Chapter 67

  When the director announced the change of the map, the audience was in an uproar.

  After all, "home court advantage" exists.

  There are many players here who are not physically superior, but those who are quite experienced in surviving in the wild—the children who grew up in the countryside also have certain advantages on uninhabited islands. The muscles exercised in the gym may not be able to be sent in the jungle. Useful.

  "Why do you want to change it temporarily?"

  "I heard that the map of the uninhabited island has a bug."

  "What kind of bug? If it's not serious, just use it."

  An anchor who usually sells commercials by shooting live picnic life complains in a low voice: "I lose my advantage when I change the map."

  "It's very serious. It seems that a member of the development team was lazy and reused part of the ancient data, which caused all Tyrannosaurus rex eggs to hatch on the island. It was too late to investigate the data. If we use this picture, we will not only To fight wild animals, but also to fight wit and courage with Tyrannosaurus..."

  From "National Geographic Channel" to "Jurassic Park".

  The player who just said that he could make do with it was silent for a while, angrily: "Okay."

  Can only accept reality.

  They have signed a performance contract. If there is no force majeure, they cannot temporarily withdraw unless they pay high liquidated damages, because instinctive variety shows are basically difficult to temporarily add people.

  [Tyrannosaurus hahahaha laughed at me! ]

  [Want to see Tong Zhao vs. Tyrannosaurus]

  [This bug... Sure enough, a rat shit and a pot of porridge can be broken in any industry. Fortunately, it was found out. Otherwise, it was discovered that Survival Variety became a food show for dinosaurs until the shooting started. That would be a heavy loss. ]

  The entire program group is also fortunate.


  After announcing the arrangement, Director Chen sat next to Duan Song with a smile on his face: "Sister Zhao, you heard what happened just now."

  Tong Zhao's situation is different from the others.

  She is a specially-invited flying guest, and the contract is drafted separately. The temporary change of the map belongs to Party A's breach of contract first, and she has the right to leave without taking pictures.

  The others looked at her like a playful.

  When the change of the map was announced just now, there was a very obvious shake on Duan Ge's face that had been indifferent-everyone was really paying attention to her, and even this slight change in expression was not missed.

  Is it scared?

  Although the black box operation that wants to change the data is not particularly difficult, temporarily changing the map will definitely have a certain impact.

  Some players can't help conspiracy theories.

  Although there are data on warm-up activities ahead, being able to run and jump is not the same as surviving in extreme environments, otherwise athletes can switch to special forces at any time.

  "Well," Duan Ge nodded: "I heard it."


  and then?

  There was no more, Duan Ge watched him quietly, waiting for him to say the following.

  I don't mean to make a statement at all.

  In fact, Duan Ge knew that he was testing his attitude-even in the end times, she was not an impulsive fool by force alone. She was able to become a leader, and her emotional intelligence was well managed, but she was in a bad mood now, and the director hit him. The gun's eye is on.

  I won't catch anyone who loses their temper, but I have trouble telling them clearly.

  Tong Zhao is in a bad mood today...

  Director Chen guessed, but he also felt that the other players on the scene were unfriendly to her.

  Who can keep a good temper in this environment?

  There are so many big-name celebrities who love to put on airs and play weird tempers. It is not uncommon to throw off a cold face and put on a gas field. The previous Tong Zhao even talked so well that he gave him the illusion of "it seems to be good to take advantage." With a poke of Biao Biao's gaze, he immediately dispelled the original scorn, took the smirk from his face, and explained the matter seriously. After a sincere apology, he hoped that she could stay.

  After speaking, Director Chen sweated his forehead.

  He was mentally prepared for Tong Zhao to lose his temper and say no to recording.

  After all, Director Chen knows very well that there is no such thing as black-box manipulation of conspiracy theories by other players to hold Tong Zhao, and her performance depends entirely on her. Tong Zhao is now under great pressure from public opinion. If she can take advantage of the topic and run away, she will be justified... She has confidence in survival in the wild, and it may not be necessary to change the city map!

