Chapter 60

  There is no impenetrable wall in the world.

  If so, it must be that the previous hammer was not hit hard enough.

  This time, "The Ruthless Tribulation" is really too hot. The netizens' curiosity about the only protagonist, Tong Zhao, is like a huge hammer, which is constantly "eighty!" and "eighty!" Smash, finally smashed through this wall.

  How popular is "Relentless Tribulation"?

  The box office swept 183 million on the first day, contributing nearly 90% of the total box office that day, and its direct comparison with the movies of the same period is miserable. The entire industry knows that Shi Qianqiu is about to produce another phenomenon-level work.

  People are more angry than people!

  The most afraid of new directors is that investors do not have confidence in him.

  Shidao has money in his family, has many opportunities for trial and error, and his talent is also great. He tried to take off.

  So when his colleagues saw him coming in anger, they wouldn't lose their mentality, they could only sigh for good destiny.

  No, it took a few years for "Relentless Tribulation" to start filming. It really made him meet Tong Zhao, and Tong Zhao contributed a unique and excellent performance, creating an unforgettable Mu Xianchang for the audience. I really don't know whether to say that he has vision or is lucky. It's almost the end of the year for the Instinct Film Awards. Nominations are indispensable. It can be expected that the best modelling and best actress will be bald when you think about it.

  This best modeling award...

  No way, the budget is there.

  The rental fees for modeling many of the big scenes in "The Ruthless Tribulation" are not cheap, let alone original buildings, all of which are burning.

  Shi Qianqiu was particularly willing to spend money.

  Among them, the box office of movies of the same subject matter was affected by it, and all of them rose slightly-

  Although most of the new comments criticized them for being far inferior to "The Ruthless Tribulation", it's cool to eat meat with your eldest brother.

  Make money, not shabby.


  "Revealing the Secrets of the Female Leading Roles in Recent Big Movies"

  "I'm wondering, the two actresses in "72 Hour" turned out to be good girlfriends? Why doesn't it look like it? "

  "TZ and XZ are good girlfriends from junior high school to high school, see the photos of the real hammer"


  Among the hot searches on airborne Weibo are the high school photos of Tong Zhao and Xu Zhu.

  The two girls in the photo have no makeup and have a childish look on their plain makeup.

  Even if you don't apply powder, you can still see that the long-haired girl on the right is Tong Zhao. She has a deep silhouette, and the three-dimensional features that can withstand the test of the big screen come out early and become a beauty. Her bright eyes are curved and smiling Brilliant and pleasant, no worries.

  Xu Zhu, who was standing on her left, looked a little fuzzy in comparison.

  Behind the photo is a large, well-maintained lawn, which was claimed to be a corner of a private college with expensive tuition.

  Xu Zhu and Tong Zhao are of the same sex, even if they are old acquaintances, they are not big news.

  The problem is that the two have worked together.

  At that time, the relationship between the inside and outside of "Countdown 72 Hours" was very cold, and there was no interaction in the publicity activities. In the movie, Feng Sisi, played by Xu Zhu, has a bad attitude towards her sister Feng Yanqi.

  However, the two people in this photo burst out holding a small hand, they seem to be a good pair of girlfriends.

  The person who broke the news also said that Tong Zhao and Xu Zhu are inseparable sisters.

  I even ride in the same private car to and from school.

  Tong Zhao is the second generation of the rich. As for Xu Zhu's family, I don't know anything about it.

  As evidenced by photos, the credibility of this anonymous revelation has been greatly improved. Taking advantage of the popularity of the movie and Tong Zhao itself, more netizens discussed.

  Xu Zhu fans who don't know the truth jumped out excitedly:

  [Sister is really the little princess who grew up spoiled. ]

  [Wow, this school is not cheap at first glance. It really is a baby who has to go home and inherit his family business if he doesn't work hard to practice dancing. ]

  [Pretty sister's friend is Sister Shenxian. ]

  Compared with the excitement of Xu Zhu's fans, Tong Zhao's fans focused more on seeing old photos of their sisters.

  [The only good thing about this photo is that Tong Zhao is naturally beautiful and has no cosmetic surgery. ]

  [Friendship in the student days doesn't mean anything, so behave and wait for Sister Zhao to open wheat. ]

  After Xu Zhu debuted in "Girls of the Stars", there was no water splash except for an apocalyptic film that collapsed. Under the care of Tong Zhenming's contacts, she received the heroine in an idol drama as she wished, but the response was mediocre after the broadcast. On the contrary, Tong Zhao's filming is so popular that the fire of "The Ruthless Tribulation" made her sit on the throne of the box office goddess for a short time, and only need another movie to maintain her position.

