Chapter 73 

  Duan Ge soon discovered the problem with the firearms.

  She has never been exposed to this kind of high-tech pornography operation, so she shouldn't even be able to unlock it.

  Just as she frowned and couldn't understand, she flipped out the manual at the bottom of the box. After reading the general introduction, her face suddenly collapsed.


  [Sister Zhao may be inappropriate, but the show crew is a real dog. ]

  [Why does the firearm have an instruction manual? ]

  A line of special effects words solved the audience's doubts in time-

  "Since the pursuit of wickedness, we must implement it to the end! "

  "That's right, that manual was quickly and temporarily compiled by our modeling division, and it was placed in it! "

  The audience was so happy.

  Obviously, in addition to the confrontation between the two camps, this survival variety show also has an invisible confrontation-Tong Zhao and the dog's endless program group. This kind of confrontation is rare in the world. After all, the director has always been the only one who can firmly control the guests. No one thought that Tong Zhao could counter the general and surprise the audience many times.

  I was a bit tired of watching variety shows in the past.

  Will think about what is the meticulous arrangement of the crew, what is the meaning of their sorrows and joys? The contradictions that occur in variety shows are all guided by the director's script, and the difference between watching movies and watching movies may be more human and true.

  Unlike watching movies, variety fans expect unexpectedness.

  This expectation was met when the program group was rushed to jump over the wall by the endless show operations of the special guests.

  Some viewers watch the reality show because they are unlucky for the stars.

  If the celebrity is not unlucky, OK, then the well-known program group is also unlucky!

  Guests who have been on "One Life Survival" in the past have also continued to pay attention to the show, and have made complaints on Weibo. Most of them are unknown coffees or amateurs. At first, no one cared about them, until one of them was a star who made a big splash in this show and posted:


  If there are such opponents, I guess I won't get the bonus.

  I didn't name it, but I knew what I was talking about right away.

  The fans immediately refuted how could it happen, brother is the best!

  As for the friends who eat melon and the marketing account in the forwarding, most of them are expecting the two to confront each other.

  There are a few people who understand: [People are instinctive movie stars. I just finished making an unreasonable big movie, and I have to receive a soft contract... Variety shows are for fun. You look forward to boxing champion Tyson. What's the stance of confrontation with Muhammad Ali's world? ]

  If you think about it carefully, it really is.

  [Ah, but it's so fun! Just think about it! ]

  Fun and interesting.

  It is indeed the ultimate answer to this age of entertainment to death, the only soft currency that is more effective than beauty.

  Long Jue's Weibo was splashed with water. It also coincided that there was no big entertainment news today. Netizens were doing nothing to scan the boring homepage, and the marketing account with a sharper sense of smell turned to the past guests of "One Life". About this issue Tucao Weibo, a collection of gloating on the program group, really caused a wave of reposts in the middle range.

  More netizens who want to see how Tong Zhao can make the dead end play tricks flock to the live broadcast room. When choosing a favorite player, they did not hesitate to choose Tong Zhao and hang on the basis of white prostitution. Fan card...

  Backstage statistics...

  Yes, Tong Zhao's votes alone crushed the audience.

  The point of view gradually deviated from the planned direction of the variety show.

  The program group can control the resources that Tong Zhao gets, but the audience's expectations are uncontrollable.

  Strictly speaking, "One Life Survival" attended by Tong Zhao is an invisible confrontation between two-dimensional and three-dimensional, and is a questioning of God initiated by humans!


  The audience was very happy watching the show and felt that Tong Zhao was very interesting.

  How could this woman be like an unfinished book, with infinite talents and infinite pretends?

  The program team thought Tong Zhao could do nothing.

  The audience is very keen on giving advice to Tong Zhao, as if she can really hear it--

  [Just cut off the thumb of the previous corpse? ]

  [Let's watch the show less. Fingerprint unlocking technology is not only a matter of having a hand, but body temperature and pressure are also very important factors... Human body temperature drops very quickly after death. Even with the fingers of the fugitive's corpse, the viewing period should be only Three hours, it's hard to get stiff after three hours. ]

  [Just have a hand hahaha, the weird smile is poked. ]

  Duan Ge tentatively reported this problem to his boss.

