Chapter 24 

  "Love variety show?"

  After listening to Tong Zhao's decision, Sister Chu picked up a subtle look, which was very playful, as if to say--

  Brother, you want to work again?

  The last time Tong Zhao wanted to pick up the zombie action movie of the heroine, she had this expression.

  At that time, she stopped, but thinking of the box office feedback of "Countdown 72 Hours", her words of persuasion paused on her lips, without direct dissuasion, just saying: "The variety show you chose is a holographic variety show. It's the same when you make an instinctive movie, and it will expose your truest side."

  With the current level of technology, this method can only be used for holographic photography.

  The audience just loves to watch it.

  It's reasonable to think about it. People want to see the real side of the glamorous big stars. Even the unfamiliar amateurs can expose their own nature and have a good attraction-the simple and well-behaved female students are doing their work on the Internet to many financial sponsors. Acts of betrayal of beauty, white-collar workers with higher education secretly abuse stray cats, or the lonely and kind side of the rich man...

  Regardless of good or bad, in short, it is to satisfy voyeurism.

  The criminal law is all about ways to make big money.

  And the business that satisfies human inferiority can often make a lot of money.

  "Although there will be fewer people watching traditional variety shows, it is more stable. You can build your image from your existing people." Sister Chu said.

  Tong Zhao shook his head.

  She is very sure that this variety show will explode, and since she has been invited, she doesn't want to miss it.

  Maybe it is a habit of brushing quests in the fast-passing world. It is difficult for Tong Zhao to get loose. What he does has a purpose. After stopping for a while, people become anxious and want to keep working. High productivity is the source of a sense of security. If you don't move forward, you are going backwards. She will not let go of the opportunities before her.

  However, you have to think of a good reason to reassure the agent.

  "I also want to experience sweet and innocent love in a variety show."

  Tong Zhao said.

  As she is secretly absorbing the spiritual energy, she is in the midst of her speech, revealing the immortal energy that does not eat the fireworks in the world, as if every sentence is the truth of truth.

  "you sure?"

  Sister Chu glanced at her squintly, turned over the love variety show, and showed her a summary of the content.

  ["Beware of Aquaman: The Heart is the Best"]

  [Six single men and women will live under the same roof. They will forget their identity in reality, get a brand new identity card, get different tasks, and at the same time find ways to earn living expenses. Everyone has a chance to confess, did you meet true love, or a fish in someone's fish pond? Be careful, there are two sea kings among the six. Their purpose is not pure, they just want to set fire on your heart. ]


  Sweet and innocent love.

  Tong Zhao felt a little pain in his face.

  But Chen Guifei would definitely like this project.

  Her face was not red and her heart was not beating: "I'm sure, that's it, it's a variety show tailored for me."

  Tong Zhao is quite sure, even if she fails to draw the Neptune card, she has the ability to let Neptune release all the fish in her own fish pond and only love her one. Think about it, no matter how powerful Neptune is, can there be an emperor with three thousand beauties? The emperor did not have fish ponds but the entire Pacific Ocean, and he petted her alone as a mermaid.

  Sister Chu stared at her for a while, and nodded without talking nonsense, "Okay, then I will make your schedule free."

  She ticked a few strokes on the schedule: "There is a warm-up video to be shot before entering the cabin, and the ID card is drawn before the shooting begins."

  This is good.

  If you have a more suitable personality, you can also replace it in advance.

  "Is there a script?" Tong Zhao asked.

  "Instinctive variety shows only have a guiding plot. There is no script like traditional variety shows in your imagination."

  "Oh, and at the beginning of the month, "Countdown to 72 Hours", you guys will be on the show for publicity. You have to be free this day...

  "How long is the filming of "Dead Island Survival"? I want to take it if it's not more than three days." This is a piece of song that I want to play.


  After talking about it for a while, Tong Zhao's electronic calendar was full of schedules.


  After the filming of "Countdown 72 Hours", Tong Zhao got a precious week of vacation.

  She fell asleep in the apartment for a whole day. The next day she was busy with personal affairs and spent a whole day at the computer. On the third day, she was awakened by the doorbell.

  I thought it was a door-to-door sales promotion, but I saw it in the cat's eyes, it was a streaked brown head, a long-lost danger.

  Tong Zhao opened the door, a little surprised: "Rare."

  Wei Zekai didn't come empty-handed. With two big bags in his hands, he took off his shoes and walked in very easily. Those two bags were all daily necessities, and her refrigerator and bathroom cabinets were filled up in a short while. Tong Zhao was even more surprised: "You finally plan to give up inheriting the family business to take the civil service exam, so do you practice precision poverty alleviation with me in advance? "

  "Help me, I'm afraid you will starve to death at home,"

  Young Master Wei saw her and Xu Zhu performing on the same stage, and was afraid that she would be depressed, so he found a reason to come and care about her.

  Seeing that she was alive and well, he was relieved and began to pay attention to some chores: "By the way, can you perform that again?"

  "What that?"

  "That's right," Wei Dashao gestured on his thigh: "The clip flicks."

  Tong Zhao smirked: "I can use your head to perform a press and kowtow."


  Although he knew it was impossible, Wei Dashao sighed with deep regret.

  Tong Zhao flipped over the snacks he didn't put into the refrigerator. There were three top-quality cigarettes inside. It was not cheap at first glance. She was speechless: "Why are you buying me cigarettes? When have you seen me smoke?"

