
"So, what's the plan?" Eliza asked, following Remus down towards the Whomping Willow.

They left in a hurry and she wasn't sure what she should do.

"We don't have a plan." The man responded, his mind swirling with a lot of thoughts at the moment.

From what Eliza could see, Remus was excited for both of them; after all, he hasn't seen Sirius in a long time. 

They were one step from the willow when Remus felt a light tinge on his heart and stopped. Eliza frowned and let him lean on her for a moment. The willow wasn't reacting so something happened early on; something that may or may not be beneficial. On the other side, it was a full moon and the hours were sifting quickly.

Eliza had done it before, going through secret passageways, but seeing a grown up doing it was definitely funnier, especially when that grown up was Remus. The two hurried towards the Shrieking Shack only to hear people speaking when they got close enough. In one quick movement, Remus pushed Eliza to the side while he barged in. She remained there, a bit surprised but still not judging her godfather's actions.

Everything she could do at the moment was to be smart and listen.

"Well, well, Sirius. Looking rather ragged, aren't we?" Remus started after disarming Harry, "Finally, the flesh reflects the madness within,"He continued, Sirius probably narrowing his eyes at his old friend.

"Well, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you?" Sirius responded in a smug tone, "I found him," He continued, his tone taking a 90 degrees turn.

"I know. We did too."

Eliza smiled sensing that she has been wrong when she doubted Remus' loyalty towards his friend.

She heard Sirius blaming the rat, which was in Ron's arms making everything look really bad. But Remus knew the truth now and it didn't even matter. They wanted to kill him or at least show the world that he was alive and Sirius wasn't a traitor. Of course, the trio had no idea and for the first time since they met, Eliza was really pissed off with Hermione.

"He's a werewolf that's why he's been missing classes!" She screamed like she knew everything already.

Eliza moved her foot, intending to enter and finish the business they actually came for.

Who knew Harry would find the passageway with the willow moving chaotically.

"You are the brightest witch of your age I've ever met," Remus responded in that certain way of his (gentle and genuine yet still sounding like he was messing with you).

Sirius couldn't wait to kill the rat and his overall personality wasn't exactly one that would explain by itself- much like Eliza from what she noticed. It was one certain moment that she hated so much that she had to interfere: when she noticed someone else ascending the stair towards them.

"You," She trailed, her eyes narrowing at the person. "This is not your business," She mumbled, grabbing her wand and pointing it at Snape. "You are wrong. You've been wrong this whole time." She continued.

"How would you know? You are his daughter and your blood will always be the worst of all."

Hearing those words, the brunette froze. It sounded a lot like he wasn't talking about Sirius but something completely different. That gave him opportunity to shove her aside and enter.

She entered after him, in time to see Snape pointing his wand at her father.

"Eliza!" She heard Hermione whisper but Eliza was busy with something else.

"Don't even dare, Snape." She threatened, her wand pointed at his neck.

"What are you doing? What is she doing?" Ron first asked Eliza before turning and repeating the question to his friend.

"Look at your daughter, Black. She's the mirror of what you were and will always be: a deception," Snape started, his eyes glancing to Eliza's green orbs with hatred.

Eliza heard a gasp behind her but she didn't have time for that. Who knew how much time they had until the moon was going to rise. They had to be quick.

"Severus, please. Eliza has nothing to do with that." Remus started, making their whole relationship even vaguer than it already was.

Fortunately, Harry was as curious as his father so he disarmed Snape and asked questions, leaving Eliza to relax a bit since that could only mean he wasn't going to do anything to her father or Remus; not yet.

"Tell me about Peter," He urged the two adults.

"He was at school with us. We thought he was our friend!" Sirius started, glancing at Eliza for a moment, remembering what he told her.

"No. Pettigrew's dead. You killed him!"

"No, he didn't. He's not dead and you know it," Eliza mumbled from the side, getting a nasty glare from Hermione.

"I thought so too, until Eliza mentioned Pettigrew on the map!" Remus responded, using logic to combat Harry.

"The map was lying, then."

"The map never lies! Pettigrew's alive! And he's right there!" Sirius snapped, pointing at Ron.

"Me?! He's mental!" Ron suddenly exclaimed in fear.

"Not you! Your rat!" Remus responded, making more sense than his friend.

"Scabbers has been in my family for..."

"Twelve years? Curiously long life for a common garden rat!" Remus added, his eyes narrowing at the animagus who was keeping himself safe in Ron's hands.

In the end, everything started to make sense and Harry could finally understand why Sirius was in Hogwarts in the first place. Of course, that wasn't enough to explain why Eliza lied all this time.

It was a few minutes later when Pettigrew changed back to his human form and sent a chill down Eliza's spine. She took a few steps back, remembering the man who was standing near the stairs when Voldemort killed her mother. He was there, witnessing the whole scene and he hadn't done anything. She lounged at him but Remus grabbed her hand and stopped her from actually beating the crap out of Pettigrew.

"You were there!" She screamed. "Remus, he was there when they killed mom! He was watching!" She was really angry and was squirming crazily in Remus' hands.

Sirius sighed and pointed his wand at the rat, ready to finish him for good.


Eliza turned to Harry, glaring at him from the depth of her soul.

"Harry, this man," Sirius started but Harry only glanced at Sirius before turning towards Eliza.

"I know what he is. But we'll take him to the castle." He started before turning to the rat, "After that, the dementors can have him."