  The ready-made reasons were sent to her.

  [Tong Zhao doesn't want to record it? ]

  [This change of map is too sudden, who would like it. ]

  [The other players passed unanimously, only she has an opinion, is she noble? ]

  Those who were in doubt were immediately rebutted and slapped in the face by the audience who knew better--

  [Yes, if only for this variety show, she is "noble" because she signs a different contract. Temporary change of the map is usually in the scope of breach of contract, and she has the right not to record it. Did you guys have opinions after watching some players? The people who came are ready to survive on the uninhabited island... It's the same as if you were a science student coming to take a comprehensive exam, okay? ]

  This analogy is easier to understand.

  But the barrage immediately debated the difference between the uninhabited island and the urban map.


  Duan Song: "Well, no problem."

  "We really hope..."

  Director Chen's words of persuasion have reached his lips, and he will pause, and the other party happily agreed to himself: "Hey?"

  "It's okay to change the map," Duan Ge explained patiently: "I thought you wanted to talk about other things."


  Director Chen had a dull expression on his face and got the same barrage [hahahahahaha].

  At this moment, the director deeply understood a truth-

  Don't play flowers with Tong Zhao, just speak well if you have something.

  Due to a lot of sweat during the cross-country challenge and swimming in the swimming pool, the program team gave everyone an hour of washing and resting time before they came to the studio to gather-the studio in this studio can accommodate fifty A holographic camera cabin, adjacent to a resort-like villa-style dormitory. The special guest is privileged in reality. Duan Ge occupies a small western-style building exclusively, with a small garden surrounded by grass walls and an open-air bathtub. Considering that this body is a female star, she only took a shower indoors.

  Other contestants have Buddhist rest and waiting to start shooting.

  There are also peers who have gone to the city map for survival variety show to ask for advice, hurry up and adjust their mentality.

  There are also some people, not even variety cafes, but pure amateur contestants who were selected by chance to earn a performance fee and dream about winning prizes, and eagerly wanted to find a female celebrity to sign a photo.

  Didn't find it everywhere.

  I didn't see it in the rest area, and I didn't get together with the director. The door of the western-style building with her nameplate indicated that the owner was temporarily absent.

  Where did she go?

  In the end, players with bright brains turned on their phones to watch the live broadcast of "One Life Survival", and clicked on the camera that followed Tong Zhao throughout the whole process---

  They searched for recreational facilities, but left out the gym in the shooting room.

  And Duan Ge is running on the treadmill at a brisk pace and unhurriedly.

  The flying camcorder hovered to her right.

  Under the camera, Duan Ge raised her face slightly, a drop of sweat slipped from the tight jaw line to her collarbone, and the lights of the gym fell dazzlingly white on her. Mostly because she wanted to exercise, she only put on a very light makeup, which highlights God's special preference when shaping her. The high nose bridge and the plump lips form an impeccable profile line, which is similar to the second dimension. Like a beautiful girl coming out from here.


  So lovely.

  Several male players saw this live broadcast and couldn't help but start to imagine--

  If Tong Zhao accidentally falls into their hands in the Survival Variety Show, are they willing to eliminate her?

  Fortunately, the intelligent AI will block and suppress some restricted thoughts forcibly, otherwise they are really afraid of not being able to control themselves.

  [Zhao Zhao really worked hard, it's a bit different from "Ming Di". ]

  [The most terrifying thing is that she is such a natural beauty who is still working so hard... she has just completed a terribly exhausting challenge, took a shower and exercise again, is her physical strength inexhaustible? ]

  [So now is it going to be set for the Tongzhao sports fierce woman? ]

  [Ah this, this is also called Fake Human Design? ]

  The barrage almost quarreled again.

  There was no quarrel because it was time, and all the contestants arrived in the studio to gather.

  The crowd lay in the holographic camera cabin.

