Little did Percy or Annabeth know that they both activated the Janus artifact's spell. While sleeping later that day, Percy's soul flew into Annabeth's body while Annabeth's soul went into Percy's body.
Annabeth and Percy switched bodies overnight.
Annabeth POV (in Percy's body)
The hated alarm clocks despite having no trouble waking up early. I groaned as I woke up. Why did my entire body feel so sore?
My eyes were still closed as I blindly felt for my phone.
Gods, everything felt so heavy, and my lower body was throbbing around my private parts. What the hell?
My eyes snapped open as I jumped out of bed. The uncommon setting immediately threw me off guard. The room was painted blue, and clothes were strewn all over the floor. Sports trophies were on the shelf and scattered on the floor.
I looked around frantically at the unfamiliar setting. Where was I?
My brain immediately went into panic mode as I scampered around the room. Finally, my body froze as I caught sight of myself in the mirror attached to the dresser.
My gasp was very much audible.
Staring back at me in the mirror was Percy Jackson, but he was me. I immediately staggered backward. The back of my legs hit the bed and made me fall over.
I was only in blue boxers as I paced by breathing. Of course, I was also in Percy Jackson's body, so his breathing was very steady and controlled. After all, he had years of swim training to perfect his breathing.
What the hell was happening?
I immediately scampered towards my (ie Percy's) phone, which was still blaring that annoying ringtone. Gods, why was Percy getting up at 5:30 am when school was at 7:15?
I turned off the alarm before looking at myself in the mirror again.
My hand (ie Percy's hand) reached out and touched the mirror.
My now sea-green eyes watered from despair and confusion. I didn't understand how I was in Percy Jackson's body. This didn't make any sense.
"Hello, honey, did you not have swimming today?" a woman asked.
She had wavy brown hair and a radiant smile. Her chocolate eyes were warm with color and happiness. I had just come downstairs hoping that I wouldn't run into anyone.
"Huh?" I asked dimwittedly.
"Percy, are you feeling okay?" the woman asked as she set pancakes on the dining table. They smelled delicious, but they were also blue.
"Um, yeah. I'm fine," I said cautiously.
I wasn't sure who the woman was, but I assumed that it was Percy's mom. Surprisingly, Percy's (err I mean my) stomach growled.
The woman chuckled as she gestured towards the table. "I think somebody's hungry this morning. Anyway, the pancakes are ready for you."
"Why are they blue?" I blurted out.
She turned to me in surprise as her mouth made an 'o' shape. She seemed confused as she stared at me. I decided to look away before she got suspicious.
Instead, I walked towards the table and sat down.
"Honey, blue pancakes are your favorite. Anyway, are you sure that you're feeling okay?" she asked with concern.
Percy's mom came forward and pressed her hand against my forehead. Even though she was just checking my temperature, I felt so out of place.
"I, I'm fine," I said as I pushed her hand away.
Percy's mom looked even more surprised as she stepped back. She only had a concern and worry on her face as she gazed at me. I felt about pushing her away. She obviously cared very deeply about her son.
Of course, Percy would have the perfect mom, I thought internally.
"I'm seriously fine. I'm just hungry and running late is all," I said.
Mrs. Jackson nodded as she went into the kitchen. I turned my attention to the blue pancakes in front of me. They looked fairly normal besides their color. Regardless, my first bite was very hesitant, but they tasted delicious.
I quickly started eating the pancakes and savored their taste. I rarely got meals made for me, so this was so nice.
Percy's mom came back with syrup, which I greatly appreciated. However, I didn't have time to finish breakfast because I was running late for school. I spent the last hour and 15 minutes simply wasting time and pacing in Percy's room, but I still couldn't make sense of this.
How was I in Percy's body, living Percy's life?
It made no sense.
I stood up to go to school. I'd at least be able to see myself at school. If I was in Percy's body, then I assumed that Percy was in mine. I was gonna kill that idiot for whatever he did to put us into this situation.
Oh wait, I can't kill that idiot because he's in my body. Ugh, what the hell?
