Recruited for 250 million Dollars... What the f*ck

With tears forming in the corner of his eyes Carter trailed after Quinn in awe of the man's great heart.

A night later

Quinn's phone had been ringing nonstop, annoying him to no end. He woke up to check it, only to find a contract. Quickly browsing through, his bank balance in dollars had increased by 10000$ 60 different times.

"What the heck "

In the Dungeon with Carter (Training for Quinn)

Quinn looked through his bag for something and then took out a bankbook.

"What's this?"

"It's the Bonus from the recruitment fees. "

'Why are you giving this to me in the middle of- gah never mind. '

The pair was deep in a Dungeon filled with magical beasts. But carter just took the book and read through it quickly

'Six hundred thousand dollars?'

Carter's eyes widened after looking inside the bankbook.

"You're giving all the income from your monthly money so far to me?"

Quinn nodded.

"Of course. It's also not like I'm raiding because I need the money. More than that you are the one who is really killing all the magic beasts right, you even helped me gain experience? So, what right do I have to even think about sharing such income?"

The middle-aged man's eyes sparkled hoping for some praise. 600000$ is worth a year's salary for him, especially since retiring because of his injury.

'Oy… Look at this kid…'

In the past few days, Quinn had felt like Carter's attitude towards him was changing. In the beginning, the man had followed him with no choice and for his money. Now it felt like he was a little Master that truly respected him and taught him wholeheartedly. Carter was his hunter trainer.

'You know he's kind of adorable in that sense. '

Quinn smiled widely.

"I can really take all of this right?"

"Have I Quinn, ever seemed like someone who would say one thing and mean the other?"

Carter chuckled and waved with the bankbook.

"Alright, I'll take this with gratitude then. "

"Thank you!"

Carter bowed his body at a 90-degree angle. If someone were watching from a distance they would not be able to tell exactly who was giving money to whom.

Meanwhile outside of the Dungeon. The pair's "teammates" had found their own way of passing the time. When Raid leader Carter and assistant(?) Sung Quinn entered the Gate the other Hunters began to grab a spot here and there and entertained themselves. As expected, the most popular pastime for a group of them was "Go-Stop" [4]. Five of the Hunters sat in a circle playing the game.

"Which Raid is this one?"

"Let us see… we did three on the first day two yesterday and this is the second one today. That makes it the seventh, but will this one be counted as a raid, it is for recruitment after all?"

"Is it okay for those two to continue at this pace? Normally raiding parties tend to take a week's rest after a single Raid, right?"

"Eh don't worry about those guys. Every time they come out of the Gate, they are not even breaking a sweat. Besides, we are just earning three million each time without doing anything. We are not able to complain. Oy it's your turn. "

"Ah okay. "

As they noted, even though their non-stop schedule Quinn and Carter did not appear to be tired at all. They did not know but this was because of the potions. Thanks to that they were over a third of the way through the 19 Raids they needed. Soon the Gate started to ripple, and the pair appeared before the waiting Hunters.

"Oy there comes the leader. "

"Let's get up"

The Hunters started cleaning up their spots.

"Don't forget your stuff. "

"Wake up the sleeping ones. Make sure you didn't miss anything. "

The Hunters moved with perfect coordination. The sleeping Hunters also quickly got up and prepared to move.

"Let's go!"

Everyone was becoming used to this bizarre Raiding method.

The Daemon Guild's office is nearby.

The head of the Second Management Division Kirin Masamoto was about to blow a gasket early in the morning.

"Deputy kyle! The recruitment must be ours by tomorrow! What do you mean we do not have the budget for it, he isn't worth more than 10 million dollars is he?!" He asked in a fit of fury.

Deputy Kyle just lowered his head deeply.

"I-I apologize chief. There's been that team that's been snatching up every C-rank Gate in the area before we could get our hands on it... "

"What? Then just spend more money to reserve it! Is our Guild missing money or workforce? What exactly is the problem?!"

"I tried but…"

"Hey! I didn't ask for your "tried but's!"

At Mr kirin's shouting, the entire Second Management Division fell into silence as if at a funeral. It has been some time since Mr Kirin was this angry.

Just what did they think the Daemon Guild was?

It was one of the top 5 Guild of America.

Appropriately its employees must be greatly skilled. Mr Kyle was also a proud employee who had never made a mistake until now. And to think such a man couldn't even reserve a B-rank member as the new recruit! This was a major mistake. Chief Kyle was the head of the Second Management Division which was the team in charge of recruiting new Hunters and training them. (The First Management Division was in charge of managing the official member Hunters of the Guild. )

"J-just take a look at this chief!"

Kirin Masamoto held out a laptop.

"You son of a-"

Kirin was about to berate the man again but then looked at the numbers on the laptop and gasped in surprise,

"T-two hundred and fifty million? There's someone who used two hundred and fifty million to reserve a mere B-rank Brat?!"

That's it for today, see you guys tomorrow, Ciao.