Wet Dream

Summary: Oscar sneaked into Hu Yetao's bedroom, closing the door with a quiet creak hoping he didn't wake the others. He looked over at Hu Yetao who was sleeping peacefully.

Oscar sneaked into Hu Yetao's bedroom, closing the door with a quiet creak hoping he didn't wake the others. He looked over at Hu Yetao who was sleeping peacefully - Oscar smiled at the beautiful sight. Walking forward, breath held, Oscar finally reached his destination. "Hu Yetao...." He whispered into the younger boys' ear, nuzzling his face in to smell his scent as he did. "...Wake up. I have something for you..." Oscar smirked.

Hu Yetao partially opened his eyes letting them adjust to the dark. He smiled as they did at what he saw. Oscar was looking down at Hu Yetao, hair tousled, bare chest, and smirking. "What?" Hu Yetao croaked.

"I said, wake up sleepy head - I have a surprise for you" Oscar whispered, smiling at Hu Yetao's obvious confusion.

"Oh really?" Hu Yetao said sleepily as he noticed Oscar gesturing to him to move up, as he did he pulled the duvet up granting access to Oscar. He closed his eyes as he felt Oscar's hand reach up and get lost in his hair. He moaned slightly, a smile forming on his lips.

"Damn right I do..." Oscar whispered seductively into tao's ear, causing goosebumps to form where his breath breezed the warm skin. Oscar's lips brushed against Hu Yetao's neck; he kissed him slowly, gently nipping at him, leaving a faint mark. Oscar leaned over Hu Yetao, a hand on either side of his head as he smirked down at the younger boy, his leg pushing Hu Yetao's apart granting him access, he shifted so his hip pushed down on Hu Yetao hard.

Hu Yetao let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding in. "Damn...Oscar, what..." He cut him off as he kissed him, biting down on his lip. Oscar smiled as he could feel Hu Yetao trying to dominate the kiss. "I don't think so, Taotao," Oscar murmured causing Hu Yetao's breath to hitch. Oscar's tongue found its way past Hu Yetao's lips as the kiss deepened.

He pressed his hip down on Hu Yetao, feeling him harden even more at the pressure. He felt Hu Yetao's hands on his bareback, reaching up he grabbed Hu Yetao's wrists bringing both arms down by his head, pinning them there. He smirked playfully as he whispered "Do as you're told. No touching," into Taotao's ear, as he nipped at his lobe.

Oscar's kisses and nips moved down to Hu Yetao's collarbone, causing him to react by throwing his head back, a soft moan escaping his lips. As his mouth reached Hu Yetao's brazen nipple he becomes more aggressive, biting slightly harder each time, enjoying the sounds Hu Yetao was making. "Turn over." He whispered, getting up to give Hu Yetao room to maneuver.

Hu Yetao moaned as Oscar's fingers traced the skin around his hole. "Zhengxi...oh, Shit..." was all Hu Yetao could manage as Oscar teased him. "Yes, baby?" Oscar replied, smirking as he kissed at Taotao's spine, as he reached to the lube he'd brought with him. His fingers now wet and slick, resumed their position causing Hu Yetao to sink his head into the pillow to muffle the moans he couldn't stop. "Zhengxio... fuck me. I need you to..." Hu Yetao's voice was low and rugged - raw with lust. "...Fuck...." Hu Yetao moaned, louder this time as he felt Oscar's finger slide inside him, gently easing him open. Oscar's finger curled upwards as he pushed deep inside Hu Yetao, shivers emanating from the younger boy, causing Oscar to smile. He liked knowing the effect he was having on Hu Yetao, he liked seeing him squirm, his body desperate for more.

"You like that?" Oscar whispered into Hu Yetao's ear, his breath hot, causing goosebumps over Hu Yetao's skin. Taotao's breath hitched as Oscar inserted a second finger. Hu Yetao tried and failed to control his breathing, lust had completely taken over all of his senses, and all he could feel was Oscar. Oscar. Oscar. His heart sped up as he felt Oscar quicken his pace. He didn't know how long he could last; he was so close to the edge.

"You ready for something more?" Oscar whispered in his ear, nipping at his lobe. He smirked as Hu Yetao nodded, breathless, and unable to answer. Oscar kissed down Hu Yetao's jaw as he opened the condom, sliding it over himself. He placed one hand on Hu Yetao's hips as he alleviated himself inside Hu Yetao, the tightness overwhelming him as he choked out "Damn, Tao Tao... you feel so good..."

Hu Yetao gasped as he felt Oscar's thrusts become quicker and deeper. He was overwhelmed, the fullness he was feeling taking over his mind. He had no control over the moans escaping from him, more audible with each thrust.

Oscar tightened his grip on Hu Yetao's hips, his fingers were bound to cause bruising, a mark of possession. His breath sped as he thrust into Hu Yetao harder, honoring in the way Hu Yetao moaned, the way his body reacted, the way he wanted more. Bending down he kissed along Hu Yetao's spine, a hand reaching round to find Hu Yetao's hard cock. He slowly moved his hand down Hu Yetao's length, causing him to bite on his bottom lip, sensations firing themselves at him so fast he couldn't keep up. "Zhengxi. I'm going to." He moaned into the pillow.

Oscar smirked, leaning down to whisper into Hu Yetao's ear, "come for me", each word was met with a thrust causing Hu Yetao's body to jerk in reaction, his body shuddering as he came. "Damn, Osca... you're..." he started, unable to finish, trying to catch his breath. Seconds later he felt Oscar thrusts slow as he followed Hu Yetao with climax. "Uh...fuck..." Oscar moaned, his voice husky and raw as he collapsed on Hu Yetao. "Well, that was fun..." he whispered, kissing Hu Yetao's neck and nipping at his ear. "Mm... it was..." Hu Yetao muttered as he felt his eyes close.

*** Next Morning

Hu Yetao blinked slowly, his eyes becoming accustomed to the sunshine seeping in through a gap in the curtain. "Ugh." he groaned as he recalled his dream. He needed to stop this. He was dreaming far too often of his best friend Oscar Wang. He reached down and took himself in his hard, already hard as the memories of his dream came to his mind. He closed his eyes as he started to move his hand, relaxing into the mattress as images of Oscar fucking him came to his mind... At least he got a good start to the day.