Chapter 29 

  The heavy rains are still continuing.

  The three of them grumbled with hunger, and Chang Xiaonian first went to the kitchen to see the situation.

  The common pots, pans and pans, seasonings, oils and grains are all complete, and the full rice in the rice jar is very reassuring to see, and the refrigerator is full of drinks. It's just that there is a very conspicuous post-it note on the refrigerator--

  [The ingredients in the kitchen are limited, so I don't need to replenish them when I run out. ]

  [Players must complete the task before the food is consumed in exchange for life resources^^]

  After explaining the situation to others, Chang Xiaonian said with a little embarrassment: "I'm embarrassed to say, I will order takeaway and instant noodles..."

  The other two showed the same embarrassed expression.

  Here only Wei Zekai, who has the status of "rich second generation", can control the money at will and can order takeaways, but it is raining heavily outside, and the estate is on the wrong side. At all, no takeaways are willing to deliver them. Chang Xiaonian sighed and said, "No one is willing to send ten times the delivery fee!"

  After speaking, he glanced at Wei Zekai.

  He looks like someone who doesn't care about ten times the delivery fee.

  He really is.

  But what Wei Zekai said next surprised the staff:

  "Is this a problem of money? There is another torrential rain in a Category 8 typhoon. In case the takeaway boy is tempted by ten times the delivery fee and killed when he delivers me the meal, how long will I have to suffer? My blood loss?"

  How can he do it...

  It's an arrogant bastard to say that the moral high ground is occupied?

  The program group has a complicated mood.

  "I don't know how to cook either," He Shun raised his head and looked at the closed door on the second floor: "I don't know if Tong Zhao will, but she has just arrived, so let her take a rest. The kitchen can be eaten if it is unpacked. Really? Boil the water and put the noodles down."

  With that said, it turned out that he didn't plan to do it.

  Zhong Muxi glanced at him uneasily.

  In fact, she knows how to cook. Although she does mediocre performance, she was used as a free nanny by her predecessor for two years. Since the breakup, she has been afraid of showing a virtuous and capable side in front of the opposite sex... [What is the use of virtuous and capable? To be a babysitter for a man would only be regarded as a yellow-faced woman. ]

  This negative mental activity was also captured by the intelligent AI.

  Instinctive variety show is to infinitely amplify the characteristics of human nature, as long as you can hit the point where the audience resonates, you can get the ratings.

  Along with the thunder and thunder, the three men with ghosts fell silent.

  The door was opened again.

  The man put away the black umbrella, the rain made his black hair beaded with water, and the white shirt on his body was slightly wet by the rain. The shirt was glued to his skin, and the lines were clearly defined. The chest muscles and the mermaid line are enough. People swallowed subconsciously. After putting away the umbrella and putting on indoor shoes, he looked up at the crowd, revealing an extremely beautiful face.


  If it weren't for the sharp jaw line, some people believed it was a big beauty.

  The man obviously went through a lot of hardships, his light amber eyes were not shining, and there was no intimidating sharpness, like a traveler who drank to the point of drunkenness, with an inexplicable mist, to whom. The last look was poetic and pictorial.

  He is very tired.

  At this time, just after washing his hair and wearing floral pajamas, Tong Zhao, with his half-wet hair, walked out of the bedroom and looked up with him.

  Tong Zhao:

  [Wow, superb. ]

  "Sorry, it's a bit late,"

  The man didn't think about anything, just smiled at everyone:

  "Hello, my name is Han Zhi, stubborn stubbornness."


  Except for Tong Zhao, the two female guests blushed.

  He Shun is a well-regarded person among successful people, and he is also a handsome man among ordinary people. Wei Zekai is a young and beautiful boy who can eat on his face, but compared with the man in front of him... it is too far, even if it is a look. All were thrown out of ten streets. No woman can resist him, even if he is tired.

  In other words, it is because Han Zhi is very tired.

  Handsome and oppressive handsome men will give people a sense of oppression. Women who are strong and have a certain degree of maternity, and Han Zhi is the best with both of these advantages.

  Han Zhi is very stable. Through his eyes, he can feel his heart as solid as a rock. No problem can stump him, no matter he can't solve, you are indecisive and indecisive? You can definitely rely on him. At the same time, he is as tired as looking at him, and he will beckon you to come and sleep in his arms, let him kiss the top of your hair, tender and gentle.

  At this time, the ID card arranged for him by the program team was also slowly unfolded in the form of special effects combined with the narration-

  [Han Zhi, "Aquaman" and "The Writer", he is an unknown writer who attracts female readers to continue to reward with his good appearance. Offline book signing is like a celebrity handshake meeting. His editor once lamented, but wherever His writing is a little better, and he won't be so poor. ]

  [Han Zhi's first half of his life was inseparable from women. He fished for fame and liked the new and disliked the old. No matter how beautiful a woman, he could not stay on the throne of his girlfriend for more than a month. ]

  After learning about the current situation, Han Zhi said, "Let's wait for me to change clothes and come down to make dinner."

  Hearing someone voluntarily cooking, Wei Zekai took off his headphones and looked at him appreciatively: "Thank you brother, I'm starving to death."

  Seeing this scene, Chang Xiaonian regretted that she didn't learn how to cook.

  Tong Zhao sits on the sofa and wipes his hair. This is also a murder scene.

  The director didn't expect that after the play, Tong Zhao, who is capable and neat after the play, will be like a dull and cute Lotus in the instinct.

  Tong Zhao wiped his hair and sneezed from the cold.

  She wiped her red nose, and her face without cosmetic powder was even more lovely.

  She was originally a little girl, but she rushed to Loli after her age reduction.

  If Tong Zhao's psychological activities are not captured, this is indeed a very cute picture.

