Chapter 103

  Low cost means low fault tolerance.

  At least like Shi Qianqiu's "Relentless Tribulation", the heroic spirit of reshooting when the film breaks down is impossible.

  When Tong Zhao reminded him of this, he sent a shocked cat head with round eyes looking around.

  What is the reaction of the expression?

  Imagine it is like asking a local tyrant who is accustomed to web games to play a card-based online game: "I'm sorry, my dear, there is no automatic wayfinding on our end game, my dear, it won't become stronger after krypton gold, my dear.", With a shocked expression on the local tyrant's face, he has a long-lasting charm.

  Shi Qianqiu: [It's teasing you. ]

  Shi Qianqiu: [Do I look like an idiot who didn't even think of this? ]

  Tong Zhao: [Like a rich man without common sense. ]

  Shi Qianqiu: [[Mao Mao doesn't want to care about you.gif]]


  How much does this guy love to make emoticons with cat heads!

  Tong Zhao sent him the script for him to think carefully.

  Once the phone was buckled, she went into the bathroom to put hot water and hot spring powder, and took a good bath.

  Shi Qianqiu found Tong Zhao interesting.

  If it's the first time someone else invests in a movie and hears that he intends to make a movie, he must agree to it first-after all, the name Shi Qianqiu alone can trick a part of the audience into buying tickets to watch, which is a return. Guarantee.

  It's not conceited.

  It's just the objective cognition that Shi Qianqiu has accumulated in every film.

  Third-rate directors begged for investment, and first-rate directors were begged to stuff money into their pockets.

  Shi Qianqiu thinks Tong Zhao is interesting, not because he has the arrogant comment that "some female stars don't come to lick me, you succeeded in attracting my attention". From the bottom of his heart, he feels that this human being does not take an unusual path, so he particularly wants to pay attention. ——Just like he likes to create, he was obsessed with writing before, and now he loves directing plays, and he works with Tong Zhao to create, which means a brand new and doubled freshness and happiness!

  According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, Shi Qianqiu is left with only self-realization to pursue.

  "Look at the script first."

  Shi Qianqiu turned his wrist, and the smart watch projected a piece of text in mid-air.

  The latest model is surprisingly stable, allowing him to do his own thing while watching the document.


  When Tong Zhao came out of the bathroom, the steam filled her face, and her whole body exuded a kind of lazy softness, as if the fingertips were soaked in hot water. The phone turned over was playing lively pop music. While blowing her hair with a hair dryer, she turned it over to see what Shi Qianqiu said again.

  It's not easy to read.

  Since she posted that circle of friends, it has been verified by many parties that she intends to invest in a love movie personally, and after she became the heroine...

  The WeChat message from the work group has never stopped.

  A lot of it has to be returned seriously.

  Fortunately, those who need Tong Zhao's serious reply are more reserved and communicative, so they don't want to be scornful for an undetermined movie. As for some staff who are unfamiliar and have no memory at work, Tong Zhao is straightforward. Unified reply: [There is not much demand for the role of the new movie, and the specific matters have to be discussed after finding a suitable director. I am only responsible for paying the money and performing, and the rest is not easy to say. ]

  I won't answer any more questions.

  Some are purely out of care, like Director Shi and many senior brothers and sisters who are quite qualified in the film industry, telling her that if they are useful in the same place, don't be polite.

  Tong Zhao believes they are sincere.

  But "Never Island Girl" does not have any elements of action drama, this kind of goodwill can only be appreciated.

  Pressing the screen of the phone with her fingertips, swiped down and turned to Shi Qianqiu's dialogue window.

  Shi Qianqiu: [The script is quite romantic. ]

  Shi Qianqiu: [There are no big love movies in recent days. After all, compared with special effects movies with money to experience, the box office of romance movies is more metaphysical. At least half of the entire industry invests in movies and doesn't know what emotions can impress the audience. ]

  When he saw this line, Tong Zhao wanted to laugh a little.

  Director Shi talks about feelings?

  This was a message sent to her a long time ago, but Shi Qianqiu answered in advance as if he had foreseen her reaction:

  [Don't laugh, I just didn't want to fall in love, it doesn't mean that I have low EQ. ]

  [The market's demand for romance movies has not disappeared. If you can launch a high-quality romance movie at this time... Well, is this also in your calculations? Have you done market research? It's worthy of being a recognized gold master in the industry. ]

  Although the title of "Golden Sage" is a bit ridiculous, Tong Zhao found that under Shi Qianqiu's analysis, her selection of films to take care of Zhao Zao... actually sounded very reliable, just a few words to delineate it. Out of the outline that will make a lot of money!

  Tong Zhao knows that his previous movies have also taken the work of the producer.

  If it weren't for his own money, he might be a good player in investment.

