The End


Darius came out of the lab with a tired face. He smiled at us and voluntarily fell on the chair out of tiredness.

"You did it?" I asked and he nodded positively.

"We need to test if it actually works," He said.

"Should we do it tomorrow?" Hannah asked, he nodded in disagreement. "Let's not waste time," He said and got back on his feet and proceeded back to the basement, we followed him.

He gave me two syringes that contained the vaccine he made. I injected the two zombies with the vaccines and they screamed. In pain? I don't know. They both went unconscious.

We waited for 30 minutes, but nothing happened.

"Let's check back tomorrow morning," Darius said and we all left the basement to get some sleep.


"Wake up people!" Darius yelled, we both woke up to Bread and tea. We quickly devoured it like hungry lions eating their prey.

"It's time to work," He said and headed to the basement, we followed.

The zombies were still unconscious. Darius drew blood from them and tested it, and voila, it doesn't contain the virus, it worked!

We hugged each other out of joy.

Minutes later, Darius got on his system and started pressing his keyboards very fast you wouldn't see his hands move.

"I set a tracker to be up all night, it's going to scan for any zombie that displays excessive 'zombie power' and track it. We should have found our Alpha," He said as he kept on pressing.

"How are you doing all these?" Hannah asked out of curiosity, she's marveled with everything Darius had done.

"I already told you how advanced my father's technologies are. Your world will be able to match our own current level of tech, perhaps in the next 100 years," Darius said. Hannah and I looked at each other in surprise.

"We found him!!!" He yelled, "See?" Points at the moving red dot on his monitor.

"We found him," I said.

"Now, I'm gonna zoom to find his exact location," He said and zoomed down to see exactly where he is.

"He's near us," Hannah said.

"Wait... can you zoom further?" I asked, and he zoomed further to show a clear map view like a google map 360 street view.

"Wait, that's my street... He's at my fucking house!!! My Mum!!!!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down, Jason, Calm down," Darius said.

"Give me a fucking vaccine, I need to go there right now!" I said.

"Get a grip of yourself!" Darius yelled. "Grab that box, Hannah (points at it)" Darius said. Hannah grabbed the little box and handed it over to Darius.

Darius opened it and brought out one syringe and handed it over to me, he gave one to Hannah also.

"Let's go save your mother, and end this, champ," He said.

"Hannah, stay behind for your safety," Darius said, but she disagreed.

"Fine, let's just fucking go!" He yelled.

We ran to the garage and entered his jeep. He opened the garage and drove out, off to my place as fast as he could. We met a swarm of zombies in my street, particularly in front of my house. I stepped out of the car without fear, Darius and Hannah came out after me, Hannah held my hand tightly, she was scared.

"We just have to be very close to Jason, we will be safe," Darius said. We slowly walked towards my house, the zombies made to attack, but a command from my brain to theirs sent them back. We slowly entered my house to see the Alpha Zombie strangling my mother.

"Mum!!!" I ran to save her, the Alpha released my mum who already fell unconscious and faced me, gave me a hard backhand chop on my chest which sent me collapsing against the TV. Darius also made advances to attack, but he suffered the same faith. Hannah just stood still, trembling. He walked towards Hannah, I couldn't let him hurt her, I managed to get up, with the syringe in my hand. I was about to stab him with the syringe on his back before he could hurt Hannah, but he turned back at me, and that was when I saw his face.

Darius gestured for Hannah to do it, but she was too terrified to.

"Father?" I muttered and my hand grew weak instantly, the syringe fell off my hands.

"Jason," He said for a moment and then grabbed my neck and started strangling me.

"I'm sorry son, It's not me, I can't fight it," He said. I was dying in his hands, I couldn't breathe, suddenly, he released me. I saw his neck, Hannah did it, she injected him with the cure.

He cried out of great pain and all the zombies felt it, all of them! He fell down on the floor. Every infected person also fell down, unconscious.

"Son, I'm very sorry for all I caused," He said amidst great pain.

"I only wanted to create something that'd forever help human beings, I wanted to make people able to live longer, to be able to survive without eating for months, to be able to live without falling sick, but I failed. I'm sorry Jason, I really am," He said and gave up the ghost.

I cried I haven't seen him for years, and when I finally did, he died. Even though I grew hatred for him, all the hatred I had disappeared when I saw him. He was only trying to save the world.


The world will never forget the event that happened. Over one million people got infected with the virus. Less than About 20,000 people died due to complicated injuries. Ambrose was lucky not to die, my mum was fine and so was Hannah and Ambrose's parents.

The US spent billions of dollars on renovation and health. No one knew what we did to save everyone. It wasn't important though, my father caused it.

"I enjoyed working with you kids," Darius said, he was ready to go back to his own world.

"Thank you so much for all you did, Darius. We all would've definitely died if you didn't come around," I said.

"Thank you, Darius," Hannah said and gave him a long, warm hug.

"Save more hugs for Jason," He said and winked at her, Hannah blushed.

"Thank you for saving my life," Ambrose said too.

"Farewell," He said and entered his jeep which transformed into the interdimensional transporter, one second, he was there, the other, he was gone.

I hugged my friends very tightly. We can live life normally again!