  "I have seized a batch of survivors' weapon supplies, but because there are fingerprint authentication locks that can't be used, is there a solution?"

  In Duan Ge's mental cognition, superiors are very capable.

  It just doesn't help her most of the time.

  This is also convenient for the program group to be accepted when giving instructions.

  The dog boss (director)'s reply is also very simple and rude: [You are already a mature imperial assassin, and you have to learn to unlock it yourself. ]

  Duan Ge clenched the handle of the gun blankly.

  There is a groove in the gun body that can be pressed by a finger, and her finger does not respond. Since it is the support materials of those people, most of them have to use their fingerprints.

  Duan Ge: [Why? ]

  The voice in my mind changed from plain to depressed, interrupting the rhythm of the barrage hahaha.

  Is Tutu wronged?

  Duan Ge: [Why does someone's superior even consider this? A team of waste who was wiped out by me has such good treatment? ]

  Duan Song: [Damn it all! ]

  Tutu is not wronged, Tutu is furious.

  The handle of the gun was so overwhelmed by her that she heard it tremblingly.

  Duan Ge suddenly stood up and decided not to wait any longer. She wanted to quickly get rid of the little trash that was doted by good leaders. After completing the task, she got the pass from the boss to get out of the city. When she left Canaan City, she wanted to find a way to kill the dog boss that was docking with her, and from then on, she would fly in the air.


  Shooting in the background.

  Director Chen thoughtfully: "The dog boss she is going to kill, isn't it about us?"

  Assistant Director: "It's just a dog boss, you should be the director."

  Director Chen: "Suppresses the shock by smoking a cigarette."

  Director Chen: "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid. Think about how effective this show is. Tong Zhao's Weibo is also gaining followers. Good thing! The big deal...the big deal, wait until she wakes up and treat her to a good meal!"


  The survivors headed by Kong Yeming moved away from the gas zone and settled down on the second floor of a residential building.

  Since the four-person team was simply destroyed, only eight people were killed alone. Kong Yeming finally decided to use five people in one room, sleeping in the living room, and two single rooms to live in the opposite door. The remaining five people will stay vigil in the corridor. .

  Act as collectively as possible.

  Kong Yeming sternly emphasized: "Remember, if there is any movement, you must wake up other people and have to respond 15 times. Judging from what happened at school before... at least, he would still be taboo. "

  They are not standing at the target waiting to be cut, they also have a strong desire to survive.

  Seeing such rigorous consideration, the audience can't help but worry about Tong Zhao.

  [I wish I had a gun. ]

  Although there is no gun, Duan Ge, who has obtained a batch of cold weapons, can barely be regarded as a shotgun replacement, and is no longer a poor person who walks the world with a dagger.

  She has a telescope!

  Finding the living in a dead city is like looking for people, looking for those living moving points.

  Kong Yeming was very cautious. He did not go out for the first two days and stayed on the second floor to eat the only food with everyone. Even if everyone tries to eat as little as possible, fifteen mouths are too much to consume. After two days of stability, the third day finally began to organize a team to go out to find resources.

  A team of five people, divided into three teams.

  Searching from street to street to ensure that when one of the teams calls for help, the other teams can go to support immediately within hearing range.

  It's really thoughtful.

  While they were staying in their stronghold and hiding strictly, Duan Ge still shuttled through the streets of Canaan City every day without feeling bored at all. The audience also doesn't like watching these people hide in a humble way. It's too boring, so it's better to watch Tong Zhao!

  I have to say that Tong Zhao is really good at making things for himself.

  The section of the song that never walks the road seriously seems to have endless physical strength, jumping over the roofs of tall buildings and residential buildings, and also climbing over the outer walls of the buildings. The faint smile on her lips shows that she is very happy in it, and the strong wind raises her. The short hair around the ears makes the whole person more light and agile.

  Fans can't get tired of it at all.

