off someones' face.

Anyhoo so after the party was finished and everyone went home, I stayed back to tell Jax thanks and all.

But when I went in search of him, I got my biggest surprise yet.

He was with some blonde barbie lips tangled, with his hands all over her body.

With my heart fucking shatter once again, I slammed the door closed.

Running to the nearest exit, with tears bluring my vision I ran right into Jen, Gamble's old lady. She was the nicest of the old ladies, she pulled me into a hug begging me to tell her what was wrong and that whoever had hurt me, would be sorry when Jax found out.

But what she didn't know was that Jax was the one that had hurt me and I couldn't tell her either, she'd probably laugh at my stupidity.

I knew Jax didn't feel the same way about me but it still hurts like a motherfucker!

Fuck this I head to the kitchen and pluck the bottle of Jack from the second shelf, taking a long shot feeling the amber liquid burn my throat.

As i'm going for a second shot someone from behind me snaches the bottle from my weak grip and I hear glass smashing against the wall, I don't turn because I already know its him.

He doesn't like me drinking, like he fucking owns me!

I grab another bottle of something but as soon as its in my hand its gone, joining the other.

I spin around to face him, he's leaning against the counter watching me with his intense blue gaze. He slides a gift wrapped box across the counter to me.

Is he serious right now? Can he not see my broken heart through my eyes? "Just open it, please." He whisper pleads and I obey, just like the first time we met.

The box it big and square with depth, I rip off the paper and open the box.

Inside sits a leather patch, not just any patch a property of Jax's patch.

I look at him, he's standing expressionless staring into my eyes, waiting.

Is this some kind of sick joke? "What the fuck, Jax?" I say before i'm infront of him slamming the jacket into his chest, tears streaming down my face, "Is this your fucked up way of a joke? Well ha ha your hilarious."

I start to walk away but he grabs me, pulling me into a hug and like the idiot I am I melt into him. "I'm sorry, little gurl." He whispers into my hair.

I laugh without humour, "Don't be, I'm the one who's sorry for falling for the one person I couldn't have, the joke's on me." I pull away again but he pulls me back, lifting me onto the counter, getting between my legs, he blocks my sides with his muscular arms.

"Don't you fucking say that Ari, and don't you ever walk away from me again." He demands, like he has the right to.

"I've wanted you since the first time I saw you, then I got an opening that day in the rain. We became friends but that was only supposed to be until you were legal, until today, Ari!" He partially shouts the last part.

But he's no where near finished, "You think I don't hate every minute that you aren't mine? You think I don't see all those guys watching you? Flirting with you? Wanting you as theres? Today was the perfect example of that, you agreed to go out with that glasses geek." He stops, taking a deep breath.

"Today was me giving up my dream to make you happy but then you saw us and you left." He finishes, eyes glossy. Thats what he thought?

"So thats why I decided to give you the gift that's been in my closet for months. If your heart feels anything like mine did when I saw you with that geek, then you feel the same way about me. I want you Ari, I want you to be mine and I want everyone to know, you belong to me."

From the way his words are slightly slured, I know he's well on his way to being drunk and if so everything he said is true. Drunk people tell no tails.

I know he only drinks when he's hurt.

Just like when we first met and he was hurt because of his father's death, he would drink his pain away and sleep with random girls but when I came along it stopped.

So he was really letting me go today. I'm now sobbing loudly and even though I just saw him with someone else I understand his pain, it calls to me.

And even though it still pains me to think about him with her, I forgive him.

I bury my face in his neck and hug his waist tightly, he smells like her but I stay wrapped up in his arms. I know if he lets go i'd crumple, like paper.

"I love you Jaxton Adams, with all my heart." I whisper into his neck, making his hold on me tighten. "But I just want to sleep." I say feeling the alcohol take over.

He chuckles and sags in relief, "Lets get you to bed baby." Then he bends at the waist and picks me up, along with the fallen patch and throws me over his shoulder.

He carries me to one of the rooms in the club house, sets me on the bed and helps me get under the covers, then he peppers my face with kisses. Making me dissolve into giggles.

He stops at the sound and kisses my lips, long and hard, "I love you, little gurl." He says, kissing me twice more, before I fall asleep.

So that's where our love story really begun, on a happy day turned heart crushingly, perfect.

The End...