As we were approaching our hunting location we spotted something, a mammoth. Mammoths could feed the tribe for maybe five days. I don't know exactly how long the meat would last without spoiling but taking that into account and the fifteen people we need to feed I guess about five days.
I still kept track of time though I didn't show that to the other tribe members as counting time like this hasn't yet been invented. I made that a rule, I would not interfere too much in history, though there are some things I would like to do. For example, make the Egyptians believe I'm a god of mischief will be quite enjoyable and hilarious for me.
Back to the mammoth we, unfortunately, don't have enough people to kill one or bring it back. Even if we did manage to kill it with the numbers we have I doubt the others could carry it back and some would die trying to kill it.
So with that in mind, we continued on our way to the hunting location. Upon reaching the location we got into the roles we normally take when we hunt. I would lure the creature out and the others would lie in wait for an ambush.
Upon the others getting ready and begin looking around for some creature to kill. I found a sabertooth tiger. I've never seen one before and unfortunately, they will go extinct in around two thousand years.
I get closer to the saber tooth tiger and throw my spear at it, and as soon as I have its attention I turn around and run. I run a bit faster than the average human, I could run faster but I limit my power to just above normal human level. The reason I do this is that the others would get suspicious if I "teleported" all over the place.
I continue running until I eventually get to where the ambush was set. The others were hiding behind some rocks and as I passed by them the saber tooth followed. Once it was within range the others encircled the sabertooth.
We closed in on it and eventually once close enough we killed it though it did resist it wasn't too much trouble. We dragged the corpse behind one of the rocks and continued our hunt, as we wanted more for the next day so we didn't have to hunt tomorrow and also in case one saber tooth tiger wasn't enough food.
At the end of our hunting trip, we had two saber tooths. Once back at the village we made a fire and got skinning and cooking. While on the subject of fire I had tried to adapt to it from time to time while in my tent as I didn't want others seeing my hand burning off then healing within five seconds.
That was another thing about my weakness to fire, when I am burned by it my healing is slowed. Before it was only ten seconds but now it's five seconds I can now also last a few more seconds in fire without being burned.
Considering I haven't been trying to adapt to it that much I think that is pretty good. I have adapted to cold already, meaning I no longer feel uncomfortable when freezing. I still feel cold but just not as uncomfortable as before, now it just feels like a nice breeze.
After the saber tooth is skinned and cooked we feast. I did eat some, and although I don't need food I can still eat. In case you're wondering how I expel it without the anus or male genitalia, my body converts it into energy that can speed up my healing. Though it doesn't increase the healing process much, at first I didn't even notice that it did that.
After the feast is over, due to my ability to not need sleep I occasionally train my telekinesis and that's what I did. I lifted most of the things in my tent however it was much slower training this way as I could lift things that didn't weigh much for days.
I can't just stop in the middle of the process as I need to push my telekinesis to its current limit in order to level it up. To do this I sometimes spend days in my tent, although I don't do this often so the others don't get too suspicious.
To make them not suspicious I take many bones from the animals we hunt and make weapons out of them while I train my telekinesis. I make spears as that's the most efficient weapon during this time. It's a long-range weapon that's throwable and you can use it up close as well.
Personally, my favorite weapon is a sword or my fists but I like spears too just not as much. I plan in the future to maybe learn from the Spartans how to fight and learn some other fighting techniques as well but that's thousands of years from now. Back to my training, I am actually making more spears as I do this.
I train my telekinesis once a month or so, to prevent having hundreds of weapons in the village that aren't being used. I also make some knives but not as much as spears. I continue my training until I hear that annoying yet sweet ding.
That's good, and I now have five spears and knives, I could make more but that would be too many weapons in the village that aren't being used. Since I leveled up my telekinesis, and have made more weapons I suppose I'll go help with the next hunt.