"Gosh! Even now that you have a girlfriend, you still work on Saturdays?"
Auguste looked up and saw Geoffroy sit on a chair opposite him. They are now in the library-cum-office.
"Does having a girlfriend gives you the license to be irresponsible?" he replied to his nosy brother.
"Ouch! Oh! Why would I be affected? I don't have a girlfriend," Geoffroy retorted. "But when I do, I would definitely skip working on weekends to spend more time with her."
"You never work on weekends even if you're not in a relationship."
Geoffroy grimaced. "Touché!" he said sarcastically. "But even so. Didn't you learn from your past relationship, Brother?"
Auguste paused, although he still did not look at Geoffroy. His eyes remained on his laptop screen.
"She broke up with you because you didn't have time for her."
Suddenly, those words that Margaret said during their first meeting came back to Auguste's head.