Chapter 22 

  As soon as the voice fell, Xu Zhu felt countless eyes cast towards her.

  It's like she said something funny and stupid.

  This look is no stranger to her.

  Because before entering the holographic camera cabin, they all fell on the step sister.

  Could it be that something went wrong in the shooting?

  Xu Zhu became uneasy, and hurriedly sought to make up for it: "My memory hasn't returned. I'm sorry if I say something wrong. I still hope that the shooting will be successful!" He said, showing a good smile to everyone.

  She is smarter than Feng Sisi in the play and knows how to turn the wheel.

  After all, we have returned to the peaceful and prosperous age, and before the moment of life and death, the dark side of people is hidden under the dazzling Luo Yi, and everyone is a decent person when the light is on.

  "The filming was very successful, I believe there will be an ideal number at the box office!" The director rounded off.

  The director has spoken, and the other staff also brought the topic to the face with great face.

  Xu Zhula Tongzhao's thoughts about entering the group are not pure, but only she knows that.

  In the eyes of the director and some core members, Xu Zhu has found the last piece of the puzzle of "Countdown 72 Hours" and has invested money in publicity!

  She said that she is not optimistic about Tong Zhao, what does that mean?

  On behalf of others humility!

  Before the filming started, trumpeting Tongzhao gave them confidence, and after the filming was done, they didn't take credit for it. They are really good people.

  Xu Zhu joined the topic anxiously, because the memory was blank and unsure of the development of the matter, she could only talk to the female No.3 Anna who had a good conversation before the shooting, but she politely avoided it.

  Since Anna died early and there were few scenes, her memories in the scene have been restored.

  how to say?

  Even though he knew it was acting, it would still be unhappy to be dragged as a substitute for the dead.

  If hatred is not enough, you don't need to be good friends.

  She has this time, is it okay to meet Miss.

  Anna happily went to find her oriental beauty.

  Only the screenwriter walked over and patted Xu Zhu on the shoulder, smiling bitterly: "Xu Zhu, you really caused me a big trouble!"

  His Weibo private messages and comments have been blown up.

  The movie is a good movie, and the key has nothing to do with him. He is a villain who sets levels. The shining points are all brought by the actor. Instinctive movies are not good at this point. They not only test the editor's ability to create a new world, but the final performance is often attributed to the actors.

  Especially Tong Zhao, an actor with a particularly strong personal consciousness.


  I have to think about the bonuses and fame brought by the movie.

  Half of the screenwriter's frowning face is true, and Xu Zhu gleefully apologizes on behalf of Tong Zhao.

  The two of them comforted each other across the channels. They were not talking about the same thing, but they were both very tacitly talking about regrets.

  After a large number of new contacts were added to the WeChat account, Tong Zhao was released to rest and take a break before attending tomorrow's celebration banquet. According to the site management, the unedited and post-processed samples have been sent to their personal mailboxes, and the refined movies will be released for viewing rights in a week.

  She took a shower and was about to go to bed when the door rang.

  Tong Zhao was a little surprised, and even more surprised when he saw a golden head in the cat's eyes.

  Tong Zhao: [Xiaoge, are you awake? ]

  Duan Song: [I am here. ]

  Tong Zhao: [Anna is here, she should be looking for you. ]

  Duan Ge answered, and Tong Zhao gave her the position of master.

  They are essentially the same person, and they have never competed for the main position.

  Sleeping in the memory palace is very comfortable, as long as you live well.

  Tong Zhao opened the door, standing outside the door Anna holding a snow-white pillow in her hand, looking at her embarrassedly.

  "What's the matter?" she asked softly.

  "The feeling remaining in the play has not subsided. I always feel that zombies break into my room at any time. I am very scared and stay alone in the room and can't sleep..." Anna continued, "Can I sleep with you for one night? I just sleep on the sofa."

  The room provided by the studio for the protagonist is very spacious, with a long sofa for resting.

  Tong Zhao smiled: "Come in, just sleep with me."

  Anna came in lightly and peeped at Tong Zhao.

  Unlike the short haircut in the play, Tong Zhao outside the play has long black hair like seaweed. She probably had just taken a shower, and her hair was still wet. The black and white apricot eyes revealed the unique poetry of Fang Meiren under the light. Anna stared attentively, and blurted out, "Can I blow your hair?" "

  Tong Zhao turned his eyes, a little surprised.

  Anna quickly added: "Just as a reward for letting me stay overnight."

  Tong Zhao nodded unnecessarily.

  After getting permission, Anna went to get the hair dryer.

  Tong Zhao sat down, and a moist cloud of hair fell on her hand. She dried it and said enviously: "Your hair is too good, is there any secret formula for maintenance? I heard many Chinese women Star can drink Chinese medicine, so he can always look so young."

  Tong Zhao pondered: "Go to bed early and get up early, do more exercise to promote metabolism."

  "Nothing else?"

  "No more."

  Anna again sighed that Tong Zhao really has the beauty that has been kissed by God.

  If the system that claims to be the main god is also a god, then there is nothing wrong with it.

  When the hair was half dry, Tong Zhao held her hand: "I plan to watch the sample for a while before going to bed, fast-forward to watch, do you want to go together? If not, I will wear headphones to watch it alone."

