І Натэ БэіиБ Рооѓ!

"yes! burn everything! burn all of them!" She quickly moves to the clothe room and throw all of the clothe on the floor. The two maids become flustered and quickly collect the pitiful dresses and robes on the floor.

"are you..are you sure you gonna burn all this? all this dresses are still good," Kirana hold up the black dress in front of her.

"no! all this clothe and dresses are out dated! they are too plain and dull! even the grandmother of General Fedri is wearing a far up to date dress!i'm absolutely not gonna wear all this!"

"but..isn't this what you used to like..?" with a low voice Kirana muttered those words.

"that's in the past,from now on i'm gonna need your legendary skills on me! there will be no more the dull Queen Havaliana!"

"Call the best designer in this kingdom right now! The Queen is expecting her present!" Like a warrior burning with passion,she decided it's gonna be a new life for her and a new life need a good starter. To have those she needs back her self confidence and motivation!

Those two young maids looked at her with shining eyes and eagerly cheering for her new transformations. So the time for them to use their talents have finally arrived.

Both Kirana and Tiana looked at each other with a fighting spirit.

"yes your majesty!" Tiana quickly moved out of the room and instruct the guards to bring the best designer, Lady Diandra to face the queen.

While Kirana quickly collect all the clothe,and leave only 2 dresses for Arcane.

Arcane walked back and forth in the room planning things that she's gonna do for the new day. There are so many things she wants to do but at the same time the memory of the previous owner came into her mind.

'there are traitors in this palace....and traitors will bring fall to the kingdom!'

'if this kingdom fall, i'll lost my position as the queen,'

'and if i lose my position then i'll lose all the money and if i lose the money i'm gonna be poor!' She snapped and stopped walking.

"No!" her shout startled the maids.

Then she continue walking back and forth making Kirana and Tiana looked at her worriedly.

"i'm still sure there is something wrong with her brain," Tiana whispered to Kirana.

"maybe a few drops of water left in her brain??"

"Let's just hope for the best..,"Kirana sounds defeated.

Then suddenly Arcane moves toward the door and about to burst open the door,but Tiana was quick to prevent her.

"your majesty you can't,"

"why? "

"we can help you with what you want,"

"i want to call vincent..move aside!" She swiftly walked pass both of them.

"your majesty,you're still in your night gown!"Kirana tried to prevent her from opening the door.

"what's wrong with this night gown? it's just a plain white gown! move aside Kirana i want to call Vincent! there's something important i need to discuss with him!it's a matter of life and deaf!"

"but..but ..it's better if you wear this cardigan your majesty," quickly Tiana bring the long cardigan and put it on her and tied it. Covering her exposed legs.

"just now they are in my room,there seems to be nothing wrong...and now what's with this over reaction," Arcane mumbled while looking at the cardigan.

'urghh even this cardigan looks so dull,'

"it's because just now your lower part of body was covered with blanket your majesty," Kirana said with a relief face.

As soon as she said that, Arcane opened the door without warning.

"Panggg!!" The big wooden door smashed with the wall.

The sudden 'pang' make the guards surprised and quickly check the situation,but as soon as they arrived they saw the queen going out of the room wearing cardigan and quickly they lowered their body and gaze.

"vincent! vincent!" upon hearing the queen is searching for the royal secretary they quickly separated and searched for him all over the palace.

While Vincent is peacefully taking a nap at the corner of the North Library. A library that rarely visited by other people.

He was dreaming of a beautiful lady wearing a royal blue dress,with a small white umbrella on her hand and walked gracefully while taking a glance on him. He chuckled (during sleeping)

Then suddenly that beautiful lady stop walking and put her small and delicate hand on his cheeks. It feels so good having her hand on his cheek and he kissed her hands.


'why her hand smell weird?'

He kissed her hand again and suddenly he felt a strong force on his cheek.

He snapped from his sleep only to find Mr Bred,the gardener standing in front of him with a shocking face.

"why did you kiss my hand?!!"

