Chapter 45

  In the East Asian cultural environment, men's tears are always suppressed.

  Men do not flick when they have tears, men bleed but do not shed tears...

  No matter how you hear it, I think the man is so miserable, but it also triggers a kind of cuteness-the less I don't want to show his weak side, the more I want to lift his strong mask, and see the side of his true feelings, the moment the building collapses, Kissing his tears, accepting his sharpness also tolerates his weakness.

  Tong Zhao's delicate little hand stroked Han Zhi's chin, his mind filled with evil tastes that he didn't want to talk to others.

  In the close-up close-up, her fingertips lightly traced his Adam's apple.

  [Hey, Tong Zhao is really Alpha with an Omega face. ]

  [The male audience asks if they don't understand, what is Alpha? ]

  [The male audience in front, don't run, I have a file of G that I privately sent to you to discuss...]

  Han Zhi squeezed her wrist and looked at her with eyes open and expressionless.

  The light behind the eyelashes was as deep as a pool, as if to suck people in, and the disaster would be overwhelming.

  "Want to make me cry? It's a bit difficult."

  She touched his cervical vertebrae.

  The bones are connected to the muscles, and the lines contain leopard-like explosive power. The slightly cool fingertips trace his texture lines, which are obviously all parts that can be described, but the atmosphere permeated in the air is about to reach the red line that cannot be broadcast: "You How about the gentleman's demeanor towards women? Hurry up, cry out and show it to me."

  Tong Zhaoheng smiled, his attitude was arrogant and unreasonable.

  Han Zhi is a little bit helpless with her type, as if stepping on the air, a little bit unwilling and should be angry, why be so arrogant to him? But his tolerance for women is really high. He took her to sit in his arms and kissed her ears: "Quickly stop making trouble... I really can't cry. I don't have much to look at when I cry. Ewha doesn't bring rain at all. Do you describe a girl? You must look better than me when you cry."

  "That's true."

  Tong Zhao agreed.

  She didn't cry for a while to achieve her goal.

  After sitting in his arms, the audience began to look forward to the restricted-level picture.

  But no, the two exchanged information.

  "I know you won't reveal the privacy of other girls, but it seems that you have managed to read Chang Xiao," Tong Zhao said very confidently, leaving him no room for rebuttal, Han Zhi silently watched her, knowing that he had explained it. It's useless, the facts are exactly as she said: "Then you have to please me."

  Although they didn't say it clearly, the two knew the Neptune Card that each other had obtained.

  "Aquaman" is the same as "Darkness, please close your eyes" and "Werewolf". It is aware that the identity is not the end of the game. The interests of the two are not conflicting, but there is a chance to achieve a win-win situation. While he needs Tong Zhao's beloved choice, Tong Zhao also needs his.

  The most likely result is that the two exchange mobile phones, two-way selection, and the task is perfectly accomplished.

  At this moment, Han Zhi could completely put the words back.

  But he laughed, letting her be at her mercy with a gentle expression, as if asking and asking, "My Lady Queen?"

  "...Ah, good soil," Tong Zhao squeezed his straight nose: "Did you poke my thunder on purpose? A scumbag."

  "Innocent master."

  The barking went too far, and Han Zhi could not help but rubbing against her neck like a big dog.

  Tong Zhao knows him too well. There is nothing in this man that can be related to canines. The wolf knows to obey the wolf. Under the obedient skin, this man is the heart of a prodigal who has no fixed place and wanders to the end of the world. It is hard to describe it as a wild leopard that is unfamiliar, come over to take a bite when it is delicious, turn around when not interested, run very fast, extremely hateful, and have a gorgeous fur and a lovely voice.

  At this time, she heard some strange noises from the door of the game room.

  It was just a blink of an eye that Han Zhi took it back.

  "Tell me about you,"

  Han Zhi found a small mole on the back of her neck, which was very cute: "How are you and that young master? He can't seem to play with you."


  Tong Zhao really wanted to give him a blank look at which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted.

  But held back.

