Chapter 65 

  How did these two get together?

  Audiences who have watched this TV series and this movie separately may be puzzled that the imperial concubine in "The Story of the Emperor" has always ignored the same sex, although part of the reason is that the same sex encountered in the harem defaults to being a competitor. But I have never seen the imperial concubine be gentle to women.

  Mu Xianchang is the opposite character to her.

  She is very gentle with girls and has no interest in men.

  Even the preferential treatment to fellow mentors is just not to draw the sword...

  There is a passage in "The Ruthless Tribulation" that Fairy Ying Chen only accepts female disciples, and he really prefers them too much.

  Mu Yingchen said coldly:

  "Isn't the preference given to men in the world enough? The family business is inherited by men. In the mortal world, the emperor respects the father and the husband. Having so many benefits, I still don't feel enough to tolerate my preference for women. Contend with the word "fair"? I don't need to be pecked by outsiders. If you have something to say, just talk to my sword."

  The hall was silent.

  Who would dare to take her a sword, let's talk about fairness again.

  So no one dared to talk.

  It is hard to say that the two people have something in common, that is, they are the same overbearing, the actors are the same person, and the same gender female.

  I want to break my head, but I don't understand.

  If you don't understand, it's right

  Those who are not good at this way may not be aware of it, but there are many scissors hands, and they are proud to cut out the CP sense of the two people who have nothing to do with each other. Watching the audience evolve from "Nima is OK?" to "Once. Accepting this setting, it was a little bit ridiculous", and finally became "What Lalang, AE is real!"...

  The pleasure of distorting the facts and manipulating people's hearts is like a god in power.

  When the first Lalang Up master appeared on the list, the other scissor hands followed suit unwillingly.

  "[Mu Fei] the correct way to open the palace and the fairy gate"

  "[Mu Fei] The Girl I Loved Is Fake"

  "[Mu Fei] It's Windy"

  It's like the classic bridge section where Bucky, who was used intensively in Marvel's editing, fell off a cliff from a train. There is also a scene that has been used repeatedly for CP ---

  Coincidentally, the luxurious sedan chair that Li Qiaoqiao sits in, the female partner of "The Ruthless Tribulation", uses the same set of modeling codes as the imperial concubine empress who was sent into the palace in "The Legend of the Emperor". The crew didn't think so much, just bought one set from the hot data and it was done, and the result became the ironclad proof that "this cross-drama CP is true".

  As a result, the embarrassed and injured Mu Xianchang leaned against the tree again and again, only daring to silently watch the gorgeous sedan chair on the main road, in which her beloved girl was sitting, about to be sent to the palace...

  Ding Jiao, who is actually sitting in the sedan chair, played by Li Qiaoqiao, posted a Weibo comment.


  I should not be in the sedan, I should be in the sedan

  [Screenshot of Mufei cp]

  The comment below was a bad laugh.

  [Wronged sister has become a tool person/dog head]

  [I was really brainwashed by these clips to brush "The Ruthless Tribulation" and always want to see where the concubine is...]

  [Mu Fei Szd! ! ! I recommend everyone to watch "[Mu Fei] Thousand Years Tears", the words are super worthy, and I was tortured to death! ]

  "[Mu Fei] Thousand Years Tears"

  This video was ranked No. 1 on the hot list of film and television editing at Station B, and No. 4 on the top of the station list, which shows how many netizens have moved.

  Since the two have a lot of close-ups to talk unilaterally, it turns into a La Niang dialogue.

  --You look at the horizon, I look at your face [Note 1]

  Under the godly editing of Rape Flower Up, the imperial concubine said: "This dance, the person I want to show her the most is no longer." What I'm talking about here is actually the Queen's sister, who makes her feel unreasonable, but is caught. Received from Mu Xianchang.

  The sword dance performed by Mu Xianchang on Jianfeng was matched with the imperial concubine who played the guzheng as the emperor.

  When the bgm is changed, it is as if one person is playing the kite and the other person is dancing.

  Concubine Empress: "I want this world to be rich and honorable."

  Mu Xianchang: "Money, wealth and power are all dust."

  Mu Xian has a half-length close-up mirror holding a sword, and his cold voice said, "My golden core is broken, and there is little spiritual power left. Today is my death date."

  "I'm here to seek justice for myself, but to get rid of the cause and effect."