  Whether it is grade, popularity or subconscious charm, the two are not on the same level.

  Unless the main player is open wheat interaction, otherwise Tong Zhao fans will definitely not be happy to be tied up by a talented talent.

  Xu Zhu fans are different.

  They think that as long as they are polite, this must be a benign interaction, anyway, their sister will not lose it.

  And the second-generation circle that really understands the relationship between the two, especially the WeChat group of Zeshan Company-

  Second-generation C: [[Weibo link]]

  Second generation A: [Ah this]

  Second generation B: [Ah this 1]

  Second generation D: [Where is Tong Zhao? Come out Tong Zhao@ quickly, you can't let this white lotus get hot! ]

  When Tong Zhao didn't show up, they talked with each other in a whisper, and after they understood Tong Zhao's attitude, they also followed up with a public statement. This is clearly the old man of the Tong family wrong and can't do it in an authentic way—they are professional dudes. They usually have one or two cards broken by the family. They can only rely on the five-figure "mean" pocket money. Relief with friends until the elders calm down.

  That's called education by parents.

  But what about Tong Zhao's house?

  It was obviously bullying their sister Zhao to the death, wanting to hold Xiaosan's pair of children.

  When Tong Zhao, who had just practiced his body and sweat, walked out of the bathroom, he received a call from his agent: "You and Xu Zhu are good sisters? Why didn't you tell me?"


  This good sister called it.

  Tong Zhao drank a large sip of mineral water: "It's because I didn't eat, or I would vomit."

  "what happened?"

  Tong Zhao doesn't like to tell people about her family affairs. It is impossible for her to take the initiative to sell miserables everywhere. Just know her now, and don't have to be too curious about her past. But Sister Chu asked, there must be a reason, so she explained her life experience as briefly as possible in a short and easy way: "She is my half-sister."

  Sister Chu: "!!!"

  Tong Zhao: "Xu Zhu's mother used to be my mother's subordinate and best friend. My mother regarded her as a real friend. She sneaked up on my dad's bed during pregnancy. We were pregnant with Xu Zhu, so we were very close in age. The two outsiders bloomed. My mother thought she was tricked by the scum to get pregnant before she got married. She took care of her and even moved in to live together.

  Sister Chu: "???"

  Tong Zhao: "Later my mother died of illness, and Xiao San got pregnant with her son and succeeded in taking the position. It was all my dad's dream of incense. After entering the house, I had a quarrel with him, broke off the father-daughter relationship and moved out. What happened later? I'm going to play "The Story of Ming Emperor"."

  The amount of information is so great that Sister Chu is a little dizzy.

  Tong Zhao's tone was too flat, as if talking about other people.

  But when you think about it carefully, it's the love and hatred of three views bursting.

  "Then you still pick up "72 Hours Countdown"..."

  It must be uncomfortable to perform on the same stage with the enemy's daughter. Sister Chu felt sympathy for her little girl.

  However, within three seconds of love and affection, the little girl asked her, "What can't be answered? That was a good resource for me at the time, not to mention that she could not face me, I was very open to her.

  Thinking too thoroughly.

  Only Xu Zhu has always wanted to fight with her.

  Fight for the name of "Tong Zhenming's daughter", fight for the image of "white rich and beautiful", and fight for popular love.

  When Sister Chu thought about it, it was the same.

  So she sorted out what had happened on the Internet: "I'm rushing to ask you for an attitude. No matter how you want to stand, the company doesn't want you to have a relationship with her. It's best to keep things clear, otherwise it will be forced. grid."

  Tong Zhao set the phone to be hands-free, and when he clicked on the WeChat page, he saw the care from his friends.

  Wei Zekai exploded in the WeChat group.

  Boss Kay: [I apply to match her! @童昭]

  Boss Kai: [@童昭 you come out, I really can't help it anymore, I really want to scold that woman]

  Boss Kai: [@童昭, we also have a group photo, can I send two? ]

  Wei Zekai is so angry.

  The relationship between him and Tong Zhao is so ironic.

  When he woke up, well, Xu Zhu became Tong Zhao's best friend.

  This is not just the house collapsed, this is the stolen house!

  Tong Zhao can't laugh or cry, can he not understand the inside story? You can still eat Xu Zhu's vinegar: [Fabai. ]

  She thought about it for a while: [I love to curse, and didn't intend to show her a face. ]

  After speaking to her friends, she told Sister Chu: "I don't want everyone to pay too much attention to my personal affairs. Xu Zhu probably wouldn't want to scramble with my sisters. She is more anxious than me now, afraid of me. Expose her old bottom."