  Wei Zekai is the steeliest straight man she has ever seen, as if the second sex has not been awakened. Underneath his handsome face is only clean and clear eating, drinking and having fun, love and love? nonexistent. But she didn't want to lose face in front of her peers, so she sighed deliberately when he buried her head in her neck and couldn't see her expression: "What are you playing? Honestly, the kid can't help playing. It's cute. I plan to be nice to him." talk."

  Han Zhi was originally studying the small mole on the back of the neck, but was stunned when he heard this: "...Talk about it?"

  As if hearing some urban legend.

  "Yes, I like him."

  Tong Zhao frankly said that when he saw that he wanted to look up at himself, he quickly rubbed his cheek with his face: "I met this type of person for the first time. I really like it. I have to treat him well."

  This passage cannot be said to be half-true.

  It can only be said that it is completely nonsense.

  However, like Han Zhi, it is difficult to judge the authenticity of the other party's words without seeing his face. Tong Zhao's voice is very delicate and charming, which interferes with his correct judgment. Besides, he also had to admit... Wei Zekai's appearance was quite superior.

  He couldn't help but ask: "Do you really like that type?"

  "I haven't tried it."

  This answer was too credible for Hai Wang, and he immediately convinced Han Zhi.

  He took a bite on her neck like a vent, "Have you tried my type?"

  [He is in a hurry, he is in a hurry, he is in a hurry]

  [Unexpectedly, it was Tong Zhao who accidentally inserted the willow to be even better, this wave is her leading! ]

  [I would like to call Wei Keji the strongest tool man! ]

  What the audience felt, Tong Zhao naturally also noticed from the details of Han Zhi's tone.

  Although he quickly cleared up his dissatisfaction in the next dialogue, hiding it as if nothing happened, but who is Tong Zhao? In the high-end game, the slightest flaw is all losses. She just wanted to conceal that she was not sure about Wei Zekai, but she did not expect it to arouse his jealousy---

  So he would be jealous too?

  It's kind of cute, and it's fun to get that emotion down quickly.

  After catching his pigtail, Tong Zhao couldn't stop smirking.

  Is jealous just like it?

  In fact, it is not, but at least there are signs of it. Tong Zhao also fully believes in his self-control ability, but it is like winning a head point from the strong. The big leopard turned over and played with the white belly of the leopard.

  Tong Zhao glanced at him obliquely: "I missed the stuffing, do you particularly like me?"


  Han Zhi glanced at her wilting smile and knew what she was thinking.

  It is impossible for her to stop, so she can only helplessly smile and hug her: "What kind of development should be next? Tong Dao, give me instructions, chase his wife in the crematorium? Didn't chase people much, Teach me, give me some water."

  What a crematorium chasing wives, it's literally.

  "Pull you down."

  Tong Zhao laughed.

  I don't even understand why this guy has a bunch of words that poke her!

  After listening to her complaints, Director Han was confident: "Because I am a writer."

  "The Chinese literary world is very fortunate to have you. Sooner or later, it will be over."

  Tong Zhao wrote a letter of sadness to the literary world.

  On the other hand, Han Zhi felt that this woman was good, but her mouth was too bad, so she decided to sacrifice her life, deceive her and lower her head and grab her lips. The two kissed hard to separate, but the director cut the camera at this moment.

  [...Director, your chicken legs are gone tonight! ]

  [Where is the director Weibo, brothers and sisters rushed him! ]

  [It is reasonable to suspect that this is defrauding VIP members to purchase Cut version viewing rights. Do you think we will be fooled? Others don't know, I was fooled, and I recharged this pair of Neptune with tears/smiling/smiling]

  Everything about the lens is that when he left the game room, he met He Shun.

  "Tong Zhao, are you hiding from me?"

  He strode forward and caught Tong Zhao's hand, his low voice filled with puzzlement and anxiety.

  The audience who was scolding for inappropriate directors was immediately distracted--

  This proper Shura field!

  Has the car overturned?

  How should Tong Zhao solve it?