  Recorded with lively and cute children's music, it is clearly a happy bunny shuttled through the concrete forest.

  Today, Tutu is also guarding the safety of Canaan City!

  The silence of two days could not consume the patience of a professional assassin. When Kong Yeming and his party appeared in Duan Ge's line of sight, the originally dull live broadcast room suddenly boiled up-

  [Tutu punches mom! ]

  [I have been driving the live broadcast room for the past two days, and I feel like I have a desktop pet that can only run and jump. ]

  [They act together, Bunny has no chance of winning, right? ]


  When a crowd of mother fans were worried, Duan Ge, who captured the traces of the survivors on the screen, raised a smile on his lips.

  In this variety show, she didn't laugh much.

  Except for the rare brows and eyebrows crooked with satisfaction when eating a full meal, at most it was a little smile on her face when she was parkour alone, but it was also very light and unobvious, which only made the audience feel her relaxed will. It can't be said that she is really happy.

  [The female goose smiles so cute QAQ]

  [I want to guard Bunny's smile! ]

  The song that is so much loved by mother fans evokes a sullen and violent chuckle: [I am going to kill them all today! ]


  [? ? ? ? ]

  What to do if Zai Zai wants to go on a slaughter? Waiting online, it's very anxious.

  Duan Ge picked a machine gun, a pistol and a rifle in the box. He didn't take it with him, and he couldn't unlock the lock remotely. In a stuffed backpack, the bag is full of magazines that can take away, and I feel heavy and happy.

  The survivors searched in a shopping mall.

  Most of the store's glass windows have long been broken, and there are no edible materials left inside, but items like jewelry and watches are kept in good condition, without special lighting, expensive luxury goods have also become Overshadowed.

  Seeing the place they chose, Duan Ge feels better.

  The complex terrain of the mall is more suitable for her to play.

  Duan Ge: [Then which team of these three teams should start with? ]

  The ceiling of this shopping mall is a large piece of glass. The daylight is very good. If the sun is too strong at noon, the security will press an operation button in the background to let the equipment installed on the roof pull up a layer of yarn to buffer it. .

  In ordinary Survival Varieties, contestants "sweeping goods" in supermarkets and shopping malls are very popular.

  But the audience obviously prefers Tong Zhao's perspective.

  Want to see how she sneaked into the mall to outnumber the crowd!

  Duan Ge first went to the security room where there was no one for a long time, and found the floor plan of the shopping mall. You can always find useful information in the security room, but most of the paid security guards do not. Will pay attention, but there is no need to pay attention.

  The whole city is out of power, and the sky-eye monitoring is also completely dark.

  Duan Ge studied for a while, first turned off all the lights in the mall, and then found the switch of the mall's backup power supply--

  [This also works? ]

  [Zizai is so capable! ]

  [No, this is no longer the scope of what you can do... Why are you so proficient! ]

  Tong Zhao is a mature assassin, and has to learn to sneak into the mall alone.

  After a while, the ten-round monitoring screen surrounding Duan Ge lights up, and all the whereabouts of the survivors are clearly photographed.

  After all, it is a backup power supply, which is mainly used to supply emergency lighting and the network in the corridor. It cannot be used for a long time. Forget it, it can only support one hour...

  Duan Song: [Enough. ]

  Duan Song: [Look at where they are. ]

  The survivors still don't know that not only have they been discovered, but that every whereabouts is under the surveillance of the hunter. She stared at a man and a woman from the Suns, the two of them were relatively short in stature and were less difficult to control. It is best to catch them both.

  They searched from shop to shop in an organized way, skipping only those shops that are useless at first glance-skipping both clothes sellers and bag sellers, and the category like Watsons is the key search object.

  The survivors did not get nothing this morning.

  They once found a wrench in a hardware store, and even equipped each with a kitchen knife in the vegetable market. At least it is no problem to go to Causeway Bay to be a young and Dangerous boy.

  After the security room observed the surveillance screen for a while, Duan Ge hid in a Watsons room in advance.