  After all, it was a sword falling.

  Here is a clip of the broken palace in the unlucky costume film.

  Then came the imperial concubine who vomited blood and died in the arms of Emperor Ming.

  A close-up shot of Mu Xianchang's expression of consternation.

  A tear slipped from the corner of the noble concubine's eyes and dripped across her soft cheeks.

  --It's not just your tears to fall

  --The wind of mocking sings farewell [Note 2]

  Here begins a variety of hard-cut memories, accompanied by ambiguous lines that can fool netizens who have never seen the original version:

  Concubine Empress: "When I saw her for the first time in this palace, I was thinking, how could there be such a woman in the world? No matter how beautiful, no matter the birth, the married man..." The voice went down, saying There was a slight ridicule between.

  Coupled with Mu Xianchang's first appearance at the Dao Lian's ceremony, the white clothes fluttered without staining the dust.

  The main heart of this up using "Millennium Tears" as a bgm is very dirty. At the end, it uses "Sea King Killing" and the real "Tong Zhao" cut the lily version that will reunite after a thousand years. This is even better, Tong Zhao Recently, because the role of Mu Yingchen has become popular, he will put on a cold face that meets everyone's imagination when he attends some publicity activities, so...

  Leng Yan Ying Queen X Cardio Green Tea, Hyundai CP has it again.

  "Mu Fei CP's sudden emergence, the biggest victim should be my Wanzhuo brother"

  Song Wanzhuo is really miserable.

  He was pulled out again to whip the corpse.

  Wasn't it a chorus of love songs at the New Year's Day party? Counting that the days are almost coming, he posted another Weibo Cue Tong Zhao, with a very business and official tone. At first glance, it was the copy written by the agent, but the comments below were overturned.

  [Dismantle my Concubine Mu cp, the dog emperor comes out to die! ]

  [But I want to see Niang Niang and Xian Chang singing a love song together. How about you go and play the kite, Your Majesty? ]

  This comment was immediately dismantled by the late fans: "No, our brother only knows how to play electric guitars. Can Xianchang rock it?" ]

  Although Tong Zhao and Song Wanzhuo's personal relationship is as waterless as water, they have continued cooperation on the bright side.

  The relationship between the two is notoriously good, and the fans should fight with other people's comments.

  The young stars of the new generation are all heavy web surfers. Song Wanzhuo is no exception. He liked to go to station B to watch film and television clips. In the middle of "Mingdi Side Story", the relationship between the dog emperor and the imperial concubine became popular. For videos, there is a sugar-spreading special of himself and the goddess in his favorites.

  Song Wanzhuo complained to Tong Zhao on WeChat: [Why am I the emperor again? I obviously spoil you! ]

  Tong Zhao: [Because you killed the concubine in the fan clip. ]

  Song Wanzhuo was shocked: "Why should I kill my concubine?" ]

  Tong Zhao: [The plot needs a bad guy, accept your fate. ]

  Song Wanzhuo: [I should be the person who resents the CP most in the world. ]

  Tong Zhao looked happy and wanted to say no, you are not.

  The most resentful person is in her mind--

  Chen Guifei: [Help, forgive this palace, even if the man in the world is dead, I won't have the idea of ​​being with her! ]

  Chen Guifei: [If this palace is guilty, there will be palace rules to punish me instead of letting me see such things. ]

  Chen Guifei's high-intensity output: [Even if it is the CP of Me and He Shun? At least it makes sense, did I appear in the same frame with her? Impossible, this heart is dead, this cut out is not me at all. ]

  Duan Ge precision strikes: [You are true. ]

  [In the imperial palace, how could the palace rules get you? Lu Xian Changliang said, and the lines between the lines were full of exhaustion to see through the scorching state of the world: [Very good, finally there is something that can punish you, the evil concubine. ]

  Tong Zhao: [I really like watching these videos. I didn't expect that we can still have this side in the eyes of the audience. The audience praised you as Mu Yingchen with the most sense of being a cultivator! "The Legend of the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty" is still a flower of wealth on the world, and "The Ruthless Tribulation" is a world-weary face that does not eat the fireworks in the world. ]

  Chen Guifei: [What a disgusting face, I think she is a retired security guard. ]

  Tong Zhao: "...poof."

  "What's the matter?" The agent who was discussing the variety show details with Tong Zhao saw her suddenly laughed and cast a caring look.