  When Duan Ge closed his eyes and waited for the instrument to start up, he heard a very faint voice in his mind:

  [Sister Duan Ge, you seem to have been very irritable lately, are you unhappy? ]

  Zhao Zai has very little chance to come out.

  Because it was too long, this was also the personality that was sealed to the depths by Tong Zhaochen. The last time he went to inspect the Palace of Consciousness, Zhao Zai woke up.

  [is a bit,]

  Duan Song didn't want to scare Xiaozi's self, and took the initiative to explain: [Every world setting and life experience that I'm going through is very exaggerated, like sister Lu being betrayed by my husband, I almost died, I inevitably touched my hands in the last days. Full of blood, Xiao Chen stayed in the deep palace with a perverted personality... Each of us has obvious personality defects, and I can't stand it in peaceful times, sorry. ]

  Zhao Zai wondered: [Why did my sister apologize to me? ]

  Duan Ge: [I have not become a perfect adult, I am very sorry for myself when I was young. ]

  At this time, the instrument was activated, and a strong irresistible despair struck her, pulling her into the abyss of consciousness...

  Zhao Zai wanted to say something, but the song could not be heard anymore.


  When regaining consciousness again, all the players are in an uncontrollable state and have a full minute to accept the imported plot background settings.

  In "One Survival", the players still have their original memories.

  Only the memory of the instinctive variety show will be temporarily shielded and covered with a new unified plot.

  [Here is Ganan City, an empty city. ]

  [It used to be the city you are most familiar with. You live here and exchange your labor or knowledge for meager rewards. A war has changed Ganan City completely beyond recognition. Every dark place may contain danger or opportunity. ]

  Under the bird's-eye aerial lens, the entire cement forest can be seen in full view.

  If it weren't for the signs of exploding in the east and west corners of this high-rise building group, it really reminds people of tourism promotional videos in first-tier cities.

  [Your country's army left three supply points in Ganan City before it withdrew. ]

  [Compared with the unpredictable, the empty investment source package that can land on your head or in front of the enemy's door, these three guarantee points are fair competition for you. ]

  The low and soft male voice put the accent on "fair play".

  On the live screen, the map of Ganan City slowly unfolded. The locations of the three supply points were framed in bright yellow circles, followed by fifteen lines of equal length and different colors-these five four-person teams" The distance between the birth point and each supplementary point is the same, so it is a "fair competition."

  This picture was marked "Only to the audience" on the live broadcast, which the guests in the variety show did not know.

  Perhaps a player can detect this and infer the approximate position of the opponent.

  If you can't think of it, just go blind.

  [There are no other living people in Ganan City. The goal of the 20 of you is to survive for fifteen days. In order to survive, in order to survive, you have to find limited resources in this ruin and learn to hide yourself in danger...]

  [Because the enemy will release poison gas from time to time, the scope of safe activities will become less and less, so try to find enough supplies when you can explore everywhere!

  [Or, grabbing in the hands of other teams is also a good choice. ]

  [Your five teams are people from five different countries. The seeds of suspicion and dispute have long been buried in your hearts. Want to cooperate to achieve a win-win situation? Is there really enough trust to cross the language barrier? ]

  The "Language Barrier" option on the live screen lights up.

  The guests are all Chinese, which is a difficult setting to prevent all staff from cooperating.

  [--Try it as much as possible! ]

  [You are the Black Cloud Team, the Sun Team, the Star Team, the Moon Team, and the Thunder Team. ]

  In the deliberately slowed down male voice, the live broadcast was switched between different groups. Since the plot was not fully imported, they still could not control their bodies, so they could only be forced to fall asleep semi-consciously, and the plot went straight to the end. .

  It's the same as the intro CG that can't be skipped.

  [Friendly reminder, the enemy's assassin is wandering in Ganan City, looking for her prey. ]

  [You can try to kill her, or capture her, will get rich rewards. ]

  When all the players are asleep, everything is in the camera.