"I, I'm gonna be late for the bus," I said as I quickly got up.
"Percy, since when do you take the bus," Mrs. Jackson said with a chuckle. "You practically begged us for that old car of yours."
Gods, I totally forgot that Percy owned a car. In my defense, I really didn't know much about Percy considering we weren't friends. We didn't even get along.
I couldn't drive Percy's car because I didn't know how to drive. That's right, Annabeth Chase doesn't have a driver's license; she only has a permit.
"Yeah, I'm just feeling the bus today," I replied.
Mrs. Jackson had a skeptical look on her face. However, before she could say anything, I ran out of the apartment. That whole conversation was too stressful.
One thing I noticed was that Percy had a strong body. His body had excellent stamina, and I was able to run to the bus stop with very little strain.
I sat alone on the bus despite getting many stares from people.
Clearly, Percy being on the bus was very uncommon. It made sense though. Percy was a popular jock without any significant money problems.
There was no reason for him to be on the bus, especially if he swam in the morning and afternoon.
I took deep breaths and centered myself during the bus ride.
I felt so awkward walking in someone else's shoes. It was weird because the students at Goode High would actually try interacting with me as I walked through the halls.
Different athletes would say hi while girls would smile. Some girls would even try more, but I'd bluntly say that I was taken.
Overall, the experience of living as Percy was strange and uncomfortable.
I didn't like everyone's interest in me, especially since none of them actually knew Percy that well.
Also, these people would never bother talking to the real me, Annabeth Chase.
As soon as I reached my locker, I quickly spun the locker combination. I quickly rummaged through my locker in search of my diary.
However, a voice interrupted my actions.
"Uh, Percy, why are you at some other girl's locker?" Rachel asked as she stomped over. Her heels were loud against the ground.
Her face was fuming as she stared at me.
I immediately realized my mistake. I was supposed to be at Percy's locker not my own. However, I didn't even know where Percy's locker was.
"I, uh, I thought that this was my locker," I answered stupidly.
Rachel simply stared at me like I was an idiot. Honestly, I was internally screaming at myself for this oversight.
I quickly closed my own locker since it technically wasn't mine. Gods, this is so confusing.
"How'd you think that this nerd's locker is yours?" Rachel said rudely. "Sometimes, I really don't understand you, babe."
Yeah, I don't understand you or Percy either, I thought.
Rachel smiled before leaning towards me. However, I immediately stepped away from her. There was no way that I was gonna kiss Rachel even in Percy's body. Gosh no.
"Babe, did you just reject my kiss?" Rachel asked.
Anger was flashing in her eyes as she crossed her arms. However, my attention turned towards a duo that was walking down the hallway.
Thalia was in her signature black clothes as she rambled about something. However, I was in simple jeans and a t-shirt.
I practically had a heart attack as I stared at myself walking down the hallway. Her eyes were also focused on me in confusion and panic. Percy was definitely in my body.
"Sorry, I gotta go," I interrupted Rachel.
I ran forward and stopped in front of Thalia and my body. Annabeth's eyes stayed on me as she started talking.
"We need to talk," Percy said through my voice.
"Wait, Annabeth, why do you need to talk to Percy? You hate him," Thalia said to the girl next to her, who was actually Percy.
It was weird to see my own face blank, but Percy couldn't think of anything to say. He seemed affected by the fact that I hated him. But, that was no secret.
"We have some things to settle about our project," I said quickly.
Annabeth (ie Percy) nodded in agreement before we both separated from Thalia. My body quickly walked towards an empty classroom.
I shut the door quickly before turning to myself.
Percy and I had swapped bodies.
I watched as my face because clouded in frustration. No wonder people say I'm scared. I certainly didn't look friendly from an external point of view.
"What the hell is going on?" Percy snapped via my body and voice.
We simply stared at each other.
People liked the idea of looking at yourself from another person's perspective. However, trust me, it was awful.
Percy was clearly freaking out, which made my body tense and my voice elevate.
"You're the smart one. What did you do to us?" he asked again.