Chapter 43 

  Vodka, Cointreau, lemon juice, cranberry juice...

  The ice cubes were rolled into the shaker crisply, and then liquids of different colors drew colored lines in the air.

  Han Zhi's bartending movements are not particularly hard, and his relaxed and skillful aura makes him less like a bartender, more like an after-get off work hobby, only showing to close people at home, his posture and eyes are relaxed.

  Generally speaking, when being alone, the tension of one party will infect the other.

  But there is no such thing with Han Zhi.

  He has been very relaxed.

  And patience, willing to wait slowly for the female partner to let go of vigilance, there is a kind of ease and calmness-are you afraid? Then follow your rhythm, if you have no ideas, no experience, no rhythm, it doesn't matter, we take it slowly, as long as you are happy.

  Because of the distance from the bar, Chang Xiaonian thought he could overcome the temptation of the handsome guy.

  It's better than being alone in a private cinema.

  When Chang Xiaonian thought of how her slightly collapsed nose affected the look and feel of her profile, she would start to get oily skin after half an hour indoors. She panicked and wanted to run away, and she understood why Zhong Muxi was watching the movie with Han Zhi. Afterwards-

  ["He is a very good man, but the better he is, the worse I feel."]

  At that time, Chang Xiaonian filled her with a lot of girls who are little angels, your super-matched chicken soup.

  But it was really in front of Han Zhi...

  Under a different education, girls are probably born to fail to learn the fascinating self-confidence that "beauties are interesting to me when they look at me".

  Chang Xiaonian plucked up the courage to take a peek at him.

  Unexpectedly, Han Zhi who came into sight was also looking at her.

  The original indifferent and focused face lifted the lip line because of the meeting of eyes, and Qingjun's melancholy face seemed to have a smile because of her.


  Chang Xiaonian stared blankly, and then his heart became worse.

  Help, where the hell is this?

  The program team also gave him a close-up of this scene very well.

  The girlfriend fans who finally waited for the role of the brother to cover their hearts one after another, shouting that it was not good:

  [Although I don't like Chang Xiaonian, but I can understand her reaction too...]

  [Executive brother does business alone, my mom, so sore to tears. ]

  [Ah ah ah ah, I knew I was going to sign up for this variety show too, I am willing to lose face on the show! ]

  [Fans give up, as soon as your subconscious enters the instinct variety show, you don't need Han Zhi's guide to give it to you for nothing/funny]


  "Cos.mopolitan, a timeless classic."

  Han Zhi pushed the mixed wine to Chang Xiaonian.

  The light in the water bar is a bit blurred, reflecting the agate red wine in the inverted cone-shaped martini glass with a dreamy color, not too bright to make it look cheap. A freshly cut green lemon bites the rim of the glass. The bad street level of this bartender is similar to that of Chanel No. 5, but the bad street means its palatability is very high, it can withstand the impact of the new wave, and it is also suitable for ladies who have not been exposed to cocktails.


  Most girls can't refuse drinks with beautiful colors.

  "Ah, trouble you."

  Chang Xiaonian thanked in a low voice and took the cup--

  Before starting the bartending, Han Zhi soaked the martini glass in ice water and wiped it dry to ensure that the whole glass of wine can present the best taste in front of her. The tentacles are cold, the wine is also cold, and the entrance is rich. Smooth liquor and sweet and sour fruity aroma.

  While she sipped her alcohol, Han Zhi also bought herself a cup of gin and tonic.

  Gin and Tonic is quick to make, and the ingredients are abundant and easy to use. It is difficult to make and taste good, and it can be made very well. It is a refreshing and slightly bitter mix with a high lower limit and a high upper limit. He took two sips, and when Chang Xiaonian kept watching, he pushed the glass forward and smiled: "Would you like to taste this?"

  This is the cup he has drunk.

  The ice cubes and liquor in the glass were transparent and bright, and through the bar, even the handsome face of the man was dreamy.

  Due to the atmosphere, Chang Xiaonian took a sip from the cup without worrying too much.

  The mouth of the wine is refreshing and slightly sweet. The taste buds are washed by the unique aroma of gin first. She swallows quickly, leaving only the bitterness of tonic water on the tip of her tongue. The strange thing is that, without knowing what tricks Han Zhi did during the bartending process, the gin and tonic he produced reached the state of bitter but not astringent. And Han Zhi, who brought out this glass of wine, was looking at her with a gentle and bright expression...