  Anna readily agreed, so the two young girls sat side by side on the sofa and turned off the lights to watch the demo of her own performance.

  Xu Zhu is doing the same thing in the neighboring house across the wall.

  When the movie started, Tong Zhao didn't directly adjust to double the speed, and accompanied Anna to see her being dragged to replace the dead ghost. Anna on here still remember the deep, gas Bottled beat the pillow: "She is too annoying, is a Bitch, I really ... I can not face this face, and she obviously as long as I dodged like, ah! Nothing is wrong, not to mention that I am so useful!"

  Tong Zhao: "Continue."

  Anna pressed the confused little freckles on her cheek: "Huh?"

  "Say more if you can speak."

  As soon as the voice fell, the sample film played a scene where Tong Zhao kowtowed Xu Zhu's head against the floor of the public toilet.

  Tong Zhao couldn't recall this memory for the time being, so he had to play it back and forth again and again.

  Anna who witnessed the behavior of deep grievances next to her: "..."

  After this period passed, Tong Zhao adjusted to double the speed to save time.

  Anna was shocked, looked at her and asked: "Do you hate her so much?"

  "Alright, don't you think this paragraph is cool?"

  "After kowtow, you adjusted it to twice the speed..."

  Tong Zhao hooked her lower lip, and the blue light on the TV screen coated her outline with a layer of condensation: "Isn't there your part in front? Since you want to watch, I won't fast forward."

  After speaking, she focused on the plot.

  But Anna on the side couldn't get in anymore, staring at Tong Zhao with a beating heart, and while she was watching attentively, Mimi slid past her, sticking to her to watch the movie. Tong Zhao didn't care at all about it. After his shoulders sank, he looked at the person next to him, thinking that the air conditioner was turned on too low and freezing, so he grabbed the thin quilt on the side and put it on her shoulders, and then moved it to herself again. Close: "Is it cold?"


  Terrible oriental beauty, too good at flirting!

  Excluding the part that taught Xu Zhu, Tong Zhao's main focus is on crisis management. There are many things that can be improved. If the end comes again, she...

  After watching the sample, Duan Ge returned the control of the body to Tong Zhao, and two system prompts popped up at the same time.

  [Congratulations to the host for activating Duan Ge's passive skill "Best in the audience": The physical fitness is greatly improved, and the host can painlessly enjoy the physical strength of Duan Ge's training in the apocalyptic copy. ]

  [Congratulations to the host for activating Duan Ge's active skill "Ultimate Moment": the host has ten minutes a day to break through the limits of the human body and perform theoretically impossible behaviors

  It is worth noting that this time the system also provides conditions for upgrading skills.

  Like Chen Guifei related, S-level men confessed to her to get an opportunity to upgrade, and ABCs below S-level have a corresponding increase in experience points. To Tong Zhao's surprise, being confessed by an E-level man, this experience value will be reduced. .

  Tong Zhao: [Experience points can still be deducted? ]

  Chen Guifei: [Reasonable, let the low-quality man have the courage to show love to the palace, it is simply a fall. It must be that you are not doing noble and glamorous enough, so you should reflect. ]


  The woman on the tip of the emperor's heart is indeed qualified to be so mad.

  Relatively speaking, the conditions for upgrading Duan Ge's skills are relatively normal and very positive.

  Saving a man can get half a chance to upgrade.

  Women are once.

  Female reporter: [Duan Ge is really a real hammer. ]

  [I am not, I don't,] Duan Ge denied it and scratched his face: [It's just that I love the same sex. Even women don't pity women. Should they wait for men to come to their rescue? ]

  Lu Xianchang gave a silent like.

  According to this trend, Tong Zhaozhen is afraid that someday after he plays a comprehension drama, Lu Xianchang's skill upgrade condition is that he kills a scumbag and gets a level up. But that was a long time later, so I don't want to think about it for the time being.

  After the movie was over, Anna was moved to cry again by the ending.

  Tong Zhao handed her a tissue and made a super safe sleeping pillow for another night. The blond little round face fell asleep in her arms.

  They slept soundly, and someone in the next room couldn't sleep.

  After watching the sample, Xu Zhu understood why other staff would look at her with strange eyes.

  It turned out that it was not Tong Zhaoyan who broke it...

  On the contrary, she played very well.

  She fell apart!

  Xu Zhu's fingers were twisted white, and he dared not turn on the phone to read Weibo.

  She is full of Feng Sisi in the movie--

  How could she be like this?

  Recognizing that oneself is the eternal subject of life, people who are often called brave may succumb to the door when they are truly in danger, and the most ordinary and humble teacher may also sacrifice themselves to save students in the earthquake... Xu Zhu knows that he does not Too kind, but she never thought that she would be so outrageous.

  What Xu Zhu can't figure out is that she might act badly, but how could Tong Zhao act so well?

  Isn't she only flattering men?

  I blame Tong Zhao, if she didn't act well, she wouldn't be so selfish.

  Zhengcang was puzzled, and she sent a message from the special attention on WeChat---

  Dad: [How did the first play be? ]

  Dad: [I am very optimistic about you, you are actually better than Tong Zhao in my heart, don't let Dad down. ]

  In this case, Xu Zhu looked forward to many years.

  At this time, I took a glance, and her heart rate suddenly increased, making her hands and feet cold in panic.