  Sister Chu thought about it too.

  Xu Zhu created herself the image of Bai Fumei, a small official. If fans know that her mother is a junior, the fans must first disperse the blockbuster: "But this kind of wealthy family affairs... , A bit out of grade."

  "Do not,"

  Tong Zhao curled his lower lip: "I just agree, someone wants to vent my anger."

  "Who?" After Sister Chu asked, she remembered a person's name: "Dangerous young man? Or Shi Qianqiu?"

  "Not only Xiao Kai, but also some friends."

  Tong Zhao lightly said a string of glittering second-generation names that exudes "copper smell": "How did you mention Shidao? I'm not familiar with him, don't watch him blowing my rainbow farts everywhere, but in private. It's the purest colleague relationship that my circle of friends doesn't give me a thumbs up."

  "It's not him. Now there is still the CP you talked to Shidao," the agent teased her: "You just said that the big guy said, I thought that Xu Zhu Shao said that he was going to break two arms."


  Time is precious, and the two of them don't talk about things at all. Sister Chu hung up and went to talk with the public relations department. Tong Zhao wiped her hair dry, played with her mobile phone, and checked Weibo and WeChat to observe the situation.

  Xu Zhu was also anxious at the moment.

  Tong Zhao had black her out before. As long as a mutual friend keeps in touch with her, Tong Zhao also breaks off all friendships, doing exceptionally well. Xu Zhu really didn't dare or rarely rubbed her heat, it was just that people would always be turned over when they became famous, and bit her by surprise.

  Xu Zhu has many things to persuade Tong Zhao.

  --You are now in an upswing period. If you burst out this kind of material, even if you are a victim, it will affect your image.

  -Isn't it good to lift the family out? Not long after the aunt's death, this incident must have been discussed by many people.

  --Tong Zhao, your movie is a success again. You have got everything, shall we assume that we have never met before?

  It's useless, Tong Zhao doesn't answer calls from unfamiliar numbers at all.

  Xu Zhu just wanted to spot the person who broke the news and beat him up.

  Xu Zhu opened Weibo.

  No one has mentioned her birth yet. She has a strong self-esteem. Her old classmates didn't know what she was doing at home. Seeing that she had high-end clothing, food, housing and transportation, she thought she was of the same class. The Weibo was stable. Tong Zhao's fans didn't like her very much, but they didn't tear it up, as if they were calm before the storm.

  She clicked on the group photo.

  Xu Zhu thought for a while before remembering what they were doing at that time.

  By the way, at that time, Tong Zhao had a tennis lesson with her. After class, she asked the passing classmates to help take a hand-in-hand photo... Tong Zhao is more beautiful than her, so she doesn't like to be in the same frame with her, only that day, It may be that the weather is too good, and the dopamine secreted after strenuous exercise affects her, making her want to take a group photo.

  The two people in the photo look really good.

  Xu Zhu put down the phone anxiously.

  Good sisters' melons are nothing delicious. Netizens are about to lose interest, but there is a big V blogger who eats melons. They sorted out and moved the second-generation blog collections, which were led by Wei Zekai ---

  Wei Zekai: [@星选少女许珠, stay away from my brother. ]

  Second-generation A: [Ordinary good sisters share the little things of gourmet jewelry life, and sister Zhu's good sisters share other people's dads. ]

  Second-generation B: [Sister Pearl, Magpie Nest, and Dove occupy the prettiest Bai Fumei, her mother can coax the old man to drive the eldest daughter out of the house and cut off the source of income, the eternal god of the little three! ]

  Second-generation C: [The three-year period has come, this boy's family, don't wait! Let us welcome the boss from Zeshan to return to his position---]

  The rich second-generation people don't engage in the superficial politeness of the entertainment industry, and the yin and yang are also accompanied by @人大名. They are not afraid of quarreling at all. It seems that the brains of the netizens are very busy. This is also a matter of grievances from the rich!

  Xu Zhu fans were dumbfounded.

  What's the matter with Xiaosan's upper stomach and the magpie nest dove occupying the same thing?

  There are loli fans, but in the comments and questioning them below, the second generation doesn't matter, the more they are shaken, the more they come out.

  Because other materials were shaken out in the middle of the building in the comments, it was a little messy. In the afternoon, a representative of the department sorted out the timeline, smoothed the relationship between Xu Zhu and Tong Zhao, and even picked up the company and contacts behind Tong's family--

  Good guy, one of the main investors in "Girls of the Stars".

