Chapter 14 

  Tong Zhao was pulled into the WeChat group of the crew.

  Suddenly, someone who didn't wince posted a screenshot of Tong Zhao's comments on Weibo.

  Enter the group before, and post pictures after.

  The prop master felt numb, and quickly withdrew the news.

  But as a cultivator of immortality, Tong Zhao's dynamic vision is very good. He has already seen the content clearly. Under the guidance of Han Zhi, he replied: [It's a good hype point. Netizens had trouble for two days, we took the heat in vain, and we were always curious. ]

  As the master said lightly, it was embarrassing to change Tang Jingjie.

  After all, it is his fans who are begging people not to act.

  Tang Jingjie: [I'll post on Weibo to control it. ]

  He speaks in front of the fans, but it doesn't work much. He has been matching people for a short time after his debut. The "self" is too gentle and attracted a group of mother fans. That is to say-he thinks AAA is useless. Let the son make up his mind? Listen to me.

  As a result, it made others want to say a fuck.

  Tong Zhao: [No, just wait for the release. ]

  Tong Zhao: [I can't stop acting now, I signed the contract. ]

  Probably because Xu Zhu was afraid that Tong Zhao would wake up and reject the show, she urged the crew to sign the performance contract earlier to reduce uncertainty. At this time, she was also in the WeChat group, and when she saw her step-sister calmly and calmly, she felt a little uneasy.

  What if she does it?



  Taking a step back, even if Tong Zhao's subconscious background is strong, she will at best not break down, and will not perform well. Just like what netizens said, there are two more suitable actresses in the circle, but the schedule is not up to date. They are not the same type as Chen Guifei, and Xu Zhu can't see from her the key to acting well.

  After figuring this out, Xu Zhu relaxed, and followed her in the WeChat group to disgust her pretendingly.

  Xu Zhu: [Everyone has to cheer duck^^]

  Tong Zhao did not answer.

  Because she buckled her phone and went to meditate.

  Tang Jingjie's fans and netizens booed for a few days and did not officially come out to receive the tune. They only waited for a set of makeup photos. It seems that the crew is determined to use Tong Zhao. However, there was a gossip in the forum, saying that the contract was signed long ago, and the list of actors was handed over to the Instinct Film Association, so there was no room for maneuver.

  @Countdown 72 hours v

  All members of the escape group assembled!

  As the heroine, Tong Zhao was undoubtedly placed in the first picture. Since it was a runaway film, she was not given a very delicate makeup, and her appearance was still dangling the rest of the supporting actress, with a pair of beautifully shaped eyes. Staring indifferently at the camera...

  The face is still that face, but there is a subtle difference from when he played the imperial concubine.

  That difference makes people feel that they are not the same person.

  Being looked at by the imperial concubine with a smile is like being provoked invisible.

  This set-up photo of Tong Zhao glanced at someone, as if being stung by an electric current, it hurts deeply, but it had nothing to do with Fengyue.

  Humans are visual animals. The moment I saw this set-up photo, I felt that Tong Zhao was definitely not suitable for "Countdown to 72 Hours" and his confidence was shaken.

  However, the rhythm of the hot comment tape made them re-firm their position.

  [If it's a traditional movie, I'm relieved/dog head]

  [Make-up can change the temperament of a person, and it cannot change the "self" in a short time. ]

  [I would look forward to this drama if I haven't seen Tong Zhao as a noble concubine, but now...]

  [Moreover, there is such a big difference in the appearance of the sisters in the film, they are not like sisters. ]

  A word that speaks out the sense of violation and harmony.

  What's wrong with Tong Zhao's fixed makeup photo is that he is too beautiful.

  On the contrary, the light makeup emphasized the sharpness of her facial features, and her beauty can't be hidden if it is not good.

  Yes, this window paper was punctured, and Xu Zhu's hot fan group exploded. This fixed makeup photo Weibo was officially reduced to a fan-black battle-although these two have not many fans at this stage, they can't hold up a single N-sentence war. Comment forwarding soared at a geometric level, ushering in the lively discussions that the crew wanted.

  In a blink of an eye came the day of shooting.

  Since Tong Zhao was acting in a live-streamed movie for the first time, her agent, Mrs. Chu, drove her to the scene while explaining to her what to pay attention to.

  There is a delay of about five minutes between shooting and viewing, so that the AI ​​can automatically skip some parts that cannot be broadcast, such as the bursting clothes in the battle. Before the end of the movie, the actor will not disconnect from the cabin, and the AI ​​will automatically filter some useless time.

  For example, sleep.

  In the play, if the actor has to find a safe place to rest beforehand, the AI ​​scans and finds that there is no threat near the scene, and this part of the time will be skipped, allowing sleep to be completed in an instant. If the actor carelessly falls asleep in a place where there is a hidden danger, it may trigger a random event...

  "Live shooting is the biggest difference from traditional movies. It is more like a reality show variety show."

  Sister Chu came to a conclusion, and Tong Zhao nodded in agreement.

  Tong Zhao: "The popularity of this kind of thing proves that everyone is still too idle."

  With that, the two arrived at the venue.

  When Tong Zhao walked into the shooting venue, the original voice was silent for a moment, then countless eyes shifted to Tong Zhao, and the agent next to him was ignored.

  Sister Chu was not upset but rejoiced, so that was good.

  Promising stars should be born with the aura to take away the sight of others.