  Tong Zhao raised his hand to cover his lips, and took out a versatile reply: "I think of something happy."

  I can't help it, I really want to hahahahaha.

  "I am also happy to see you laugh," Sister Chu said: "Come and see the spoilers for the flying guests prepared by the program crew."


  #一人生还#Guess who she is for the next flight guest


  The person in the silhouette is very tall, and it is easy to recognize with a long sword on his waist.

  At first, no one recognized Tong Zhao as Tong Zhao, so she didn't dare to guess about her. She has been on fire recently. Can this kind of hardship and painful variety show please her? People don't need to come, go to some variety shows that are easy to eat, drink and play, so comfortable, they can also solidify fans.

  Tong Zhao's fans often say that their sister is too hard, and they hope that the agent can arrange some easy work.

  Don't break your hands or dig bullets all day long.

  The broker expressed grievances.

  This spoiler was posted on Weibo for a while, and netizens with golden eyes felt that the silhouette was familiar. They compared the stills and the silhouette overlays in "The Ruthless Tribulation", and they were actually superimposed. This netizen posted the overlay in the comments and was reposted on the forum. The netizen was skeptical while feeling that it was not unreasonable--

  [It's not that I said, the selection of this variety show really has the style of those sisters. ]

  [Fan: Distressed sister QAQ Tong Zhao: Is there anything else to abuse you? Come quickly. ]

  [# Most Need Fans Heart Pained Female Star#]

  [Why is she going to this variety show? Is there a way for others to survive? ]

  There are 20 people in each issue of "One Life Survival".

  A group of four will survive on an uninhabited island for 15 days. They are not only faced with the challenge of hunger and thirst, but also the potential dangers of wild animals. The program group will also release limited supplies from time to time to encourage conflicts and competition between teams. Eliminate each other.

  Equal to the live-action version of PUBG that can team up to eat chicken.

  After the guest is pounced on by the beast, there will be a period of struggle. If no teammate kills him or escapes successfully, the system will directly judge him as dead. There will be no extra limb pain and no bite. Cruel picture.

  The guns issued are really lethal when hitting wild animals, but when hitting other guests, they are paint bullets, which will be negatively affected by the parts they hit. For example, a guest is hit by paint bullets on his knees, even if only Wei Wei It will not cause any pain outside the meal, and the leg will not move because of being judged to be shot.

  Therefore, it is feasible to target the legs to make them lose their mobility in "One Life".

  After the holographic technology matured, this type of survival variety show sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

  It's just that there are not many celebrities willing to be on.

  Especially idols.

  The body is delicate and expensive, and the eye sockets are red after a slight bump, and if you have a little bit of hardship, you can buy the manuscript and brush the character. Is this kind of variety show asking for trouble and destroying the image? Fans don't want them to suffer, so this type is generally prepared for male stars set up by tough guys. They go up and kill the Quartet once, and immediately gain a large number of male audience favorability.

  The new generation's top star star Dragon Jue is an instant hit in "One Life Survival".

  Long Jue was originally a young man who moved bricks to pay off the debts of his family. Before he fell in his family, he had studied martial arts in the martial arts gym. For the performance fee, he temporarily took the position of an amateur guest who was absent due to illness. As a result, he was able to endure hardships and fight. The advantages are fully revealed in the variety show. The scene of wearing a black vest and scouring blood and sweat under the waterfall has seen the blood of countless audiences.

  Those pectorals and biceps are too top.

  He plunged his head into the water, and when he raised his head, he brought his hair back to the back of his head, revealing a handsome and resolute face, and the audience discovered the treasure boy. After the end of the variety show, he was directly signed by an entertainment company. The performance history of "One Life Survival" made him unprofitable when he auditioned for the role of a macho star.

  [The "72 Countdown" entered the pit, and I look forward to seeing Tong Zhao's powerful "self" again. ]

  ["72 Hours" 1]

  Tong Zhao's subconscious power is obvious in "Countdown to 72 Hours".

  Originally, netizens were quite surprised that there would be a motivated actress who would be willing to appear on the survival variety show. This will discuss and chat, and start to feel very looking forward to it, but there are also male netizens who can't understand her who are mainly male users. There was ridicule on the Maomao forum--

  "No, Sir, there is really an actress who thinks she can survive in the variety show Shark? "

  "Reminder, Instinctive Variety Shows will not give a human body a plug-in like a movie"

  "Click to see Chinese female fans speak confidently"

  Since his debut, Tong Zhao has had a group of male black fans.