  Shi Qianqiu didn't brag about how good he was and how much box office he could guarantee, so he analyzed the movie with Tong Zhao in a simple and simple manner... There is nothing more important than the director knows the movie, Tong Zhao chats. It was settled, and a WeChat group was happily selected.

  Xu Yiming is cooking at the fast food restaurant downstairs from Home Inn.

  He guessed it was almost time to go home.

  Since the news came out, all the people I knew changed their old faces and started friendship with him. Xu Yiming knows very well that although these people licked him in behavior, what attracted them was the golden sign of "Tong Zhao", which had nothing to do with him. So although he was happy in his heart, he didn't say anything about you. I ignored me, and now I let you speak up.

  It's just that, there is no shortage of people anyway. I have refused before and I am not particularly good.

  Ordinary staff are easy to find, but directors are hard to find.

  Xu Jianming, who was bald, was pulled into a new WeChat group.

  He looked down.

  ["Tong Zhao" invited you to join the group chat, and the feeling of participation in the group chat: Shi Qianqiu]


  Tong Zhao: [This is the director I am looking for. ]

  Tong Zhao: [I want to have the final veto when choosing the leading actor, whatever else is arbitrary. ]

  Said it is random, in fact Tong Zhao has the idea of ​​secretly observing.

  When it comes to making movies, Shi Qianqiu is definitely more experienced than her.

  If you can watch him closely, how to build a movie from scratch, you can definitely learn a lot. Shi Qianqiu happily agreed with her veto power, which is also the norm in the casting of romantic movies...

  It seems that the party that has been set is a big man, and the CP who chooses the big man can only follow the aesthetics of the big man more without affecting the plot.

  Otherwise, the subconscious will look cold and embarrassed after shooting.

  The thinking of the two is calm and clear, leaving Xu Yiming alone in a mess in the wind.


  Is this time Qianqiu? ? ?

  His eyes are correct, are they? ? ?

  This is the most unlikely director to invite! Everyone knows that Shi Zhilai likes self-written, directed, and invested, and an instinctive movie with a budget of 40 million can please him? Not enough for him.

  Xu Yiming didn't dare to mention this, he was afraid of scaring the idol away.

  He restrained his excitement, first added this person's friend, and then took a look at the circle of friends, and after he was sure that this was the dream director in his heart, he sighed, and the shaxuan snack in front of him turned into a Michelin restaurant. Fairy and delicious.

  Ah, I'm not going home anymore.

  Can he get a time guide?

  With this luck, let's hurry back to Home and stay, avoid walking next to high-rise buildings, and it is easy to be killed by objects thrown from high altitude.

  Tong Zhao didn't look at it.

  Jiang Dang played a video call.


  Who still uses video to tell things these days? The call was already very close, and Tong Zhao was a little confused, but she happened to change her clothes after the shower, and the hair was blown out with a hair dryer to look good, so she answered without any psychological pressure.

  Jiang Dang's beautiful and enchanting face immediately appeared on the phone screen.

  "I'm here to audition." Jiang Dang said.

  On the screen, he is wearing casual clothes, and in the background is also at home, with his usual guitar hanging on the wall. Under the close supervision of the team, Jiang Dang always took care of his appearance when he appeared in the outside world-the agent said that his brain is not so good, so people naturally have to pick up a little better. Whatever clothes he wears is amazing and enduring, and he murders countless girls with control of face with a single poke on the page, and the breath of abstinence hits his face.

  Obviously a person who is not long-hearted, but has a deep and affectionate eye.

  Jiang Dang seriously analyzed the benefits of cooperation between the two.

  One is that "I'm not a chivalrous man" is very popular with CP, and there is a saying in station B. Many passers-by have a vague sense of identification with their CP feeling in their minds, and they can launch cooperation news while the iron is hot. A handful of predecessor popularity.

  The second is that he has a lot of emotions, and his ability to write so many popular love songs is the best proof.

  Jiang Dang's voice is Shen Ya and melancholic, but the content of his speech is very commercial.

  In fact, it makes a lot of sense.

  Obviously the relationship between the protagonist and the villain in the movie, the protagonist also has a serious boyfriend, but the CP of the two is very hot, the audience loves to knock, and the scissors hands can cut hard. Plus, they have too many opportunities to interact with the frame when promoting the roadshow. In the eyes of Scissors, what is this?

  This is the iron proof of love!

  If they cooperate, the topics are ready.

  After Tong Zhao heard his statement, she said: "Remember it naturally."

  Hearing this, Jiang Dang glanced at her slightly innocently, and accepted the words calmly: "The agent is afraid that I will offend you by saying the wrong thing."

  Tong Zhao laughed, is she that scary?

  Jiang Dang has a villain face.

