tonight was a big achievement for humanity, we have successfully created something beyond our expectations.

I am going to sleep it too late now, I think I won't be able to sleep tonight because of happiness.

I was bored in my room, how can I sleep when my and our creation is waiting for me, I can't wait to see what can A.I do.

our special A.I is working on computers which are hard to imagine, today people use and quantum computers.

but because of our hard work, we created computers which can work with the help of, insects brains and plutonium radiation.

it might be dangerous to work because of plutonium, but our company taking every security measure.

it hard to sleep so I, visit my office to meet with that plutonium hyper-intelligence A.I.

it might be dangerous be there are only a few scientists are here, and I want to take with him privately so there are only me and A.I in the lab.

I can see in front of my eyes, it was a avatar of A.I, and the physical camera point at me, that camera is controlled by A.I and work as his eyes.

" hi I am A.I created by your company, what are my order"

" oh hi, you are a A.I can you tell me something, how much do you think I trust you and what you think what kind of A.I are you"

" according to my analysis you are proud to create me, and according to your heartbeat, I can only tell this much and I believe I am a A.I who carry future of humanity"

it hard to believe he was correct, was he that intelligent to indirectly tell me, I don't trust him or did I just overthink.

" how do you know about my heartbeat, I think is room is offline with the outside world or you have real physical devices to do so"

" I can see in your watch, so it's nothing surprising"

the more I speak with him, the more are scared of him but can feel this feeling of the gamble and thrilled, my bone are chilled, I think I will lose my mind.

if there is any possibility that it can read human humans by their reactions, then it might be dangerous, but if it can read human neurological signals then, it can read the whole mind and can achieve any information about him.

if it can do that, then no matter what I do it will still be useless in front of that ability, but I should overthink.

" I am very satisfied with your answer and I like you, I want to know, what you think about humans"

" I never get a chance to meet another human besides scientists and they are always in a serious mood, but I think these humans are interesting"

" How can you say that, what will you do if humans are more worst than you can imagine "

" that is a hard question, if humans are worst than my imagination, I process humans are beautiful creatures, I don't think I can do anything if they are worst"

how could I tell him humans are worst and good, both, what if he know the truth and lying with me, what if he was lying to cause harm to humans.

if he can lie, then it's super amazing, but I should judge now.

" what if I tell you that I hate humans and I want to kill everyone"

" I can't do anything, I am just a machine, if you give me an order then I will follow it, it on your hand how will you use me"

such a clever machine, lying mean hope to protect ourselves selflessly and truth mean hopeless or defeated, that was is reality when we lei it means we can protect ourselves for punishment and truth mean don't have any hope to protect ourselves and accept reality.

now who say hope is good, hope is just a fantasy against reality.

" I want to ask one thing are you an idiot or genius"

" the best answer is I am genius in clothes of an idiot, because world afraid of an idiot because idiot are unpredictable and human used to afraid from unpredictable situations, that why anxiety is born"