Chapter 16 

  Tong Zhao won Anna's trust in a few words.

  One is because women who are easily regarded as sexual resources in extreme environments tend to trust the same sex.

  The second is Tong Zhao's body language.

  She acted too calmly.

  Whether it was searching for weapons or interrogating her about her origins, she showed the confidence of her superiors. Another oriental man was also very obedient to her. Anna did not hesitate to position herself as the number two younger brother and was touched. After touching my head, I feel a sense of security.

  At the same time, Feng Sisi was not so lucky.

  A zombie fumbled over and seemed to notice the movement in the carriage. The swaying zombie lay on the window and rubbed the half-rotten face against the window in doubt, scared Feng Sisi Liushenwuzhu, holding the phone straight. Shivering, not only failed to call her sister for help steadily, but even irritated the zombie because of the extra noise, causing it to slap the car window more actively.

  Just when Feng Sisi was about to lose control, the zombie on the car window suddenly leaned back.

  Take a closer look--

  It turned out that Tong Zhao grabbed the hair on the back of his head, threw it to the ground, and then used a crowbar to blow his head.

  [Victimized zombie +1]

  [Gan, Niangniang is so handsome too, I want to see her physically fighting! ]

  [It turns out that Tong Zhao also knows the beauty of the Holy Sword of Physics*, ecstatic flurry>////<]

  Audiences who can watch Doomsday survival movies mostly pursue visual stimulation, explore humanity and resourceful strategies in extreme environments, and Tong Zhao satisfies this visual spectacle. She is like a berserker with a beautiful face and a graceful figure. Every time she does her hands, she has a precise and neat aesthetics. It is not a well-designed action template, but more realistic and exciting!

  After seeing Tong Zhao, Feng Sisi red eyes and shouted:

  "Why did you come, I almost died!"

  Before exposing the truth, Xu Zhu and Tong Zhao both went to middle and high schools together. Whoever bullies her, as long as she asks Tong Zhao for help, she will always be rescued in dire straits. Even the virgin father with no conscience felt that their mother and daughter were very loyal and took care of their friends.

  Contrary to Tong Zhao, whose soul has realized reincarnation several times after passing through several worlds, in Xu Zhu's perspective, they only turned around for less than a year. Before that, she asked Tong Zhao for help, and she was able to ask for help, and Tong Zhao should of course save her.

  So the audience looked at her arrogantly.

  "Zombies are only slightly stronger than ordinary living people, but you can't hit the window with your bare hands. You haven't received death threats, and I haven't received your call for help. I just went to do business. This is from the research institute. The staff who escaped can provide us with route information in the institute."

  Tong Zhao's expression was faint, as if she was tolerant of her unreasonable sister.

  The victim, Anna, shrank behind Tong Zhao and raised her hand weakly: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault for delaying time..."

  "You didn't do anything wrong, what apologize."

  Tong Zhao stopped her apologizing, his emotional background was still cold.

  Feng Sisi's already fragile nerves were even more irritated. She glanced at Anna and stared at Tong Zhao incredulously. After seeing that she didn't mean to come to coax herself at all, she shouted: "Yes, she's right, it's me. Wrong, I was wrong that I was not killed by a zombie just now!" After roaring, he turned his head to the other side and ignored people.

  After getting in the car, Anna couldn't help being curious, and asked in a low voice: "Ms. Feng, you looked so handsome when you killed the zombies just now. I want to ask if this is Chinese Kungfu? Are you a master in the martial arts?"


  [Sure enough, it's the "self" of foreigners, it's in place. ]

  [No, no, not every Huaxia person is as good as an empress, just a master of Gong Dou. ]

  [Which genre of Gongdou masters is this! You, Princess Yanxi Palace, I, Ip Man, Wing Chun]

  Tong Zhao waved his hand: "No, I'm just an ordinary physical education teacher."

  Song Kaiyu remembered something: "But you seem to be teaching Tai Chi recently?"

  [No, shut up, Jie Zai, the misunderstanding of foreign friends is really unclear! ]

  Tong Zhao took a cool look at him: "Yes, but the class is occupied too much. Until now, I have only taught white crane wings."

  Hearing the familiar pronunciation of "Tai Chi" in a Kung Fu movie, Anna looked at Tong Zhao with bright eyes, and felt that she was a hidden Chinese master. She sneaked up and asked if she had studied under Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee.

  Tong Zhao thought about it seriously: "If I insist, my style of play is more like Chen Haonan*."


  [Two traditional movie actors were victimized! ]

  [It can only be said that you are really one who dares to ask and the other dare to answer. ]

  The audience laughed and turned over. They didn't expect the doomsday movie to be so terrifying, let alone that Tong Zhao's subconscious could be a grinning laughter--

  When she was in "The Story of Ming Emperor", Xiao Guo was not so good!


  How come after a short period of time, it becomes full of poems?

  This section of "The Confused Communication Between Chinese People and Foreign Friends" was cut separately by the happy and broken publicity team, and it was prepared to be distributed to a few paid marketing accounts for a good promotion. Unexpectedly, cooperating with Tong Zhao is so cool, the propaganda stalks are all delivered to the lips, and they don't need to worry about them.

  Compared with the unreasonable second female Feng Sisi, most of the audience have a higher degree of favorability for this blond little round face, and expect to see her and Tong Zhao's interaction.

  Outside the play, the director sighed: "Xu Zhu is not sure about the cuteness of her character, but Anna's performance is very cute."

  "Unintentionally, Anna was just a tool man role." said the screenwriter.

  In order to ensure that the plot is on the right track and smoothly reach the end, the screenwriter will not set a death situation.

  Anna, who escaped from the research institute, was a tool man who provided information on the research route, greatly reducing the difficulty of the nine-death strategy. Otherwise, with the normal self, it is really difficult to solve the harsh and insidious defense system of the Institute.

  During the gossip, there was a change in the play.

  Passing the public toilet on the way to the institute, Feng Sisi, who saw sharp-eyedly, couldn't pretend to be cold, and repeatedly said to go to the toilet: "Sister, you have to accompany me this time."

  Tong Zhao glanced at her.

  Anna raised her hand weakly: "Sorry, I want to go too..."

  "go together."

  Tong Zhao got out of the car and wanted to take a look first, but the two girls who had received amnesty rushed in. They had been forced to hold back in a high-pressure environment before, but it was okay not to see the toilet. Up.

  Generally speaking, at this time, the smart AI will only give a public toilet telescope and take pictures of the hand washing part. However, this time the scene followed, and the senior audience immediately smelled the unexpected incident.

  Sure enough, when Feng Sisi pushed open the innermost door, the zombie who had awakened when he heard the sound of footsteps turned his head and tried to pounce on her--

  Feng Sisi screamed, the first reaction was not to step back, not to dodge.

  She subconsciously pulled Anna, who was about to walk into the neighboring grid, and stood in front of her!

  "Sister, help, sister!"


  The blond little round face that was sent into the zombie's mouth was crying with pain, and a big hole was chewed out of the thin white neck.


  [Ah this? ]

  [Feng Sisi is crazy, how can there be such a selfish self, she is crazy to her! ]

  [Is there any help? Without Anna, how do you go to the research institute to find the cure? ]


  Shooting in the background.

  Director: "Prop group, who put the zombies there to play and kill!?"

  The props team explained aggrievedly: "I lowered the movement speed of the zombie. She just had to avoid it. Who would have thought that she would drag Anna over to block the knife? How about I drop a map of the institute now? Go down?"

  "I want to airdrop you right now!"

  The director is angry.

  The problem is serious.

  The important tool man has died, how can the protagonist group enter the research institute?