  The two glasses of wine blended, in addition to giving her a bit of sweetness, his taste is particularly refreshing.

  She said it was a bartender for her to drink, as if she was really just here for a drink.

  There is no psychedelic fancy wine, nor does he show off relevant knowledge, and he is not in a hurry to show himself.

  Of course Han Zhi knows what she thinks of herself.

  Handsome and aggressive playboy, full of offensive, capitalized mental traps.

  [Action is always the most powerful evidence. ]

  [When a woman doubts you, don't explain, let her interpret you by herself, she will only believe what she has discovered. ]

  Unlike Tong Zhao's arrogant mockery, Han Zhi's voice when talking about women has a tenderness that is almost compassionate.

  Chang Xiaonian looked at him with his chin in his hands, and couldn't help asking, "How many girls have you made?"

  She regretted asking it out.

  "I haven't counted, the visitors are guests. I often have friends bring their friends to my house for drinks. Some will want to order the Internet celebrity cocktails on Douyin, like water cut whiskey. Is it technically difficult? Is it not special? Take a lot of trouble."

  Water cutting is a method of tasting whiskey invented by the Japanese.

  To sum up, the whiskey is added with ice, and the bartender has been stirring it until the ice melts and frosts, and the cup noodles will show a uniform thin frost, which is particularly hazy and beautiful. In order to achieve this effect, the hand of the bartender needs to keep stirring for ten to twenty minutes, which is time-consuming and laborious. It's still a matter of asking at the bar, let alone visiting someone else's home.

  "Then have you adjusted it?" Chang Xiaonian was curious.

  "Mojito, Martini and Gin and Tonic, choose one yourself."

  Han Zhi's tone was a little cold, and made her laugh: "I thought you were the kind who could ask for it."

  "Thinking too much, I am not a saint."

  Han Zhi raised his glass.

  When he looked up and drank it, his Adam's apple slid slightly.

  After seeing this scene, Chang Xiaonian swallowed.

  Chang Xiao's belly slander: [So it turns out that men drink so sexy? ]

  Barrage of Lightspeed denied.

  [No, sister, only him. ]

  [Our family boss, humanoid self-propelled X medicine! ]

  [Executive brother drinking close-up close-up animation, please click on my homepage to pick it up~]


  The bar counter is a wonderful design.

  The men and women in the same group sit next to each other. They don't always see the expression on each other's face. There is a lot of room for fantasy. When whispering, whispering and touching the shoulder between the ears, the insignificant physical contact is lit with a match in the middle of the night. Like, warm and sultry.

  Without looking at Han Zhi's face, Chang Xiaonian relaxed a lot. She jokingly said, "How beautiful is the wine that can be seen only after stirring for 15 minutes."

  "It is said that whiskey cut from water has the best taste, but I think it's just a gimmick."

  Han Zhi talked to her one after another.

  Chat all over the world.

  Even if he didn't look at his face, Chang Xiaonian felt that the left half of his face was so hot as he heard the deep and moving voice from the left, and he didn't even dare to look at him. This conversation at the cocktail party was fast-forwarded by smart ai during the broadcast, and a large number of fans immediately protested. It was not until the special effects barrage explained that a personal cut version was released to calm the public.

  Line horn.

  Maybe the atmosphere was too good, and Chang Xiaonian had no resistance to him before.

  On the contrary, I understand why Zhong Muxi, who claims to no longer like men, would rate Han Zhi so highly.

  "Among the three of us, you are most interested in Wei Zekai." Han Zhi said nonchalantly.

  "Well," Chang Xiaonian actually admitted: "He fits my fantasy of love...I have been in love, but it doesn't feel like that. It's not right. It's not what I want. It's written in the novel. It's not the same, I think it's probably because I didn't find the right person."

  The mood of the barrage is complicated.

  [Neither she nor the little sister said so much! ]

  [It's really a waste of talents to not do MLM. Just let people voluntarily speak the truth. ]

  [True High Rank Sea King...]

  The program team looked anxious.

  The director is afraid that Chang Xiaonian will give it for nothing like He Shun.