  Tong Zhao's eyes swept over his caught wrist. Although he didn't struggle to stimulate him, he was already cursed in his heart: [Neuropathy, just talk, why do you use your feet? ]

  There was no volatility in the program group, and I still wanted to laugh a little.

  With Han Zhi's lessons learned there, everyone in the program group has realized that ordinary people can't play these two sea kings, and they can coax people in a few words. It is simply the brainwashing level of the MLM boss. If it is not for the three views, can it develop? Out of the harem is also unknown.

  Assistant Director: "The highlight should be the teaching of the sea kings' harem opening, right?"

  "He Shun is not Tong Zhao's opponent at all."

  "It's hard to say that He Shun is obviously a particularly possessive man. Chang Xiaonian was later cultivated by Han Zhi's self-confidence and self-awareness, and his fascination with him has begun to fade, so that he can be calm about his pursuit of other female players. "The screenwriter analyzed and convinced others.

  Just when everyone behind the scenes and the audience agreed that Tong Zhao could easily handle He Shun, she didn't use her usual tactics of being soft and cute, and only coldly squinted her eyes: "Avoid you?"

  He Shun didn't notice her strange expression and asked her frankly, "You never talked to me after the course. I wanted to find you, but you always stayed with the young master. I didn't have a chance to talk to me. You said it, if you didn't follow you... Forget it, that's not the point, you should give me an answer. Also, who are you doing in the game room with you?"

  The relationship has not been determined yet, He Shun has already shown a strong desire to control his "little girlfriend".

  He packed up the board game toys and was about to leave Han Zhi and was named before he stepped out. Jun's face showed the embarrassment of being stepped on his tail, full of joy.

  The camera is zoomed out, and the three of them are included in the picture at the same time, just like the Shura field of idol drama.

  Han Zhi: [Ah this...]

  Han Zhi: [First wait and see, if there is violence, you still have to protect the Queen. ]

  [I love acting so hard! ]

  [I think he just wants to disgust Sister Zhao, Sister Zhao obviously doesn't like being called the Queen by him hahahaha...]

  [Funned these two, it's okay to jump from a limited-level movie to a comedy. ]

  Han Zhi: [Well, I hope Tong Zhao can play normally, and I don't need to be on the stage. ]

  Immediately, Tong Zhao used actions to tell him that not only did the sister not lose the chain, but she also performed supernormally.

  She looked at He Shun in time, with three points of freshness and seven points of pity.

  Tong Zhao chuckled lightly.

  "Tell me, are you worthy?"

  This is the first time that Tong Zhao's heart is as cold and arrogant as what he said.

  He Shun obviously didn't expect his delicate and weak little goddess to have this side, and she was also dulled by her slanderous attitude. Tong Zhao watched his expression for a while--

  She and Han Zhi are indeed not the same, Han Zhi will never treat his suitors like this, but the imperial concubine? Except for the supreme world, the other ministers under the skirt are only worthy to kneel and use their backs to pad her feet: "Okay, for humanitarian reasons, I will let you die and you will understand. I've long been annoyed that you have to brag when tutoring students. There is also the contempt for women visible to the naked eye. Every time you and me fault those two women, I almost vomit."

  "But," He Shun couldn't accept: "I just told the truth."

  "Oh, I gave you a lesson in vain. Listening to me is simply stuffing money into your pocket. Do you think I will be very happy when you judge other women in front of your sweetheart? No, I just think you are very unpleasant. Up-grade."

  Tong Zhao really does not have a good impression of the other two female players.

  Chen Guifei's "intrinsic self" was always fought out in the harem. Same sex equals competitors deeply imprinted in the subconscious. This is her extreme and one-sided part. But for He Shun...

  how to say?

  Just like the eunuch pointing to the women, even if the point is just a promise, the imperial concubine wants to give him two feet, telling him to go to the Department of Sentences, which is indeed a five-element short-term draw.

  Taking advantage of He Shun's astonishment, Tong Zhao broke free of his grip and rubbed Bai Hao's wrist.