  [Tutu is lurking! ]

  [Wait for a bunny assault. ]

  After substituting the hunter's perspective, the Survival Variety Show suddenly became easier.

  For the group of survivors, this is undoubtedly a horror movie.

  After looking for a long time in this mall, everyone gradually let go of their guards. He Su walked into the store first: "I didn't find the fart. These people also swept the goods too clean before they fled."

  The snack area is empty.

  Wherever you can see, you can still see non-essential materials such as foundation and red on the shelves.

  The five people didn't give up, and they scattered and searched in this small shop.

  The female doctor sharply saw a large roll of toilet paper lying in the corner.

  Duan Ge waited patiently in the staff room.

  Someone will come in and look for it, but the door is very narrow, only enough for one person to pass through at a time, at most two people leaning here.

  She doesn't need a probe to look out, she knows the distance of the other party only by the sound of footsteps, and she wants to control the hapless person walking towards her within two seconds.

  The steps are getting closer.

  He Su wanted to see if there were any missing materials in the staff lounge.

  As he opened the door, the audience's heart hung high, and their heartbeat accelerated.

  When He Su held the doorknob, he thought: "Are there any enemy troops inside?" ]

  This sudden thought made him more vigilant when he pushed the door, ready to withdraw as soon as he saw something wrong and shout for help.

  He pushed open the door hard.

  However, behind the door was empty, without the picture he had imagined.

  Only the audience watching the live broadcast knows that Duan Ge, a slender figure, is hiding behind the door, which is his blind spot of vision.

  He was relieved.

  He Su: [Hurt, I am really too brave. ]

  Thinking like this, he walked three steps inside.

  At this time, Duan Ge was already behind him.

  Before He Su could notice, Duan Ge stretched out his hand and strangled him from behind with his arm, and roughly buckled a piece of sealing tape on his mouth, which was attached to his nose, so that he could only say " Uhhhhhhhhhh!" The sound-is even smaller than just sticking to the mouth. *

  There is no guarantee as to how long it will take to unlock once. Duan Ge didn't want to smother him to death, for fear that the fingerprint would not work if he died.

  She tied He Su's hands behind her waist with twine, and quickly unlocked all three guns with his thumb. After unlocking, the pixel display window above the small groove lights up, counting down...1800, 1799, 1798...

  Duan Song: [Number of seconds? ]

  She mentally calculated, that is, for half an hour, she was on the verge of ambiguity between enough and not enough.

  Duan Ge gently lifted the corner of the cover tape so that He Su's nose could barely breathe.

  As soon as he came into contact with the air, he immediately inhaled vigorously, so horrified that he forgot to make a loud noise to call for help.

  Duan Ge lowered his head and smiled: "Be good, let you live for half an hour."

  He Su couldn't understand what she said, and was even more afraid.

  The audience understood.

  The content of the two-day program was too easy. They almost forgot what kind of murderous god this was. They really regarded her as a carefree, bitter rabbit who runs in Canaan every day...

  [Hiss, I got A here! ]

  [Zizai is so cruel, my mother likes it! ]

  [Tong Zhao kill me! ]

  Without showing his fangs and claws, he really treats the cheetah as a rabbit.

  After slowing his breath, He Su could clearly see the appearance of the person in front of him in the dim environment--

  That is a very beautiful face.

  Even looking at this angle of death from below, it can withstand the test completely.

  Although it is very out of date, He Su still can't help but think of: [It turns out that there is such a good-looking girl among the enemy's running dogs? ]

  [Yes, old face dog. ]

  [But let everyone choose, do you want to be killed by the greasy middle-aged uncle, or the beautiful and sexy young lady's throat cut? ]

  [...What a convincing example! ]


  Although the fight between the two quickly ended and ended successfully with a single-sided sneak attack by Duan Song, there were still some noises in the staff room inevitably, and the teammates raised their doubts. Anyway, this kid talked a lot. I'll feel relieved with one sentence back.

  From the depths of the room, only an unintelligible female voice was heard.

  The remaining four did not react for a while--

  Immediately afterwards, there was a gunshot that resounded throughout the store!