  It seems that Han Zhi and Tong Zhao are of the same type. They use a little hint to swipe the face to take the person off, so that the viewership of the program will be much less. The screenwriter saw him in a hurry, and couldn't help but complain about him: "This kind of problem will arise in the love variety show between celebrities and amateurs. In reality, how can a big beauty like Tong Zhao fail to confess? A glamorous man just walks away obediently. coming."

  The director flew at him with an eye knife: "The script you wrote."

  The screenwriter is selectively deaf and pretends to be looking at the distant scenery: "You see how messy the wires in this computer room are."


  Let's go back to the variety show.

  "The right person is very important. I think love is the same as all skills in the world. It requires proficiency."

  The long spoon stirred the wine glass, and the ice cubes turned into a crisp sound, which became the background sound of Han Zhi's speech.

  He is good at listening, but he is also very charming when speaking. I am afraid that the "Das Kapital" from him will also have the romantic poetry of sonnets and collections of birds: "Love a person and accept the love of others, You need to study many times, and one time is a rare miracle, but this kind of miracle is often performed in literary works."

  Chang Xiaonian smiled bitterly and echoed: "I just yearn for that kind of love. It's not about the right after weighing, but it will make my heart beat so fast that I will die in the next second, but when I see the other person I think it's worth it even if I die..."

  She is about to regard Han Zhi as a good sister who is spitting out bitterness.

  At this moment, Han Zhi, the handsome man, was the most vague moment of "different sexiness" in her heart, and the lowest guard.

  [If this rhythm of dialogue ends, I am afraid she will really have no idea about me the next day. ]

  Han Zhi's thinking calmly analyzed.

  Chang Xiao's shoulder sank before he finished speaking.

  Han Zhi leaned over, took her shoulders, pressed her slightly in the direction of his arms, did not really press down, still kept a distance that was not excessive, without real physical contact. Chang Xiaonian raised her gaze and fixed her gaze on the man's handsome face. The sharp jaw line and the arc of the lips that seemed to be smiling and non-smiling, burned fiercely on her retina.

  Chang Xiaonian didn't react and pushed him away.

  She swallowed.

  "Do you feel that way to me?"

  Han Zhi reversed his previous gentleness, his eyes were cold and indifferent, but a pair of slightly shallow eyes were full of lingering silk.

  How can this kind of feeling come from a performance?

  In the close-up close-up, the director really did not understand.

  This scumbag's acting skills are too good.

  Actually it was not from the show.

  The prerequisite for the formation of Han Zhi's personality is that Tong Zhao's first time crossing into a male body, it is even more difficult to see women of different genders from a man's vision. He has a feeling of love and compassion for the entire female group, so he can easily love Who on it, this relationship is not fake, not acting.

  He hopes that every girl can be happy.


  Chang Xiaonian was stupid.

  The immunity to the handsome guy was wiped out in the blink of an eye.

  Her five senses were completely numb, and she could only hear the sound of the heart beating wildly, and Han Zhi's words just now played wildly in her brain with Dolby loop stereo sound effect. It was too bad for her, and she almost forgot to breathe.

  "Don't lie."

  Han kept his eyes low, and his tone was slightly tough.

  Was the gentle and good talk just now pretended to be? Under the close-range beauty crit, Chang Xiaonian lost his normal thinking ability a bit, and only subconsciously replied: "Yes..."

  "Heartbeat fast?" Han Zhi's thin lips curled up and smiled lightly.

  After a hum, Chang Xiaonian regained a bit of saneness, turned her face away embarrassedly, and breathed loudly: "Help, it's too exaggerated, don't scare me like this, I really can't breathe... "

  "Slowly taking a sip of ice."

  Han Zhi let go of her and pushed a glass of tuned whiskey in front of her.

  "it is good."

  After Chang Xiaonian took a sigh of relief, she sat up straight and blushed and looked at the wine glass.

  She stared at the wine glass as if it was engraved with 4D words, enough for her to watch it for half an hour to escape reality.

  Panic, so panic.

  She obviously didn't feel this way when she was alone with Young Master Wei!

  Last time we were cooking together, she was so angry that Wei Zekai made two sorrows and wanted to teach him a few words. The rich second generation is too ignorant, so she yanked and yanked!

  Chang Xiaonian stared at the glass for a while, and suddenly noticed the difference in this glass of whiskey.