  She has basically concluded that Wei Zekai is the judge, and no matter how bad he is, he is also surnamed Chang or Zhong, but it is unlikely. If Chang Xiao read it, I'm afraid she would have entered her name in the app to report it. After observation during this period, He Shun's performance is not like someone with a special identity card.

  "Remember how you told me? Chang Xiaonian wanted to marry a wealthy family. The face is too obvious. No man would like this kind of gold worshiper. Zhong Muxi's appearance is plain and too gloomy, and he won't take advantage of this opportunity when he is not young. Doing more housework to show yourself will take a lifetime."

  Speaking of this, Tong Zhao paused: [Does it look like I am venting them? ]

  This idea pierced her thunder, and got goose bumps on her arm.

  [On the spot, my brain made up for the imperial concubine and the harem sisters hhhh]

  [Cuiguo, touch her face for me! ]

  [Director: People set collapse ooc, hello]

  Forget it, just let others interpret it. Seeing a man's worldview collapsed, she laughed at him with a very happy look: "You think you can control everything. You have already fixed me? I persuade you. Treating women as idiots will only make you look particularly idiot."

  The dirty characters here are harmonized.

  But from Tong Zhao's tone and expression, the audience perfectly received the message she wanted to express.

  He Shun, who realized that he had been fooled, was furious: " deliberately approached me and misled me! I was so good to you. I want to expose you to others, as long as the judge knows your true face. , You're out of the game and you're done!"

  "Well, indeed,"

  After the showdown, Tong Zhao's smile never stopped. She took a step forward and asked in a low voice: "So, who do you think will believe you? It's Wei Zekai, who got 20 stars in double row with me. , Or those two girls you look down on? Do you really think they didn't notice your contempt for them? Fool, I don't know how to play this game and get the civilian card and I don't know how to make good relations with other people to exchange information, it's kind of funny what."

  He Shun's expression condensed.


  He despised the two women, and their relationship with him was weak.

  He was polite on the surface, and he almost quarreled during the last activity together. He kindly advised Chang Xiaonian not to be immersed in her own world, but she didn't appreciate it and said it was her own business.

  Tong Zhao: [It's the worst to isolate yourself when you fall in love. ]

  Tong Zhao: [Tactically despise the enemy, strategically value the enemy...Ah, but I am not qualified to spray him. My relationship in the same-sex camp will never be cold or hostile. ]

  She curled her lips.

  On the barrage is the voice of a female fan confessing.

  Woo, they like Sister Zhao so much!

  He Shunren couldn't bear it. He rounded his arms to give her a little bit of color. Han Zhi, who had been observing secretly behind him, couldn't stop immediately, and hurried forward to stop his raised hand. Tong Zhao was completely expecting this, and was very imperial and put him behind him mockingly: "When you say that the pain is in the middle, you will be frustrated. Are you going to fight? We send Han Zhi!"

  It's almost "come out Pikachu"...

  Han's mouth twitched slightly.

  This woman's nasty and true character always made him smile.

  The moment He Shun saw Han Zhi, some assumptions and suspicions were connected in an instant.

  His fierce member Guang came back and shuttled between the two of them, his arrogant self-esteem faltering: "...What a couple of dogs and men!"

  After all, He Shun shook off Han Zhi's restraint, turned and left with anger.

  The scolded Han Zhi looked at the culprit: "It's not difficult to coax him well, why bother."

  "It's hard, it's hard to die," Tong Zhao shook his hand twice, with a pampered look: "It's hard to get to the sky if I don't scold him. Oh my god, don't you? Seeing him come to ask me about the crime-why? Not even a boyfriend, I want to exercise sovereignty over me."

  Han Zhi nodded very understandingly: "Sounds very annoying."

  In terms of irritating people, Tong Zhao is the real master of hatred.

  However, Han Zhi has no empathy for men strangely. He seems to be thinking from a female standpoint by nature, just wanting to protect the interests of girls.

  Seeing that he was unbelievable, Tong Zhao raised his right hand to show him: "Look, he caught my wrist red."

  Sure enough, Tong Zhaobainen had the red mark on his wrist that he had just grabbed.