  Upon arriving on the gray concrete floor, a pair of pure black military boots were walking slowly.

  The pace is very light.

  The camera slowly pulled up, revealing a white leg, followed by a woman in a black outfit.

  As she walked out, the rising sun falling from the clouds lifted the curtain of the entire Ganan City and spread to her face, drawing out her cold and beautiful face---

  Special guest of "One Life Survival", Tong Zhao.

  [Only when killed, captured, or killed by her...]

  [You will know the name of this assassin. ]


  [The temporarily changed map plot setting is also very interesting! Tong Zhao is too handsome too QAQ]

  [Assassin! ]

  [Screaming my name Assassin? ]

  [Before Assassin's string game, it's an assassin. ]

  Duan Ge wakes up very early.

  She didn't fall asleep like the other guests until the opening CG was finished, and she wandered around early.

  The plot she received is different for different "campaigns", and it is much shorter than other players-

  [You are an imperial assassin. ]

  [Your duty is to find the hidden living people in this city and kill them all. ]

  [This is not a simple task, because you will be the enemy of twenty people. ]

  [The superior hopes that you will die in this mission, and has not given you the corresponding weapons and resources. You need to produce proof of killing the target in exchange for survival resources. ]

  A special watch appeared in Duan Ge's mind and live broadcast at an appropriate time.

  It was worn by other players.

  [You don't want to die. ]

  [If you want to survive, you must hunt down these twenty survivors. ]

  [Your code name is -]


  After the low and powerful male voice finished speaking the last English syllable, Duan Song just raised his head high, his dark eyes seemed to be in line with the audience who was watching the live broadcast, and the noise around his body was invisibly suppressed very lightly. Light, only her cold eyes and bright lips are left.

  [...If there is an ABO in the world, Tong Zhao is undoubtedly Alpha. ]

  [I am crazy 1, too A, too A, I thought I was very straight until I met Tong Zhao. ]

  [take! to! spy! hit! ]

  In the large group of virgin fans gathered, fans discussed the content of the live broadcast, and they were grateful that their sister did not follow the set of values ​​of male netizens, otherwise they would not have the opportunity to see her so cold and handsome! Of course, the sweet, charming, and charming Tong Zhao once made them stunned by a glance, but the Tong Zhao in "One Life Survival" made female fans really want to marry!

  Want to be killed by the assassin sister!


  The Assassin's sister had a cold face.

  She should be upset.

  The unscrupulous boss wanted to push her to die, and he gave her such a difficult task.

  In order to make the show full of highlights at the beginning of the show, the show crew deliberately set Tong Zhao's initial satiety to 30, which is equivalent to the level of only a piece of dry bread when he woke up after sleeping for a full ten hours.

  The others started the game with a full stomach.

  This is to urge her to hunt other players quickly with her hunger.

  Duan Ge is on the top floor of a building disguised as a ruin. Here you can send a signal to the headquarters in exchange for supplies through a special watch, which is equivalent to a hunter's stronghold and where Duan Ge sleeps.

  It is a simple nylon bed.

  It's exactly the same as the one in Tong Zhao's Palace of Consciousness, and it's mostly the show crew.


  Duan Ge clasped his hands and moved his joints.

  Here, the intelligent AI does not broadcast her mental activities, and the audience can only rely on guessing.

  At the same time, the members of the five groups woke up one after another.

  After accepting the background setting, they reacted differently. For the first time, the amateur guest who participated in the survival variety show was forced to cry in front of other players in a desperate situation.

  "I want to go home..."

  "Can you really live for fifteen days? Without food, you can't even survive in hiding."

  A one-meter-eight short-haired man threw himself on his teammate and cried bitterly.

  Humans are animals that are easily infected by the atmosphere. Listening to his sobbing low cry, the remaining three teammates are also surrounded by low air pressure. They can't say anything to comfort him, so they can only say dryly: "Don't cry, cry. It's useless."