  A thin layer of frost formed on the inner wall of the glass wine glass, making the pure gin liquor covered with a dreamy gauze, making the inner structure unrealistic. In the flashlight, she remembered that when she was chatting with Han Zhi just now, out of avoiding the handsome guy, she had not dared to look at him directly. Between each sentence, the sound of the long spoon stirring the wine glass can also be heard.

  This is the water-cut whiskey that the guests want to tune in.

  Chang Xiaonian held the cold wine glass with both hands, the palms of his hands were warm, and so was his heart.

  She asked nerdly, "Didn't you say that this is troublesome and you don't want to adjust it?"

  "Aren't you curious to see how good the wine is after 15 minutes of stirring?" Han Zhi reached out and touched her dumb ears, as if the polite gentleman before was just a hoax and a guise, and millions of viewers also witnessed Chang Xiao Nian's favorability for him skyrocketed, and she was amazed: "And the feeling of liking the heartbeat...Since I want to know, I will satisfy your curiosity."

  Han Zhi's voice was low and dumb, and there was a numbness in the place where his big hand touched.

  Fortunately, he is sitting, otherwise Chang Xiaonian feels that he wants to feel weak.

  She took a sip of whiskey.

  Chang Xiaonian: [Damn, how come this wine makes me taste sweet. ]

  Whiskey certainly cannot be sweet.

  Even if you can see the statue of the Virgin and the Himalayas in "Drops of God" with a sip, wine is always wine, spicy and bitter is the normal state, even if it becomes warmer after water cutting, The only possibility to taste sweetness is that there is a problem with the nerves of the taste buds.

  The brain controls all nerves.

  So there is a problem with the brain.

  When the heart beats another person, the brain actually starts to have problems.


  [Woman, something is wrong with you. ]

  [Brother stirred the wine for 15 minutes, even if it was boiled water, it was sweet. ]

  [How much money can I spend to charge VIP so that I can experience the perspective of this female guest? ? ? ? ? ]

  Female audiences use barrage to vent their excitement, while male audiences use small notebooks to jot down these skills that are not used in real life.

  Han Zhi picked a lazy look in the past.

  "Want to try the feeling of dying heartbeat again?"

  He didn't mix the strong wine for the little girl, but the other glasses that he made himself drank harshly. This would make his slightly drunk eyes more poetic and picturesque. Tons of hormones usually smashed into the heart, and the audience across the screen is still She couldn't stand it, and she couldn't hold it directly facing this humanoid self-propelled x medicine.

  [I should reject him. ]

  [Too outrageous, this is actually a scumbag...]

  [Maybe it's super dangerous...]

  The above are the psychological activities of Chang Xiaonian.

  Here is what she said:

  "miss you."

  Han Zhi didn't say a word, and took her directly into his arms.

  This time there was no longer a distance of polite restraint, but fell firmly into his arms. She could smell the very light incense of him... Without the smell of tobacco described in the novel, maybe he didn't smoke at all. Maybe, she couldn't help but sniffed in his chest.

  Chang Xiaonian wanted to hear his heartbeat, did he speed it up for himself.

  It's a pity that her heart beats so hard that she can't hear anything else.

  "Do you feel like a heroine in a love novel?" Han Zhixiao asked, more like a molester.

  If you look like this at the beginning, no matter how handsome you are, you will have to slap you.

  The problem is that he is too good at creating an atmosphere, gradually breaking through his defenses.

  Han Zhi pinpointed the pain point of the girl in front of him.

  She wants an unreal romantic adventure like a novel, wants an unreasonable strong man, wants to be led by the nose, this is the experience that Wei Zekai can't give her-[The little master, don't be slipped by Tong Zhao Just having fun...] When Han Zhi thought lightly, the girl in her arms asked the truth:

  "Han Zhi, are you holding the Sea King Card?"

  To be exposed!

  It turns out that Chang Xiaonian is not stupid!

  The audience suddenly became nervous, and the program group was very happy to watch, and finally an event developed in the direction they expected.

  "Scumbag, you have today too!" The assistant director eagerly fists.

  Variety shows, of course, are the most interesting to see that the winning side rolls over.

  The screenwriter poured cold water coolly: "Don't expect too much, you listen to Han Zhi's subwoofer to explain too simple, listen to him in his arms, even if he says that the sun is from the west, I am afraid there are women's letters."