Per say, the walk outside the Shrieking Shack wasn't exactly happy but not bad either. Ron's injury had been mended by Remus and he could walk, kind of; also, Remus had Pettigrew tied and bound to him and Ron so he wouldn't have the chance to escape. Sirius was in the back with Harry while in front of them was Snape's body being handled by Sirius. Eliza was in the back with Hermione.

"You are his daughter," The bushy haired girl started, still wary of Eliza now that she found out the truth.

"I'm not going to apologize. I only did what I thought was best for my family." Eliza answered coldly, not even glancing at her friend.

"You could have told us about him. We wouldn't have-"

"Looked at me differently? I doubt that; after all, he escaped Azkaban and he is not exactly the most likable man, or proper." The brunette grumbled.

"Did you know about Professor Lupin?"

"Remus is my godfather. I've been living with him for the past years so he knows me well." Eliza mumbled, still not completely feeling like sharing her life story with Hermione.

"But he is a werewolf," Hermione whispered.

"I know. But he is also family and I'm not going to turn my back on my family."

That response definitely hit some sensible chord in Hermione because she didn't say anything else afterwards.

Once they got outside, Hermione and Eliza walked to Ron's side.

"He's your bloody father!" Ron whimpered, making Eliza raise an eyebrow. "Your father is mental! He bit me!" He continued, his eyes widening as he was speaking.

Eliza chuckled and nodded along, feeling happy now that they had Pettigrew. Speaking of the rat, he was staring at Eliza with doubt.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare?" She stated coldly, throwing him a nasty look.

"I'm sorry I didn't help her back then," She should have been really stupid for that apology to sound remotely genuine. "Ophelia was a great friend and an amazing witch. But the Lord wouldn't leave his remnant-"

Remus' eyes widened and kicked the rat before he could say something else.

"Voldemort's remnant?" Eliza mumbled, staring at Pettigrew with malice in her eyes. "Are you making fun of me?" She continued but it only made the stuffy man chuckle.

"They haven't told you, have they? Your mother and Voldemort were-"

He got silenced by another kick from Remus, the rat falling on his face and getting the hint.

The traitor turned for help towards Ron, who has been his master for a long time. He was using flattering but that wasn't enough to save him. It didn't work with Hermione either so Peter turned to the person he could break with one word.

"Ophelia was my friend. I can tell you everything about her and your family's heritage," He started, making weird noises from living far too long as a rat.

"I don't want to know. Definitely not from you," 

As they were getting closer to the castle, one cloud shifted and the light of the full moon fell right on them. 

"No," Eliza whispered, her head quickly turning to her godfather. "Remus," She trailed, moving towards him very slowly.

"Harry!" Hermione grabbed their attention, shifting it on the man with the problem.

The transformation was unstoppable. Eliza barged inside his office and with everything going on he forgot to take his potion. Sirius ran to his friend, trying to keep him conscious for a bit longer but it was already too late.

"Remus. It's me, Liz. Please, remember. You know us, don't you?" She started, standing right behind her father.

Unfortunately, the werewolf couldn't understand anything and Sirius had to lead him away from the students.

"Remus!" She screamed but someone wrapped his hand around her arm and pulled her backwards.

"He can't remember you, Eliza!" Harry hissed.

With Remus being a werewolf and Sirius trying to keep the children safe, Pettigrew took the opportunity to grab Lupin's forgotten wand off the ground and unbound from Ron (hurting him in the process). However, before anyone could pay him with the same treatment, Pettigrew transformed into a rat and ran.


With Pettigrew gone, Remus galloping into the Forest and Ron unconscious on the ground, Eliza didn't know what to do. Sirius was in no condition to fight after his brawl with the werewolf and he whimpered away. 

"Harry, go after him," Eliza mumbled.

"What?!" Hermione couldn't believe it. "Ron's unconscious and-"

But Harry was already running to Sirius.

Snape woke up in time to see two students crouching next to a ginger head. 

"You! You little-" He stopped when he saw Ron's unonscious body. 

With one sway of his wand, a stretcher appeared right next to them and Ron's body was moved on it. 

"We'll see what will happen with you dear father." Snape snarled, eyes glaring at the green eyed witch. 

In the end, something happened, something she couldn't explain and they all ended up in hospital. She didn't have any wounds, only scratches but her mind was working rapidly, trying to place the pieces into an order.

They all ended up in the hospital wing, Ron with the biggest blow. Eliza was the first to wake up and she glanced at Harry before she left. Right outside the door was professor Dumbledore. 

"I believe we have to talk, Miss Black."

Eliza followed Dumbledore in utter silence. When he turned around and looked down into her green eyes, she felt like she had done something really bad.

"What did Mr. Pettigrew tell you, Eliza?"

"Nothing, really. My father got caught and I should-"He stopped her with one knowing look.

"Everything will be alright. You don't have to worry about your father, he will be just fine." Dumbledore spoke with confidence. "Eliza, you should go wait for your godfather." He continued before he turned around, ready to leave.

"Wait! Will I be able to come back to Hogwarts after everything that's happened tonight?" Her question was only normal.

"That is entirely up to you. Hogwarts will always welcome young witches and wizards like yourself." He smiled softly, a certain twinkle in his blue eyes before leaving.

Now that Dumbledore was out of sight, she could actually remember what Pettigrew told her.

Ophelia was a great friend and an amazing witch. But the Lord wouldn't leave his remnant-


What was the meaning behind that word? Residue, rest, leftover-

"Leftover?" She muttered, leaning against the wall, her eyes watering from fear.

"Your mother and Voldemort were-"

What were they? She was sure she didn't have any connection to that monster. Unless…

"Mom was a Death Eater?" She choked that sentence out, feeling like a great pressure just fell on her shoulders.