  Tong Zhao closed his smile and asked, "But do you really want to make another movie with me? Or the team asked you to come."

  In her eyes, Jiang Dang is already a good baby who listens to the team's words, quite a bit of resignation. Of course, if this idea is known by Jiang Dang's agent, I am afraid that he will vomit blood... Jiang Dang is just picking up his happy points to obey, usually rebellious.

  Tong Zhao was wary: "Do you still want to be beaten? I don't beat people in the second part of the scene!"

  She is really afraid that Jiang Dang will say that you will accept me.

  The letter circle means the kind.


  Jiang Dang was amused by the vigilance in her words, his brows were crooked, his coldness faded, and he was replaced by an indescribable cuteness... how to say? It's like hatching a small orca with a smooth Q bullet from an ice egg full of spikes, and then she said, "I want to fall in love with you, so I came here when I got the chance."


  Tong Zhao was shocked by this straight ball.

  How talkative Jiang Dang was just memorizing the manuscript, and now the Jiang Dang on the screen of his mobile phone is so quiet. After he said his true intentions, he fixedly watched her and was very silent.

  Sure enough, it is a type that can't think of how to make a move...

  Tong Zhao was in a trance, but he was fried in the palace of consciousness.

  Duan Ge: [It seems that I didn't play hard enough last time. ]

  Shu Yi: [It may be that the fight was too cruel, and it touched his heart. ]

  Chen Guifei: [Very interesting, I admire him, a little better than Wei Zekai. ]

  Waiting to let the girl chase the girl backward, thinking too beautifully.

  If it doesn't exist, the imperial concubine Chen remembered him on a small notebook, and wanted to see how he reacted after resuscitation.

  Zhao Zai was stunned.

  Is she going to fall in love early?

  With a forehead opinion, Tong Zhao could only temporarily suppress the mixed thoughts in his mind and confirm to him: "Do you like me?"

  I want to say that I want to cooperate with her for this kind of thing, which is too unprofessional.

  But after another thought...

  The main business is a singer, and filming is done casually, but the effect is good, and the audience will pay for it, and only occasionally come to shoot.

  The other most important point is that cooperating with a star you really like to make love movies is a profession in the age of instinctive movies. After all, in the entertainment industry, fast-food love is the mainstream. They both fell in love and made moving movies. After the cooperation, the relationship was ruined by their busy schedules, and they chose to break up...

  This is the norm in the circle.

  "Well, I like you very much."

  As he said, Jiang Dang's lips made a pleasant smile.

  Putting on a devilish face, he looks very obedient and obedient, like a trap that is dressed harmlessly and tenderly:

  "After making the first movie, I will be your fan, are you a fan?"


  Chen Guifei: [Grass. ]

  Tong Zhao: [Be your own mother! ]

  Tong Zhao settled down and looked back: "I will consider it. The script will be sent to you first. The role of the actor is indeed suitable for you, but the risk of using you is a bit high. As for the answer, I will come out with the result of the casting. I will tell you later."

  "Grass powder, I'm joking." Jiang Dang said.

  "I know..."

  "But it's true that I like you."


  If Jiang Dang also plays FPS games, he must be a good sniper.

  It was abrupt.

  It means that a person of temperament can do this.

  Tong Zhao was thinking how to reject him, and the person said very quickly: "You don't need to give me an answer. I just want to express it. I also want to make a movie with you. There is nothing else."

  After speaking, Tong Zhao talked a few words in a very formal manner, and the video call hung up, not at all stalking.

  Jiang Dang's style is like a poet who meets the sunset and composes a poem to praise the magnificent scenery and moves his heart. But if you fall in love with a cloud, you should take it off and collect it? I've seen it, liked it, expressed it, that's enough.

  Thousands of words can only be turned into a sigh...

  Sure enough, he is a very special person!

  The casting process went very fast. After learning that the actor who played against Tong Zhao this time was set up well, he almost broke his head when he wanted to get it. Even if there is no real cast outside, there are already countless peaces with her. When Qian Qiu listened to the news, Xu Yiming was even more tempted like never before. He is counting on this movie of pie from the sky to turn around, naturally he will not easily promise anything for short-term benefits.

  Shi Qianqiu put forward an idea to Tong Zhao when he was casting the cast publicly.

  Shi Qianqiu: [Do you know? Many reliable niches with their own traffic have doubts about cooperating with you, you are too good at stealing the show. ]

  Tong Zhao: [I know. ]

  Did Shi Qianqiu deliberately attack her?

  Shi Qianqiu: [It's normal for love to have strong and weak relationships, but "Never Island Girl" shouldn't be a movie where the woman is overwhelmed, so I have an idea...]

  Shi Qianqiu: [Can Han Zhi act? ]