He ran from there and drove his car as fast as he can to his mansion. He was totally disappointed when he reached there. His mansion was completely destroyed in an attack. Also he found that his father was murdered in that blast.

Two days later.....

Alfred was sitting in a dark room grieving his father's death. Suddenly the door opened. It was his trainer john.

"Don't cry my boy, he will live in our hearts forever".

"It's all my fault".

"Not yours kid, we will find who's behind all these".

"I will revenge my father's death".

"Don't do anything stupid, you are my greatest mentee".

"I don't know what to do".

"Forget about all these and try to live your life".

"So are you saying that I should forget my own father?"

"That was not what I was saying".

"Then who will stop all these?"

"You've read the newspaper right? There's a new hero. He will stop all these crimes".

"I don't think he will return".

"We all believe in him. He will bring peace to our world".

"But after all these days we never saw him".

"He will return. A hero never runs away from his responsibility"

This one sentence changed his mind forever. He decided to protect his planet till his last breath and to stop his evil brother from destroying the humanity.

"I'm gonna find a better place sir. I know that I will become a burden for you".

"You can stay as long as you need. How come you be a burden for a man who have nothing more to lose?".

"I am sorry sir".

"Sorry for what? I see a great man in you. You will be a hero".

"I will do my best sir".

"Now me too believe in that hero. He will return to fight".