  Her complexion was white, and the scar was particularly conspicuous.

  Where did the imperial concubine suffer such a grievance, and turned his face on the spot.

  Seeing that the girl's wrist was injured, Han Zhi's lack of sympathy immediately turned into distress for Tong Zhao. He sighed: "Go, take you to rub the medicinal wine."

  "Then you have to cooperate with me in acting later."

  Tong Zhao has made an inch.

  Han Zhi knew that she was easy to be pinched, but knew that she was really upset, so he coaxed her with her heart: "Okay, I am a senior actor, and I can act with you in anything."

  Tong Zhao smiled pleased.

  At that time, no one thought that this sentence would become a divine prophecy.

  Let's go back to the status quo.

  He Shun was so angry that his internal organs were about to explode, and he stepped heavily on the floor with every step.

  He has a good impression of Tong Zhao. He likes her in a condescending manner. A little proud that this little beauty admires herself, playing her around, and giving her a little favor will make her very happy. He never thought that she had been fooling him!

  He is confident that he will not become the prey of the sea king.

  It's just a woman's trick.

  In front of a successful man like him, he can see through it at a glance.

  Tong Zhao is so good that he can't hide things in front of him, so he blushes at every turn.

  I'm afraid it was the ambitious woman who got the Neptunus card! It's a pity that she is destined to be a man she can't handle. Wei Zekai's kind of hairy boy is still a little bit possible, and He Shun is very dissatisfied with Chang Xiaonian.

  However, yet...

  He Shun's heart sounded garbled.

  Instinctive variety show audiences love to watch this moment of true feelings. No matter who is unlucky, it is very real and very interesting. Just like some reality shows in the United States in the past, the guests were specially arranged to tear up and collapse in front of the camera, and they said many vulgar lines that made educated and decent people frown, but the ratings were good ---

  No matter how civilized the times evolve, the people's love of eating melons will not change.

  He Shun walked to the living room in the public area.

  Wei Zekai didn't know where he was. The two little girls were watching TV.

  He was a little upset, the young master must have hid and played games again, and he was missing in a critical juncture. But on second thoughts, there are only two women. They seem to dislike Tong Zhao. He once heard Chang Xiaonian say that Tong Zhao special green tea.

  He Shun walked up to the two of them, first calmed down, and broke the news in a very affirmative tone:

  "Tong Zhao is the Sea King among us, she deceived my feelings!"



  Chang Xiaonian and Zhong Muxi sat on the small sofa intimately and looked up at He Shun.

  Zhong Muxi doesn't like to talk, but Chang Xiaonian can't hide the question marks and doubts: "Huh?"

  Chang Xiaonian: [Are we familiar with each other? ]

  Tong Zhao is right, their relationship is not good at all.

  Who is the female sea king does not threaten the interests of the two girls.

  Chang Xiaonian only felt that He Shun, a man who was emotionally traumatized, asked them for help and was mentally retarded.

  Not only was he not sympathetic, but also wanted to laugh.

  [He doesn't look down on women very much? How can I be deceived by a woman and ask for help from a woman?] Chang Xiaonian's heart expresses the thoughts of some of the audience: [It's my shit, help me, when he speaks, he compares the clinging brother very well, hope My boyfriend in the future, don't be like this guy, please. ]

  If He Shun had come a while earlier, Chang Xiaonian might be the same enemy.

  After all, in many black-and-white online novels and short videos, the green tea and white lotus flower are punishable by everyone.

  But after getting moisturized by the clinging brother, she became more tolerant of seeing flowers and plants, and felt embarrassed about the previous behavior of chewing her tongue behind her back. Although she could not apologize to her, at least when others came to slander her innocence. There is no urge to curse along with him.

  "Don't you understand this?"

  Although it has long been known that women will react slower than men, He Shun is still a little impatient: "She deliberately seduce me, and after I confessed to her, she revealed her true colors..."

  Zhong Muxi was curious: "What kind of true face is it?"

  He Shun was angry: "She rejected me!"


  Chang Xiaonian: [Mom's mental retardation. ]