  As a result, people broke down even more.

  [Although this is human nature, but combined with hot spots, why do I want to laugh so much? ]

  [Want to laugh 1. I hope some narrow-minded primary school students know that vulnerability is not a woman's patent. Stereotypes discriminate against women while oppressing men. ]

  [Substitute it in, if you don't know you're doing a variety show, you'll be really scared...]

  Under the live broadcast, the other four teams have already begun to explore cautiously. Everyone is aware of the importance of the supply points. The five teams will divide the three supply points. The possibility of disputes is very high. It is the best policy to get the supplies away one step earlier.

  Only this squad with emotionally broken players stagnated, and everyone seemed to be preoccupied.

  The players only know the general information of the supply points,

  Don't know the exact place of storage.

  For example, point A shows McDonald's at No. 280 Qinlis Avenue, but that is a relatively large McDonald's. Where is the material stored in the store? Then the players have to go in and find them in person.

  If you find it, you have to transport it away in time.

  Otherwise, you may be picked by someone who is one step later, or you may lose out in a conflict.

  At this time, there are two groups of people approaching McDonald's at point A in tandem.

  There is a time difference of about five minutes between the two teams.

  The first team that came first successfully entered McDonald's. There was no food in the kitchen that could be seen in the fast food restaurant, and even the straws and tissue boxes that should be provided in unlimited quantities were empty. After the lead man confirmed that it was basically safe inside, he waved his hand to let his teammates in-he kept an eye on him, and signaled his teammates to pay attention to the door on the other side. If someone from another team came in, he wouldn't be blocked in the store. Forced conflict.

  The two walked into the back kitchen, and one person was watching the wind outside the door.

  "team leader!"

  When he found a box in the storage room, He Su beckoned to the captain in surprise to come over, wanting to take credit.

  All the supplies in the store that could come in handy were gone. He subconsciously felt that he had found the supply package. The captain was called over by him. He was overjoyed, but he heard a different movement: "Hold on, there is something strange in it. sound."


  Very faint strange sound, only by listening carefully can you find it.

  There was a broom beside the door, and the captain held the broom head and slowly opened the box with a long stick.

  The moment the stick lifted the lid of the box, the flames suddenly started--


  The two who reacted directly fell backwards, only the unpleasant chemical smell was pungent.

  Fortunately, the power of this explosive was not great. A distance of a broomstick, the two had prepared to retreat in time. Except for the smoke sprayed on their faces and the heart beating violently, there was no slight damage.

  But if a person was next to the box when it exploded, or opened it with bare hands, I'm afraid it will blow an arm away and my eyes will suffer.

  "If I just went straight to open the box..."

  The terrible picture that emerged in his mind made He Suhou scared.

  "Every dark place may conceal danger, or it may be an opportunity."

  The captain solemnly repeated the words left by the reinforcements.

  There are burials left by the enemy in Ganan City. It may be a small "surprise" or it may be an unreasonable landmine.

  To walk in this city and struggle for a living, if you don't have good luck against the sky, you can only be careful and careful!

  "What happened?"

  The explosion just now attracted the attention of other teammates. Another young boy, Chen Xiangtai, came in and said, "I found a cardboard box under the cashier in the single dining area. Captain, would you come to see if we were looking for something? "

  The captain quickly explained what happened just now, and acknowledged Chen Xiangtai's caution: "It's done well. We have to move as quickly as possible. The explosion sound just now is not small, and it cannot be ruled out that people from other teams can hear it."

  This time they found a supply box full of food and drinking water as they wished.

  The other team arrived in two minutes.

  Fortunately, they didn't hear any movement of the inner kitchen.

  There is only one pair of eyes that have dazzled the hearts and souls of countless people, standing on the commanding heights to observe the movement of the street.

  "Ah, I saw something to eat."

  Duan Ge's gaze fell on the second team, which was heading for point A.