  "You smoke in the movie."

  Wei Dashao glanced at her.

  The handsome face of the rebellious youth who is usually domineering and cool is full of grudges.

  No matter how dull Tong Zhao is, she understands. She patted the table and said, "You like Feng Yanqi, who I acted very much?"

  Wei Zekaila long face: "It's kind of interesting."

  "That is like."

  Tong Zhao was amused. He took apart the cigarette and lighter he gave him. The lighter turned a flower in her slender hand like in a play, and then lit it, sandwiching it between his fingers and showing him a very "song" style. Smiled, and as expected, the dragged young master was dumbfounded. Before he could react, she extinguished the cigarette: "It's interesting, I'll do business alone for you." cool!

  Wei Zekai took a deep breath and tried to pretend to be calm: "It's kind of interesting."

  Tong Zhao hummed a smile, and then remembered something business.

  "Aren't Wen Kai and the others saying that they wanted to invest in instinct movies? They did have a head start, but I think their eyesight is a little too shallow, and they simply can't afford to rely on your pocket money and my existing film pay."

  Instinct movies are very expensive cakes, and even Tong's family may not be able to play easily.

  Dangerous family is fine.

  However, Wei Zekai's reputation is worrisome. According to Tong Zhao's knowledge, his most profitable investment is to do nothing. Any time he drank the WeChat public account and Zhihu's chicken soup to start a business is the time when the prodigal loses the most.

  As a result, he wanted to be good friends of all ages, and they were secretly instilling the poisonous chicken soup of "efforts are not necessarily successful, but it must be very comfortable if you don't work hard", so that he will waste less money.

  The Wei family dared not play around with him. In the future, they plan to find someone else to take care of the group and work as a working emperor for Wei. He only needs to pick the fruit. It is best to start a family and give birth to a grandson who has a little investment ability. Row.

  Although Wei Dashao has given up starting a business, his myth is still circulating in the arena.

  White to the myth.

  However, Tong Zhao remembered that in his previous life, Wei Zekai had only defeated many times at the beginning, and he would be better after learning from the experience.

  It's just that no one believes he can do it now.

  "I want to find a way to get some money from my family," Wei Dashao thought, the old man of Wei's family got a headache: "I go back and tell them that if you don't give me 100 million, I will be in the palace?"

  "You can criticize me again, I'm afraid I can't help but do it for you,"

  Tong Zhaobai glanced at him: "I want to pool the money, and then give you some investment advice, just trust my vision."

  First, she has an early memory of which companies and stocks will emerge suddenly in recent years.

  Secondly, so many fast-passing experiences in the modern world also gave her a little bit of investment.

  What is missing is the principal.

  She also wants to organize a business circle that she dominates, a circle that Xu Zhu and Tong Jia are not qualified to get involved.

  Not only want to act, but also to defeat Tong Zhenming in his most proud field.

  "In fact, even if you didn't come to see me, I originally planned to ask you out to talk about business,"

  With slender legs, Tong Zhao walked to the top of the sundries cabinet, pressed a document with a mooncake tin, and placed it in front of Wei Zekai. There is still a faint smell of smoke in the air, which adds a hint of dinner to the atmosphere of the house. When Wei Zekai looked at her, he almost saw through her, he was extremely confident when and where in "72 Hours to the End" Heroine.

  "Duan Ge" is just a Tong Zhao in a world, she is also her.

  "Seven investment intentions that I'm very optimistic about. You can look at the details. It will cost you more than one year of pocket money, and my salary is also included. You can bring it back and find a lawyer to see. Ask if you want to play with us,"

  Tong Zhao paused and smiled teasingly at him:

  "You Wei, are you willing to defeat me again?"

  Her young and beautiful face was full of gleaming vigorous ambition, burning into Wei Zekai's retina.

  After understanding what she said, Wei Zekai's heart was beating.

  His heart moved.

  Not the kind of love.

  Why would the rich second generation be fooled in investment and entrepreneurship one after another? Obviously, as long as you sit and collect dividends and collect rent, you can live a relaxed and rich life. When you were young, you wanted to prove that your desire was stronger than anything else. Everyone felt that Wei Zekai had no entrepreneurial skills and no investment vision...

  But Tong Zhao told him to let him try again.

  "Okay, I will go back and have a look,"

  Wei Zekai tried his best to make his voice sound a little calmer, but he has his insistence: "As long as you have a share of the movie you make in the future, there will be an investment in my Wei family."

  He can't wait to support his brother who believes in himself in this way.

  I want to bundle the film with her in the form of investment.

  Tong Zhao nodded unnecessarily and smiled at him again.

  Bai gave myth that the news of the cooperation between Wei Zekai and the daughter of the Tong family did not go away in the second-generation circle. It was fun and interesting to play well with Wei Shao. Without a word, I got on this thief ship. It is very modest. A group of investment intentions was built on the sample site, and the group name was changed to ---

  [Endangered Youth Charity Fund]

  No one is optimistic about the game of this second-generation jockeying group.

  The least optimistic is Ning Zhiyi, who has just joined his own company to contact business.

  He thought that Tong Zhao was crazy to see Wei Zekai. Others didn't understand it before they got involved. So he persuaded the more motivated and well-behaved second-generation in the circle to stay away from this small organization that threw money into the sea, and quite a bit. As a result, many second generations with reservations declined Wei Zekai's invitation.