  Many of the viewers who have followed this season's audition show are fans of other contestants. They know who and everybody seems to have been scheduled to debut. Xu Zhu is one of the "chosen girls", but her singing and dancing skills have not been studied deeply. That's it.

  This one...

  Pulling out the radish to bring out the mud, fans of some players who did not get the qualification for debut in the rankings are uncomfortable.

  If this material came out sooner, maybe they would be able to make room for their sister.

  Unfortunately, there is no such thing in the world.

  I can only vent by scolding Xu Zhu.

  The viewers of "Girls of the Stars" counted the details that Xu Zhu had made for Xiao Gongju, and they turned out to be all pretends.

  Some fans don't believe it.

  After all, Xu Zhu is very calm and natural when using expensive skin care products and brand-name bags, unlike a nouveau riche.

  A rich second generation responded to the fan's argument alone: ​​[Of course it's natural, because Tong Zhao's mother treats her as a good sister's daughter, so she buys double copies of all good things for them to use together. She is used to sucking blood. The vampire sword and vampire book came out together, suck it hard. ]

  [Hahahahaha, it sounds like an old pesticide player. ]

  [Uh, in fact, Tong Zhao's mother is a bit stupid, but she hasn't found any clues? A steamed bun can raise Tong Zhao's subconscious mind, which is quite magical. ]


  Tong Zhao hasn't taken the initiative to mention this, just don't want people to talk about her mother.

  In the dark bachelor's apartment, she nestled into the soft sofa, the only source of light was the mobile phone in front of her.

  Discussing about her in the WeChat group.

  As long as she wants, she can join the discussion at any time and accept the comfort of her friends.

  They all felt righteous indignation for her and felt sorry for her...Compared with the previous life, she had too much in this life.

  After watching for a while, she still chose to talk to the personality in her mind: [My mother is indeed a bit stupid. ]

  Chen Guifei: [Without looking at people's eyes. ]

  Han Zhi: [But this is not the reason why my friend's husband betrayed her. ]

  They all, like Tong Zhao, saw some "blame on their own" evaluations.

  This theory of victim guilt is only a small part of the voice.

  [I was also stupid back then,]

  Tong Zhao's tone restrained and withdrew as if he was talking about other people's things, but gradually lowered: [I will not be stupid anymore, I won't be stupid anymore. ]

  Tong Zhao saw that some netizens said that her mother had stupid her, and chuckled: [According to the logic of repaying the mother's debts, I will not let anyone hurt her. She was responsible for being foolish, and I was responsible for revenge by slapping her face, which was good. ]


  When the past pickled mess was unfolding in the sun, the beautifully packaged little princess was exposed.

  Countless netizens and disappointed fans made the phone call of the entertainment company signed by Xu Zhu. She really "fired", but it was as if she was burned by fire. The company tried to contact Tong Zhao's agent, but there only said that the artist explicitly refused to communicate, and Xu Zhu also said that what they said was true.

  How to communicate with bloody enemies?


  Everything is true.

  The four words were posted, blocking the possibility that Xu Zhu wanted to negotiate privately.

  The situation Xu Zhu faced was even more serious than Chen Zhuzhi.

  Chen Zhuzhi had a solid foundation in his works, and the outbreak of domestic violence caused a large number of fans to wake up the next batch of unconscious minds. Xu Zhu is a low-profile draft pick. If it wasn't for the wealth and connections in the family, he was originally a fast-moving consumer product that was ready to make his debut. Now the people who depended on his life have collapsed, and the strained breath is gone.

  Xu Zhu returned home from the dormitory on the same day, not daring to face the questions of other members of "The Girl Who Chooses".

  But there is not her home.

  It was on the front page of the entertainment news. After the company was angered by the shareholder Tong Zhenming's return, she was forbidden to dream of celebrities: "If you still want to recognize my dad, you will not show up in public in the future and stay at home! After wasting so much time and being a demon for so long, you should know that you are not that piece of material."

  Xu Zhu lowered his head and said nothing.

  Not saying anything is not convinced, Tong Zhenming asked her to admit her mistake.

  "...I know I was wrong, sorry."

  Xu Zhu's eyes were red.

  Tong Zhenming refused to let her go, and held her shoulders: "What's wrong?"

  At that moment, huge grievances erupted from Xu Zhu's chest. She raised her head and stared at her physical father in disgust: "My fault is that I shouldn't argue with Tong Zhao. What I want can't compete with her. I can't compete with her. It's not good!"