"kiss? wait..what??!"

"you're laughing like a crazy man and even blushing during your sleep, what exactly are you dreaming huhhh?..," with a wondering face Mr Bred looked at Vincent.

"wha..what? huh?no i didn't," He grew restless and automatically defensed himself

"you even kissed my hand!!"

"no wonder it smells weird...i kiss a hand of a gardener..,"he mumbled with disappointment.

"you better hurry, the queen is searching for you,she's been screaming and shouting your name,i feel like i'm gonna turn deaf hearing your name all over the place,"

"She's searching for me? for what reason?" quickly he stands up and search for his shoes and sock.

"how do i know..," Quickly Vincent exited the library and headed to Arcane.


"if only the queen know that you're always slipping from doing your work...but what can i say when you're a genius who can get everything done in a minute..?"

Vincent arrived in front of the rest room and upon his present the guard immediately open the door for him.

There he saw a few well known designers and also Lady Diandra standing in front of the queen. Then he saw Arcane is looking and analyzing the catalog from each designers..reviewing them one by one.

"you finally arrived Vincent!"

"yes your majesty, i'm at your service!"

"Tiana..Kirana,bring our designers out for some food at the garden,bring along all this catalog..after i've done my business i'll go there,"

"yes your majesty," and they packed their belonging and go out.

"i need a list of the corrupted and untrusted nobles," she quickly goes straight to the point.

"for now i already have my own black list but i need more...,something more discrete..,"

"yes your majesty! i'll bring you the result by tomorrow!"

"good..for now i only want to expose one person, and make it as a warning to everyone not to mess with me,and that person should not be someone too weak and too strong, but someone from the nobility,"

"i do have the target your majesty,but i'll investigate more!"

"Freya! i want you to help Vincent,"

"yes your majesty,"Freya who was standing at the corner of the room give Arcane a nod.

Arcane walked slowly with a face full of hatred.

"i'll expose you! one by one and i'll never let you destroy my kingdom and my subjects!"

"because! I hate being poor!" Arcane suddenly looked at Vincent and yelled, making him startled with the sudden changes.

"yes your majesty,you hate being poor!"

"2 weeks from now i want you to open a test, that will last for 2 weeks,"

"what test your majesty?" (Freya)

"it's time for us to gather new talents from all over the place,no class restriction,it's open to everyone!"

Vincent quickly pay attention to her words as he will need to make it work.

"all of them will be tested according to my law and those who pass will be given a position based on his result and also under my permission!"

"yes your majesty!"

"i'll be giving the details to you tomorrow, there are still something i need to plan for now,"

Arcane stand up gracefully.

"for now i want to plan my clothe first...," then she walks out of the room followed by Freya. Vincent gave her a bow and then sighed.

'there are so many things i need to do right now,'

'i hope in this first month i'll still have my hair, i'm still too young to be bald, i haven't even have my own girl,'

Arcane walked along the hallway when she suddenly felt the present of a different creature beside her...there she saw a white dragon with a pair or blue eyes emerged behind her back and flew beside her.

"now you decided to show yourselves?"

"i'm waiting for a suitable time,"

Freya just kept walking behind her, because she already used with this situation where the queen is whispering alone. That's mean she communicating with her spiritual dragon.

"it's good that you're here..first i'm sorry about your partner's fate, although i'm also sorry for my fate,"

"really? you don't seem so...," Arcane smirked.

"what can i call you?"


"nice name...,"

"thanks..btw you have a power,do you know?" Arcane stopped immediately, She totally forgot about all this power things,then she resumes her steps.

"we'll talk about that later," she needs somewhere more secretive to talk about that,because she knows nothing about all this power thing

"as you wish dear,"

"btw,i'm sure you'll know more about the people around her? it won't be bad if you help me right?"

"i don't know people around her,"


"because she's not my partner,"

"what? she's not? then who's your partner?"

Dhia looked at her before answering.

"you!" then she emerged into her body,leaving Arcane all clueless.