  Since it was a big occasion, Tong Zhao unceremoniously opened the halo of [Yan Pressing the whole audience] directly, and his already outstanding figure became dreamlike. The same sex could resist her, and she objectively evaluated her beauty. The men on the scene were dizzy and their heartbeats accelerated.

  Except for the director and core members who were brainwashed by Tong Jia and Xu Zhu, the gaze towards Tong Zhao was full of doubts.

  It is indeed beautiful.

  But why can you play Feng Yanqi well?

  This is the female character who needs the most beauty this year.

  Seeing everyone's eyes focused on the step-sister, Xu Zhu, who was smiling and talking sweetly with the female No. 3, turned his face down, feeling uncomfortable in his heart, and filled his chest with hatred and hatred. It was only then that I felt that Tong Zhao was not suitable for this role no matter how beautiful it was.

  Xu Zhu's tone of disdain was faint: "This person is too pushy, right?"

  "She is the heroine."

  It's a pity that the third girl is an upright Girl, and she didn't catch the olive branch of her same enemy.

  Soon after Tong Zhao appeared, Tang Jingjie hurriedly greeted her and apologized to her for acting as a demon for her fans. Seeing his sincere attitude and weak temperament, Tong Zhao looked like a puppy that inspires maternal love, and was too lazy to care about him, so he accepted his apology.

  Han Zhi: [This kid was supervised by the agent at first sight. ]

  Chen Guifei agreed: [Yes, promising, can live for three days. ]

  Han Zhi: [He is the leading actor, so theoretically he should live to the end. ]

  Chen Guifei: [The meaning of this palace is that Xiaoge eats soft but not hard, he will be so good to wait for life under her hands. ]

  The song that was inexplicably detained by the master model does not refute it.

  Cannot hear her voice, Tong Zhao only feels she is smiling.

  Everyone's eyes on Tong Zhao were full of doubts, thoughts, or inquiries, and she lay in the shooting cabin blindly, showing no signs of faltering mentality.

  "Please make sure that the actor wears and connects the instrument, and the instinct shooting will start in one minute."

  Unlike ordinary people, Tong Zhao's mind is like renting a house in a group.

  Female reporter complained: [Duan Ge is good in everything, but I am too fond of criticizing when I do it. If it weren't for the protection of people, it would be better for Lu Xian to grow up. ]

  When the instrument came to pick up her "self", the other characters closed the door tacitly, leaving a song in the living room to greet the guests. The intense sleepiness struck her, and she fell into a deep sleep, as if she had fallen into the warm and deep sea...


  [That day was the day the conspiracy started.

  The virus spreads in the groundwater, and people who are kept in the dark drink it as usual. The mutated living dead spread in the city together with the virus. Countless people died in despair. What is more inexplicable is that the murderer behind the scenes did not have any demands, they did not want to Uprising, don't want to seize power, don't want money, he just wants--

  All the tall buildings, TV screens, and even the mobile phone screens that fell on the ground reflected a young and pale face, facing the camera telling his great cause: "When I saw this video, the infection rate had reached 99. %, I'm going to end this stupid and boring world with my own hands, but..."

  "At any time, I will leave a window for smart people," the doctor smiled: "The antidote is on the top of the spire of wisdom. If you don't drink the contaminated water directly, um... probably three days, right? You can come and find your Noah's Ark, but after I die, the spire will automatically enter a defensive state..."

  Thinking of the survivors who had escaped the first wave of viruses crying in despair outside the tower, and slowly dying in the pain of virus erosion, the doctor's smile became more sincere, and his eyes slowly lost focus.

  Feng Yanqi and his group were trapped in a hut on the mountain by heavy rain during a weekend outing. They escaped the first wave of virus spread by accident and became one of the few sober people in the entire K City. After returning to the city center and knowing the incident and the reason, they realized that they couldn't even simply escape!

  The first wave of viral water spread, and the sunny day after the heavy rain filled the air with the diluted second wave of toxicity.

  After 72 hours, they will be completely assimilated into the living dead.

  If you want to survive, you can only go to the research institute and find the antidote. ]

  Since it is a live movie, the plot background should not be set too complicated and easy to lose control, so the main task of the protagonist group is very clear. Survive in the K city full of zombies, and at the same time go to the research institute to get the antidote, even if the mission is completed.

  The big villain doctor, because he couldn't find an actor who could achieve similar effects, so he filmed this movie in the traditional way, and the data was directly loaded by the templater, which was a trick of the crew.

  When the "intrinsic self" of the lead troupe awakened in the play, it happened that Tang Jingjie drove the car into the city, the car was connected to the network again, and the doctor's speech was played. I thought it was a prank. I couldn't find any employees at the gas station. I realized the seriousness of the matter when I saw the first zombie after shouting loudly.

  The female relatives were shocked in the car, only Tang Jingjie was beside the convenience store some distance from the car.

  [Open-screen high-energy, barrage protection]

  [Ahhhh, Jay, run! ]

  [Mom feels distressed and looks scared the child...]

  When the zombie rushed towards Tang Jingjie with a grim face, the fans of holographic movie watching also felt the fishy wind rushing toward their faces!

  In the blink of an eye, a heavy muffled sound rang, and the zombies fell down.

  Tong Zhao, who got out of the car the moment he saw the zombies, was holding a wrench.

  There were dark blood stains on the wrench, obviously it was a tool for headshots of zombies with bare hands.

  She raised her eyebrows at the actor:

  "As a physical education teacher, it makes sense to bring a wrench with me?"