  But the program crew heard it very clearly. After Tong Zhao glanced at Han Zhi's waist timidly, he thought: "I really want to sleep with him." ]

  If this Han Zhi is another male star, he will get a big deal.

  However, thinking of the true identity of this "extreme product", the program group couldn't help but exchange a complicated look...

  After Han Zhi changed into casual clothes, he went straight into the kitchen to cook.

  In a short while, the two meats and three vegetarians, which are delicious in color and fragrance, were quickly served on the long table in the living room. Han Zhi also boiled the mushroom soup. Everyone tasted it and was overwhelmed by the delicious taste of flying up. Every person drank it. Two big bowls.

  He Shun was surprised: "Mr. Han's culinary skills are really good. Nowadays, young people...cough, it's me, I'm used to eating takeaways, so I don't know how to eat food, and it hurts my brain when it comes to cooking. "

  "My girlfriend used to have stomach problems and couldn't eat takeaways,"

  As Han Zhi talked, he laughed: "After breaking up, this craft is not wasteful. Today, it can be useful to save everyone from being hungry."

  The tenth-level art of language was used to the extreme by him.

  He didn't say what was the reason for breaking up. Where can a good man who learns to cook for his girlfriend with stomach problems go bad? Coupled with his slightly melancholy electric eyes, the deep situation seems to have jumped on the paper in just two sentences.

  No, Zhong Muxi, who was wary of all male creatures, cast a sympathetic look at him.

  After Tong Zhao concentrated on eating a bowl of rice, he raised his head and smiled contentedly: "I really envy Brother Han's girlfriend."

  The image of her well-behaved and sweet little loli is very stable.

  Just how soft and sweet the voice is, how indifferent and mocking the heart voice scanned by the intelligent AI is--

  [All men's descriptions of their predecessors are believed to be too much. ]

  [Use your brain, which man would say to everybody about such a shameful thing being abandoned by his predecessor? Let alone cover up, it is normal not to mention it. There must be a demon behind the weakness, but I want to sell affectionate characters. ]

  [The meal is done well. ]

  "It's the same for me."

  Wei Zekai, who had a good meal, echoed the saying very unpleasantly.

  And his heart is very honest: [Fuck, this soup is delicious, I really want to hire my family as a cook. ]

  After eating, Chang Xiaonian and Zhong Muxi took the initiative to wash the dishes.

  Han Zhi is responsible for cooking, and no one will let him do the dishes anyway.

  Here also shows the "self" characteristics of the remaining three people.

  The male chauvinist He Shun feels that things related to housework have nothing to do with men.

  Wei Zekai always felt that the tableware and furniture at home would automatically become clean, and the food would appear hot on time.

  Tong Zhao, she...

  [Fortunately, I was not asked to wash the dishes, but if I was asked to do it, I would have to find a good tool. ]

  Program group: "..."

  This is too lazy!

  Does Tong Zhao's id have such a lazy side?

  Feng Yanqi's role is not like that!

  The assistant director was surprised: "A person who looks good is to take advantage. I don't think she is annoying, but she looks like a cat looking for a shit shoveler."

  Tong Zhao evaluated the three men in his heart.

  [Wei Zekai looked like a idiot who couldn't do housework. ]

  [The best product has to be kept for later, it is a bit confusing, you can temporarily put it away, and you will first attack other people. Anyway, Han Zhi doesn't look at it because others are ambiguous and stop politely. ]

  [Well, let's take down the surname He first! ]

  The female sea king took the initiative to attack, and the program group was refreshed and knew that there was content to be filmed.

  What is the modern version of the imperial concubine, what is it like?

  At the same time as the night falls.

  After punching in, everyone went back to their rooms.

  After Wei Zekai returned to the room, he did not continue to play the video, but took out a collar from the suitcase.

  Obviously he was the only person in the bedroom, but he looked around nervously and made sure that there was no one else before putting on the collar: "Is there such a magical function... Fuck!"

  With the very cartoonish smoke effects, Wei Zekai disappeared.

  Instead, it was a golden-brown corgi.

  ["The Inquisitor" and "Rich Second Generation" are the unruly and unruly proud of the heavens. In addition to finding your beloved this time, you also have an important task-please find the sea king hidden among you, and Guard the true love! In order to increase your reconnaissance ability, you will have one hour of transformation superpower every day. ]

  Wei Keji Zekai: "...Wow!"

  What kind of thing, is it so important to guard the love of others?

  But turning into a dog is quite new, and Wei Keji decided to go for a walk.

  The tender meat pad stepped on the soft mat, and it made no sound. It slipped to the downstairs and heard a little noise in the kitchen.


  Isn't someone hungry and eat at night?

  Wei Keji shook his little tail wildly, wanting to see who was so greedy.

  However, as soon as I stepped in, I heard the sound, it was the sob of a girl.

  "Why are you leaving me... can't you accompany me anymore? I thought you would leave me many times, but I didn't expect that that day would really come... It's so scary..."

  The panicked whispers accompanied by suppressed crying made Corgi's tail burst into a ball.

  It probed its head and saw a more terrifying picture.

  Watching the low-key and gloomy Zhong Muxi during the day, she used a fruit knife to repeatedly stroke her wrist.

  Where the watch was taken off, old and new wounds of different shades overlapped.

  The girl didn't want to die.

  Through the pain, she seemed to calm down slowly. After washing away the blood on the fruit knife, she rushed back to the room on the second floor with regret.

  Wei Zekai, who was a dog for the first time, realized he wanted to hide.

  Although his movements were slow, he was not found in the blind spot due to his short legs.

  It turns out that being broken in love will bring such serious harm?

  Wei Keji was shocked.

  He thought of the other two men in this villa, one of them might be the Sea King scum...

  The puppy shook his hair, and the dog's face showed a serious look.

  At this moment, it felt a deep sense of mission.