  The public relations department and the agent have analyzed it to her, and most of it is because of love and hate.

  The imperial concubine empress played by Tong Zhao can be called a straight male killer and has a large number of boyfriend fans. There are many people who call her wife on the cat forum. If you own her, you feel that you are the emperor. Because instinctive movies assume that an image is played until retirement, or even if it's a change of scenes, it should be a time when life has undergone tremendous changes...

  Tong Zhao has gone to play Feng Yanqi.

  With a cold hand, the fierce woman smashed the glass hearts of some male fans.

  In the beginning, the agent was spraying her to pick up the show.

  Later, after learning that Tong Zhao was willing to take it, she felt that she would not listen.

  Tong Zhenming's patriarch mentality is the epitome of many men--

  You have to listen to me, I understand very well, I am the truth in the world, and if you don't listen to me, something will happen.

  However, Tong Zhao did not have any trouble, and he played so much. The new drama "The Ruthless Tribulation", which has exploded at the box office, is also a cold look that does not need a man.

  All of a sudden, these male fans broke the defense and became black fans completely, hoping for her to collapse.

  This time, I saw her taking on the extremely challenging holographic variety show "One Life", which was once the home of the macho, and she immediately got excited. On the one hand, she felt that male dignity was offended. On the other hand, she was thankful that she dared to accept anything. They open up opportunities for ridicule.

  "Rational Discussion, What Gives Tong Zhao the Confidence to Settle in Survival Varieties"


  [From the fluke of the apocalyptic movie to the end, someone tasted the sweetness of the image of a fierce girl, listened to the fan's brainless blows, felt that he could really beat five, and forgot how he started his career. Are you looking for a noble concubine who flattered men?

  When I saw Tong Zhao, I remembered the soft assistant girls I met in qualifying...

  I was taken as the King of Diamonds by my brother Ye Wang, and occasionally got the MVP if I was lucky, I thought I had this level of level.

  It's not that I'm misogynistic, let's talk about it.

  Survival variety shows have no female guests in the first place, and they will be a hindrance. Tong Zhao fans don't rush to scold me, your sister's beautiful face, do you want to see her ruining her image? Isn't it fragrant to be a beautiful little fairy and a little princess? Varieties like "Aquaman Killing" are well received. ]

  This radical main building with the title of rational discussion became a Hot post in the afternoon, representing the mainstream voice of this forum.

  At first glance it seems to make sense.

  Tong Zhao is indeed beautiful, and some fans hope that she will keep her exquisite and beautiful image and show some casual and fun slow variety shows.

  This host thinks he speaks very pertinent.

  Tong Zhao fans can't listen because they have no brains and can't understand the situation.

  From the data analysis, it is also shown that after Tong Zhao took "72 Hours to the End", the ratio of males in the ratio of male to female fans dropped slightly.

  However, there are also male users who hold different opinions: [I just appreciate that Tong Zhao is willing to challenge all kinds of difficult to fan her. Why do you have to ask an independent and self-improving beauty into the dodder flower you like? ]

  The same argument has different responses in different places.

  On Weibo, Tong Zhao, who severed her father-daughter relationship with her father, was loved by netizens.

  The mainstream voice felt that she was very upright, not affected by her weak mother, so strong, self-reliant and handsome.

  In the Maomao forum, she thinks this is her black spot.

  There are many posts saying that in the future, if your daughter is a Tong Zhao fan, she will interrupt her doglegs, and stop learning to be an idol and become a white-eyed wolf who doesn't recognize her father at all.

  The ass decides the head, and the position decides the idea.

  This topic became more and more intense, and some people who wanted to pull Tong Zhao off, so as to make way for competitors and watch the excitement and not too much trouble, took the rhythm, and spread to Weibo.

  It is said that fans boycotted Tong Zhao's "One Life Survival".

  The fans looked dumbfounded.

  Then I went to read the reprinted original post, and immediately felt more wronged than Dou E.

