The Passage of Time

I begin by once again taking another shape and sleeping, shifting back when I awake to pain. This process continues for a long time before eventually, I hear that fantastic sound.


Well, isn't that great news but since I really don't have much to do in this cave anymore I'll leave and look at all of the dinosaurs before hibernating until the asteroid that wipes out the dinosaurs. Of course, after that, I'll hibernate until there are humans as well.

1 year later

I haven't done much this year however I did make something that future humans will hopefully find. I made a stone tablet and carved in a bunch of randomly made-up symbols, the reason I did this is that I think it'll be funny. Future humans will be trying to decipher the meaning of it yet it means literally nothing at all.

Who knows I might do the same in the future, but anyway I have just been traveling around this world taking in as many dinosaurs as I could and I also discovered that whenever I lose a limb or bleed the lost blood or limb will instantly evaporate. I also discovered that I only need to sleep about once a month as well.

'System wake me up when the asteroid that wipes out the dinosaurs hits earth'

Some million years later

As I wake up I notice that it didn't feel like any time has passed but anyway I don't want to miss the extinction of dinosaurs. I found a different cave to hibernate in, so as I slide out of the cave I see an asteroid heading...wait on second. I could be wrong in my assumption but I think it's heading towards my area.

I'm not worried as I probably won't be killed by it but it'll still hurt a lot, so I head back into my cave and decide not to get blown into a million pieces. I hear the sound as it crashes into the earth and then my cave starts to shake and there is a cave in.

I dig my way out of the rubble and look at the destruction the asteroid did. Well needless to say quite a lot as it is something that wipes out an entire species. While this is a very cool thing I only wanted to see this not really the fallout of what happens after so on that note I try to find somewhere to hibernate.

As hibernation out in the open is not a great idea but knowing that I probably won't find anything on the surface I head to the ocean. I don't need to shapeshift to breathe down here as shoggoths were created to build underwater structures, I just begin searching for an underwater ravine or something until I eventually found one.

(A/N - correct me if I'm wrong but I don't know if they can breathe underwater naturally but for this, they can.)

In the ravine, there is actually a hole in the side of a wall, that leads to a rather large cave. Entering in it's much bigger than my original cave and considering that cave could fit a t-rex then this cave is huge. Though the entire cave is underwater but that's not a problem for me I just have to get rid of the occasional fish that comes in. After finding a nice spot to hibernate I begin my first five hundred thousand year rest.

Another couple million years later

I have been waking up every five hundred thousand years but after a while, it got to be boring. Instead of doing five hundred thousand years, I'll wake up at a point in time I think humans are in. The time I am referring to is the ice age, but not just any ice age I'm talking about the one that happened twelve thousand years prior to modern day.

many many years later

Hibernating using the system to put me to sleep is strange because it feels like an instant that I sleep and wake up. However, that is not how it truly is but anyway since I'm awake it must be the ice age I wanted to be in. I leave the cave thingy and exit the ravine and I swim close enough to the shore and pull myself out of the water.

Upon the shore, I see ice in the distance, and start heading that way but first in the event that I actually do encounter humans I should look like one myself. One more thing as well, I don't know if I'm going to stay awake for twelve thousand years but we shall wait and see, after all, I have all the time in the world.