  She shrank her shoulders, rushed back to the room and closed the door, no matter how her father smashed the door, she did not respond.

  Tong's family is still rich, and this door is well done.

  The room leak happened to rain overnight, Xu Zhu was too embarrassed this time, Ning Zhiyi asked to separate and calm down with her.

  She is numb.

  The celebrity dream that I want to grab with Tong Zhao, I haven't grabbed it.

  The two men who succeeded in grabbing hands didn't love her at all. They loved them the most, and their interests.

  Xu Zhu buried her face in the pillow and cried for a while, crying until she calmed down, and gradually accepted the reality that she wanted to dispel the celebrity dream-she couldn't match her step-sister, then come back to be a daughter, and netizens can't take her. .

  I'll apologize to Tong Zhenming in a low voice later, she thought.

  At least she will be the daughter of a daughter in the future, able to live a rich life that she wanted to have before, the daughter of the Tong family.

  Although "Relentless Tribulation" became popular, the actor did not have any investment share, and Tong Zhao could only get her original remuneration, which is definitely not more profitable than doing business. Thinking of this, Xu Zhu's affection for his father has picked up slightly.

  This man is very vengeful and can't stand the disobedience of juniors. This time, she may only be her "good daughter" if she kneels down and admits her mistakes...

  However, Tong Zhenming did not irritate her this time.

  Because there is a bigger urgent matter for him to deal with--

  The three companies that had been cooperating suddenly announced that they would not bring Tongjia to play at the same time.

  One of the products that Tongjia had brought stable and major profits had a competing product, which greatly affected the return of funds. The management only reported it until the report could not cover it.

  Isn't it a good talk?

  Forget it, just change. China is so big, it's not easy to find customers?

  Tong Zhen was shocked to discover that this is a premeditated and organized attack by many companies with extremely strong momentum. Some are new companies, and some are half-dead before, and suddenly they have new best-selling products or super profitable projects...

  As for other local companies, when they heard that it was Tong's family, they were reluctant to go to the muddy water.

  Tong Zhenming gave gifts and invited dinner again, only to understand half of the truth behind it.

  The Wei family only has Wei Zekai as a young master.

  Even if it is not a weapon, it will be left to him in the future.

  Young Master Wei posted ten Weibo posts in a row to scold the illegitimate girl and Tong Zhenming. Even if Wei's family didn't speak, everyone agreed that the two were torn apart.

  Why would you risk offending your family to help Tong Zhenming tide over the difficulties?

  They are not stupid.

  Unless there is a higher profit!

  In terms of super high profitability, it is not impossible to cooperate.

  As a result, Tong Zhenming had to give up most of his profits if he wanted to get through this barrier.

  "A group of capitalists who smash the bones and suck the marrow!"

  He scolded bitterly, and accidentally scolded himself in.

  Tong Zhenming blamed everything on Wei Zekai, ignoring the other half of the truth.

  During the same period, the second generation who opened Mai to Tong Zhao on Weibo, due to their low status at home, the elders felt that they were embarrassed by the news that they cursed on the Internet this time, and they were very skillful in cutting off their sources of income. , I want them to introspect and reflect, and don't let their brains go so far as to offend people. Not every one of them is as top-notch and unshakable as Wei Zekai.

  This time, however, economic sanctions are useless.

  Because they hugged Tong Zhao's thighs, listened to her to make investment projects, and played around with the established Zeshan Venture Capital...

  Actually made money.

  Not only made money, but also distributed dividends on the spot!

  The second generations who are purely foresighted and want to help Tong Zhao are looking at the large series of zeros on the balance, and the brothers and sisters on WeChat [Your so-called friend, now I don't have family support, just a hard work in the entertainment circle Fishing girl. Don't be used by others without knowing it. Dad stopped your card, you can borrow it from other second generations, you ask the female celebrity to borrow, can she lend money? ]'S persuasion and insinuation...

  I really don't know how to return.

  At the same time, Zeshan Ventures' shareholder WeChat group.

  Second generation A: [Wait, aren't we doing charity and losing money together? ]

  Second-generation C: [It can still make money with the project invested by my brother Kai! ? ]

  Boss Kai: [Give you a chance to withdraw and reorganize your speech. ]

  When people are extremely shocked, they often speak the truth.

  Some of them personally supervise investment projects, and they see that the better they get done, but Kai's money-losing aura is too strong. They are calmly waiting for the day when the project dies, and they have never expected to make money.

  Tong Zhao: [With me, I can't lose. ]