  [...We don't want to suffer and suffer, but we don't think of her like that! ]

  [Trouble, straight male cancer can't see actresses can shoot us as guns ok? ]

  [This male fan is seriously wronged, it is recommended to expel this brain damage from the male ranks]

  [Oh, no, I'm so disgusted, I really hope that Tong Zhao will survive to the end and hit those confident boys in the face. ]

  Normal male fans are wronged and don't understand the thinking of this group.

  Tong Zhao is very shabby in "Countdown to 72 Hours", but she is still beautiful, and she can be called sexy when shooting with a gun-especially the otaku who loves to play mobile games such as "Girls Frontline". The gun girl in their hearts, the sense of substitution is great, she is the Valkyrie who came out of the second dimension.

  Vegetables and radishes have their own advantages.

  But these black fans don't. They like Tong Zhao's performance in "Mingdi" too much. They think she has gone into evil ways and call her for her good. Can't fans see how many boyfriend fans she had when she played "Mingdi"?

  These black fans look at Tong Zhao as if they saw their little wife running to work as a strong woman.

  Tong Zhao's fans were irritated, but look at the statistics...

  Survival variety shows indeed seem to be very young guests!

  It is even rarer to have a brilliant performance.

  But some fans also took out dry goods to refute--

  Although the female guest's physical fitness is relatively inferior, the emotional stability is very high. Unlike some male netizens, they collapse at every turn, and they act very cautiously. There was once a winning team that was wiped out by a female guest. The traces of movement in the jungle came to the end.

  Black powder:

  [Oh, so your sister is going to go for it? ]

  [Then we are right, she might as well go to a leisure variety show to have highlights. By then, a shot will not catch the whole journey. Isn't it a waste of time? How long is the golden age of an actress, she used it as Voldemort* Don't you think it was a waste? ]


  There seems to be such a point.

  Some of the more charismatic fans urged fans not to go up, in case [Tong Zhaohui leads a team to kill the Quartet in a variety show] and other remarks are cut off by someone who is interested, but in the end they didn't do it, that's very Face slapped.

  It's okay to make high demands on your sister, isn't that embarrassing sister?

  Don't give black fans a look, let them go crazy, Zhaozhao is a woman they will never get.

  Tong Zhao naturally knew about the trouble.

  The show group music is broken, and the natural topicality is so jealous that other variety shows that have not been invited to Tong Zhao are broken, and some of them are psychologically gloomy and hope that she has no glamorous performance as the black powder said.

  The female reporter is funny: [Is this the power of the evil concubine? Xiao Chen reflects on it. ]

  The imperial concubine is more mean than the fans who are trying to protect Tong Zhao's line with black fans: [I can only say that there are such idiots in all ages, and I don't want to be the age of imperial power, and the beauty of the palace is reduced to them. ? Everyone thinks that they will be the emperor, and I should be their beloved concubine, but if they dream back to ancient times, their only chance to come into contact with the palace is to become a eunuch. ]

  Tong Zhao heard it hahaha, and was in a bad mood.

  No one can destroy her mentality and can't get rid of them.

  Duan Ge: [Oh, stop getting angry, I'll find a place for you. ]

  Chen Guifei: [I'm not angry, men can't be angry with me, the only person in this world who can be angry with me is the immortal cultivator. ]

  Female reporter: [Do you know how many people will say "it arrived" when you sent this sentence? ]

  There is a song to support her, Chen Guifei is happy again.

  Duan Ge: [It's good if you are not angry, but I am a little angry. ]

  On the Internet, some Tong Zhao fans couldn't bear this anger, and secretly cheered her up in private messages and comments, hoping that she could lead her teammates to victory and get smashed. This kind of public opinion, not responding is the best, and fans can understand it.

  However, Tong Zhao's response shattered their expectations-


  Sorry, it is impossible to lead teammates to victory on #一人生还#.

  [? ? ? ? ]

  [Why did sister say frustrated? ? ? ]

  As soon as the black fan was about to climax, the program group of "One Life Survival" forwarded it.


  Because Sister @童昭 is the hunter of this period of survival!

  A supernumerary trial officer for twenty people.

  Unlike other teams that can win until the end, the only condition for the Hunter to win is to eliminate everyone. Ta has no teammates. Everyone eliminated can get a day's worth of supplies. In theory, you don't need to find food, just find someone. .

  Lead teammates to fly?

  Impossible, because Tong Zhao has no teammates.

  Heizi and the fans were stunned at the same time.