Chapter VII

"Hey! You came." Harry grinned as he walked over to Kyla, hugging her. Liam on the other hand closed the door, gently looking at the door window.

"So, I want you to listen to this..." Harry said as he sat on a stool and picked up a guitar while Kyla occupied the other stool. He plucked a few strings as he smiled and looking at Kyla.

"Your hand fits in mine, like it was made for me,

But bear this in mind it was meant to be,

And I'm joing up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks,

And it all makes sense to me." Harry sang as he glanced at Kyla back and forth, The brunette smiled before looking at the door window and saw Liam grinning and giving her two thumbs up before waving goodbye.

"What do you think?" Harry asked shyly.

"It's really beautiful Hazza, did you write it?" Kyla smiled while the curly-haired boy nodded.

"I was hoping they'd let us perform this song once I finish it." He said as he started plucking a few strings again.

"Are you done with the song though?" Kyla asked while the boy shook his head.

"That's another reason why I asked you. Could you help me?" the green-eyed boy smiled while Kyla nodded.

The duo continued to work for at least and hour and half, before Kyla decided to bid goodbye and walk out the room.

"Ky!" Dylan smiled as he saw his best friend walk inside the theater room.

"Dylan!" Kyla reciprocated running to her best friend.

"How was date with Hazza?" Dylan teased as he met her mid-way

"It wasn't a date Dyl." Kyla laughed.

"For now, but you marked him Ky." Dylan winked, Kyla shrugged the comment off and decided to change the topic.

"Where's Pierre and Liam?" The brunette asked as she looked around.

"Pierre's at the stage, can't you see?" Dylan laughed pointing at a blue haired man dancing.

"Liam?" The brunette asked.

"He's at the back I think? Like the backstage?" Dylan said.

"You and Loser seemed to be very close now." Dylan teased.

“Loser huh?” Kyla raised her brow.

“Yup, Liam Oliver plus ser equals Loser.” Dylan smirked.

"Excuse you, but you and Pierre are getting closer as well." Kyla said sticking her tongue out.

"Excuse me woman, I haven't found my soulmate yet. Pierre's helping me." Dylan whispered.

"He knows?!" Kyla exclaimed whispering as well.

"No! Of course not." The Danish said shaking his head while Kyla squinted her eyes.

"I promise!" Dylan chuckled.

"Now take a seat somewhere here, or walk over there to get to the backstage, and I'll just get back to dance practice." Dylan said before lightly tapping Kyla’s shoulder and running back to the stage.

"Have fun!" Kyla yelled before walking to the direction Dylan pointed, in hopes of finding the green-eyed guy for companionship.

Despite the confusion and uncertainty, Kyla felt more closer to Liam than Harry and it's starting to get to her that she probably thought wrong about the curly-haired boy.

"Watching that brown hair swing, to every song I'd sing." Kyla quickly rushed to the place as the voice started to get nearer, she wanted to see who it was.

"You were California beautiful, I was playing everything but cool." The brunette was indeed captivated by the voice, but what she saw rather made her heart swoon.

"I can still hear that sound, of every wave crashing down." Liam was sitting there, smiling as he sang without a struggle.

It felt like it was only the two of them there when he caught her brown eyes and raised his eyebrow before smiling as he continued to sing.

Everything disappeared just like that, and Kyla swore there was something in the Liam’s stare that made her subconsciously smile at the sight. It was like the movies where everything went into slow motion, and the others vanished into thin air.

"The summer of 13, You and me." Liam sang, his eyes lingering on the brunette's brown ones. It was like she was singing for her, well at least that’s what Kyla felt.

"Hi." Liam smiled as he stood up from the stool he was sitting in, walking to Kyla as the brunette remained smiling at her.

"Hey." Kyla smiled as she hugged Liam, she didn't know what came over her, but she wanted to hug the raven.

"What brings you here?" Liam chuckled as he shyly looked around the room.

"Dylan said I could find you here." Kyla said.

"Well, here I am. Anything I can do for you?" Liam smiled.

"Oh! By the way, this is Hans and that's Jay." Liam grinned as he introduced two other guys that were in the room.

"And she's Tori." He pointed at the other girl by the far back.

"Guys, this is Kyla." Liam smiled. The trio politely greeted Kyla.

"Is she the girlfriend?" Tori teased while Liam gave her a glare.

"No, Ky is my friend. She already has someone she likes and h-" Liam started but was cut off when Kyla placed the palm of her hand on Liam's lips.

"He's very talkative, isn't he?" Kyla shrugged before pulling Liam away from the group.

"Don't!" Kyla warned when Liam started to move his lips.

"So, What ‘cha need me for?" The raven smiled, when the brunette decided to finally let go of his mouth.

"You told me you'd accompany me." Kyla pouted while Liam nodded.

"Yeah, do you have anything in mind?" Liam smiled fixing his leather jacket, furrowing his eyebrows when he couldn't find the strap he was looking for.

"I'm hungry." Kyla said as she gently fixed the raven's jacket for him, while Liam stared at her adoringly.

"What?" Kyla asked.

"You're very pretty." Liam said, making the brown eyed girl blush.

"Stop." Kyla shyly said as she hid her face on Liam's chest.

If anyone could see them, they'd probably think the two were together. Kyla had both her hands on the edge of Liam's leather jacket by his neck, as she hid her face in the raven’s chest.

"You're cute." Liam chuckled embracing the brunette. As soon as Kyla felt Liam's arms around her, she felt secured.

"There." Kyla smiled, pulling away from the hug.

"Thank you." Liam smiled.

"Let me get my bag inside and we'll eat." Kyla nodded as she watched Liam disappear from sight when he walked back inside the room.

"Hey Kyla! Liam likes you!" The brunette heard Tori yelling as she ran to the door.

"Liar!" Liam yelled from the inside before a cloth went flying onto Tori's back.

"Don't listen to her, she tries to set me up with anyone she sees." Liam said as he glared at Tori.

"Or she doesn't." Hans grinned.

"Not you too!" Liam exclaimed throwing the cloth at the blonde guy.

"She does like yo-"

"You better shut up." Liam hissed, cutting Jay off.

"Let's go." Liam smiled as if nothing happened, pulling Kyla's arm away from the backstage.

"I'm so sorry about them, they're really embarrassing sometimes." Liam chuckled nervously.

"It's okay Low, I am likeable." Kyla teased, earning a chuckle from Liam.

“Low? Really?” Liam shook his head.

“You gotta admit, Low is unique. Liam Oliver Wrenn.” Kyla smirked, making the older one groan.

“Not my full name. But yeah, you are indeed likeable Kyla Camila.” Liam chuckled.

Since he preferred using Camz, Kyla found it fair to create a unique nickname for him too, using his initials.

"Camz, you don't believe them do you?" Liam asked, Kyla gave him a small smile before walking ahead of him.

"Camz!" Liam exclaimed before laughing, chasing Kyla to the hallway.