  The field clerk raised her hand to prove: "I believe it!"

  Everyone thought so.

  With Han Zhi's rank, how easy it is to coax the little girl.



  Han Zhi squeezed her chin and lifted it up, forcing her to look at herself, thin lips suddenly picked: "Are you going to expose me?"

  [? ? ? ]

  [Blast truck? Why blew up? ]

  Rarely, the backstage of the program group was as shocked as the audience.

  Obviously as long as you lie and lie to the past, you can easily complete the task.

  From the degree of favorability, it can be seen that Chang Xiaonian has been thoroughly tempted by him. As long as Han Zhi deliberately guides him, I am afraid it will be more vain than He Shun.

  Chang Xiaonian's cheeks and eyes were red: "You teased me on purpose?"

  She was very embarrassed.

  Sure enough, if it weren't for the Aquaman Card, how could a handsome guy like Han Zhi be nice to her, be gentle to her, just want a bonus...

  Before she broke free of her arms, Han grasped her hand and pressed it on his chest.

  Han Zhi whispered: "After seeing you, I enjoy the task it gave me."

  From the palm of his hand, his heartbeat was much faster than usual.

  It turns out that Han Zhi is the same as himself...!

  Chang Xiaonian quickly withdrew her hand, tears could not shed, but the corners of her lips rose, obviously he was coaxed.

  So, is Aquaman really tempted?

  [Wine is really good. ]

  [Low-end Sea King drunk girl, like me, just need to get drunk myself. ]

  Han Zhi hooked his lower lip line.

  A line of special effects words slowly appeared in front of the audience with the sound of keyboard tapping--

  "The ethanol in alcohol stimulates the sympathetic nerves, and there is a certain chance that the heartbeat will speed up. "


  [...I really have you, the King of Sea King! ]

  [Please go to the line with Tong Zhao, don't put this low-end game abusive, okay? ]

  [The only one who can touch me is my own/doghead! ]

  Han Zhi still hugged her, and the indifferent monologue in his heart seemed to mock the show crew for being too naive: [People will always misunderstand the true demands of lovers. She just asked me if I got Aquaman, it was not that I was deceived, but that I actually didn't love her, and only reluctantly teased her in order to achieve the task. This recognition made her self-esteem damaged and embarrassed and angry...]

  [So, just let her know that I don't have no feelings for her. ]

  [There is no right or wrong in love, the more emotional people want simpler things. ]

  [If you don't understand the true demands of your lover, you will be reduced to a miserable situation where you need to face endless conflicts. ]

  [Most importantly, I don't like to lie to women. ]

  [With me, there is no sadness but love. ]

  Master Aquaman's inner monologue smashed the knees of countless audiences.

  The love variety show has officially become an emotional show.

  Under the shocking gaze of millions of viewers, Chang Xiaonian became more attached to Han Zhi after learning the identity of Han Zhi.

  Why is this!

  Chang Xiaonian didn't understand why she was like this.

  But Han Zhi understands--

  [After knowing that I have clearly attracted me, I relax a lot, which is a good sign. ]

  The most frightening thing is that Aquaman knows women better than women.

  Chang Xiaonian hesitated to fill in his name on the Xindong app.

  As a reward, Han Zhi raised her face and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

  In short, he can be satisfied with the stages of idol drama.

  "Well, I lost to you, so you don't have to pay attention to me afterwards, right?" Chang Xiaonian said jokingly, turning a face.

  The camera caught her eyes with tears.

  "You seem to misunderstand me a little bit,"

  Han Zhi angrily and funny turned her face back, and asked her to look at herself obediently: "I won't let go until you learn to accept others' favors calmly and confidently."

  This line of barrage calling is too romantic novel.

  So which man can say it!

  "Then how do you teach me?" Chang Xiaonian ate this set very much.

  "Let's start teaching from your habit of looking directly at me."

  [...I just want to know, after leaving the holographic cabin, how this girl will react when she knows that her male god and the annoying girl are the same person. ]

  [Upstairs 1]

  [Also, let's save our group of male fans with Han Zhi's disciples! ]

  [Don't teach it, it's a shame. ]

  At the same time, in the corridor on the other side...

  Tong Zhao, who was about to go downstairs to cook a supper, met a Corgi with his little tail wagging in a narrow path in the corridor.