Your Master is Disgustingly Rich Now

"So, you transmigrated. So, what? I'm more concerned about whether we will be able to eat and live well or still face horde after horde of ugly zombies. Get your priorities sorted, stupid master!" The fluff ball smacked her cheeks twice with his soft, pink paw pads.

Instead of answering, Gongsun Fei merely cackled with delight. It came out of nowhere and stunned Jin's poor, little heart. He scurried as far away from this master as he could.

"Whatever you have, it better not be contagious. If it is, stay six feet away from me. I don't want to catch it." Jin said contemptuously with a frown.

Where's the psychiatrist at? His master has gone bonkers and is in dire need of help. We're not shy about this topic. This is as normal as it could be, so please come.

"Jin, my baby, you don't have to worry about those trivial things. We're practically in another world. There won't be zombies any longer. Not to mention, your master is disgustingly rich now."

Gongsun Fei smirked proudly while declaring this. She has to look the part alright. Although in reality, she just tilted her chin arrogantly, leaning against the soft pillows in the bed.

Well, whatever works.

"What do you mean?" The cat's tail swished sideways in suspicion.

Gongsun Fei may look convincing at the moment, but one will never know.

"You see, this new body of mine has quite the fascinating identity." She whispered as if plotting a conspiracy with her accomplice.

Her pale lips held a small, triumphant smile.

Aside from being a well-known film empress and singer, Yue Fei was someone even more than that.

She was the freaking princess of the Gongsun Clan, okay?

The clan currently held the seat as the wealthiest, most powerful, and most influential family amongst the Four Great Families.

Gongsun Fei was a true blue-blooded noble. Even better was the fact that the Gongsuns weren't the cliché type of powerful family where power struggles were lurking in every corner.

The main family only consisted of her grandfather, her brother, her uncle, and of course, Gongsun Fei. Her parents have long passed away due to a plane crash leaving a ten-year-old Gongsun Zibai and a baby that was her, who wasn't even a year old. It was her grandfather and young uncle who took care of the siblings and brought them up as lovingly as they could.

Gongsun Fei felt like giving the original a smack. There wasn't a need for her to enter the entertainment industry at all, given her birthright.

But just because she felt undermined by her uncle and big brother, she rebelled and ran away to live in the capital and struggle as an actress.

Little did she know that her endeavors only went as smoothly as they did due to her big brother and uncle's protection in the dark. Tch. The original was stupidly proud. Not that it was that bad. The willingness to suffer through difficulties to prove her worth is still commendable in a way. Just a little idiotic, in her opinion.

Why bother going through so much when she could have lived like a salted fish pampered by her family every day? Ain't that the dream life?

Gongsun Fei saw so many similarities between her and the original. So much that she felt a little apprehensive about it.

The faces that she had long forgotten surfaced in her mind like a nightmare unfolding once again.

"Why do you have that expression? Why are you feeling despair?" Jin's sudden cutting and anxious voice drew her attention. A complicated look crossed her face but it faded so quickly that Jin didn't notice.

"Jin, I never did tell you about what happened that led to your awakening back then." Gongsun Fei started.

Another chance. She has a new shot at starting over. She has to start it right. Gongsun Fei thought it would be good to let Jin know about her past. He deserves it as someone who has accompanied her to death, onto this new life. At the same time, she could reaffirm every single painful lesson she learned the hard way in that fleeting past.

"Based on this erratic emotion of yours, I will graciously spare you the misery of doing so." The cat's pudgy face held a clear expression of "I'm not interested", thoroughly dismissing her purpose.

But of course, Gongsun Fei wouldn't be Gongsun Fei if she stopped just because Jin didn't seem interested.

She said with a laugh. "I'll tell you anyway."

Jin rolled his feline eyes in surrender. He knew it would be like that. It wasn't that he didn't want to know. This little one has been curious about it for a long time now.

When he awakened, the first thing he received was an order of slaughter. A massacre of hundreds of thousands of people. Being the good guardian that he is and the fact that he was still disoriented, he followed it to the letter.

He did briefly notice that Gongsun Fei wasn't in the right state of mind at the time. Jin assumed that time was probably the first time she went berserk. And that she was triggered by something quite disturbing.

Jin knew that it was a painful time and situation for Gongsun Fei to remember. He knew better than to bring it up since the person involved never talked about it since then.

Now that there was a chance for him to listen to the entire story, Jin felt his courage turning tail on him. Especially when he felt that faint tinge of despair lingering in their soul connection. It was all sorts of red flags.

How stifling!

He didn't want to hear it ah!

Except, he no longer has that choice for Gongsun Fei has started her narration.

"You see Jin, similar to this new body, I was also a famous actress before the apocalypse. A Heavenly Queen. I was quite popular. But more so I had my family. My grandpa and my big brother." She mumbled slowly.

"Wow. Who would've thought? A Heavenly Queen who was secretly a member of the rotten women. This gap is...disturbing." Jin interjected sarcastically. Truthfully, he wasn't surprised.

His master, Gongsun Fei, was unique in that sense.

"Shut up, Jin. A peasant like you just can't realize the beauty of BL." Gongsun Fei retorted, which earned a mocking sneer from the little furball.

"Anyway, I thought that we'd always be together. My family and I. Even when I got married or when my brother started his own family. But life is a fucking bitch and it just doesn't work that way."

Despite her bland tone, Jin could feel the fondness she held when she mentioned her family.