Chapter 110

  Love is a very complicated emotion.

  Adults always say that children don't know what love is. In fact, many adults don't know what love is. There is a word "puppy love" in English to describe this kind of ignorant love, like a puppy. Leaning against each other, shining with sincerity without impurities...

  What is love and why should we understand it?

  How do you learn to love and love someone? Is there a four-level major to learn when you pursue the opposite sex?

  When should you give up when you love someone, what is worthy persistence, and how to tell if you really like the other person or if people around you say that you are a suitable choice?

  Han Zhi frantically scored professional points in front of the heroine's parents, which convinced the two of them that he was treating his girlfriend for mental illness.

  Where is Han Zhi.

  The template maker did not give him the code to enter the psychology profession, the male protagonist does not, and Han Zhi himself has not learned it. He teaches the female protagonist everything that adults should have in life under the banner of "treatment" every day. Knowledge...

  In the quiet underground library, there are wooden bookcases on all sides, and the cabinets are full of books from poets. However, in sharp contrast with those advanced original books, the first and second floors are full of colorful children's books. They were bought by her parents for Shi Erya. The placement is in line with her height when she was a child. Today, they still believe that their daughters should love to read these children's books.

  Shi Erya, wearing a white floral dress, lay down on the desk with no respect, raised her eyes and looked at Nie Su: "Brother Nie, what are you going to learn today?"

  Nie Su's laptop was placed on the desk and opened a file.

  The name of the file is: "A Hundred Ways to Teach a Low Energy Life"

  Shi Erya saw it and asked: "What is inferiority?"

  "The meaning of a low-energy life is the low-carbon life that is very popular now." Nie Su fooled the child without a heartbeat: "Don't presume the word in front of your dad."

  "That's a curse." Shi Erya was very sure.

  "You are the worst kid I have ever seen."

  "Really? Compared to when Brother Nie was a kid?"

  "Compared to me," Nie Sudian started the topic today: "Because I was the one who lied to others when I was a child."

  This sentence got Shi Erya's shocked expression, Xing's eyes were round and round.

  The camera zooms in, and the audience sees today's topic clearly-

  "How to find a suitable job? (Sub-line: avoid MLM, workplace Pua and unreasonable squeeze)"

  "How to make new friends? (Sub-line: Identify bad friends with bad intentions)"

  "How to avoid saying the wrong thing"

  "Mutual Use of People and People"

  "How to reject the suitor" (highlight and bold!!!)


  The audience discovered that, except for the last one, which is suspected of having private goods, the rest are all things that the school will not teach you, but they also require students to apply them once they leave the society. Although she has never been to school for a day, Shi Erya has a tutor to teach her since she was a child. The level of knowledge is no different from that of ordinary undergraduate students. Willing to make her an illiterate.

  Shi Erya suspiciously: "Is there any use in learning these?"

  "Every adult has to learn it," Nie Su evokes a faint ironic smile with that glamorous face: "The school teaches you Chinese and English mathematics, physics and chemistry, and the family teaches you benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust. As a result, the society behind All of them are abducted and stolen, and those who are not determined are abducted to indulge in eating, drinking, and gambling."

  This line is funny and easy to remember, it's all five words.

  After the audience laughed, they remembered it, and after they walked out of the movie theater, they tasted it again and again, as if there was some truth in him.

  Nie Su taught his girlfriend the bad and cruel side of society.

  Compared with him, who is full of bad water, Shi Erya is a little angel who has not been polluted by the world. In the process of being taught, she also gave him a new perspective. It is obviously two mature bodies who can roll the bed at any time. But from the audience's point of view, they are two beautiful babies on the grass, both cute and pitiful.

  Although you can't enjoy the storm kisses until you grow up, the innocent Shi Erya feels that such a day is very good.

  If Brother Nie was by his side, the outside world would be less tempting.

  When filming this segment, the screenwriter was very anxious.

  Because the climax of "Never Island Girl" is the actor confessing to the heroine that he is a liar and a bad person.

  And now, the bad guys?

  The heroine knew about it a long time ago, and wanted to influence him, and the actor was almost influenced.

  At this sight, he will head straight for a happy ending.

  A happy ending is good, but I always feel that there is less ripples, and it is not magnificent-most of the creators under the world are a tune. Readers hope that the two protagonists will go directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau to be happy for a lifetime, and the author is Think: "Well, should we bring some natural disasters or man-made disasters first?" to increase the sense of rhythm and drama.

  The screenwriter is anxious and never panic at all.

  He believed that Tong Zhao's subconscious ability to do things, especially the male side of her named "Han Zhi", was too good in love.


  Nie Su, played by Han, discovered that Shi Erya fell in love with herself again. She didn't want to grow up, but changed from painful and self-disgusting not wanting to grow up to sweet and sweet not wanting to grow up. The dramatic thing is that the poetry parents also vaguely knew the spark between the two. He proposed to buy out Nie Su's life with a high salary, as long as he is willing to stay with his daughter, not leave, and guard the family...

  As long as the daughter is happy, as long as she does not leave the safe and warm home, the parents are willing to make any concessions.

  In fact, if the child leaves home to work, he always has to come back to eat and sleep before getting married. The poets have such a strong family background. It is not a problem to live with parents when they are married. As the only relatively normal person in the whole movie, Nie Su knows this pair of parents. There is also a disease in my heart, just out of love, even if I am sick, it will not hurt the girl in the end.

  In this high-pressure society, who is not mentally ill?

  Nie Su left a recording, resigned and left.

  "I know you are reading romance novels recently. Some male protagonists will tell the female protagonist that with him, she can be a child for a lifetime. I may not be that capable person, but your parents can, but I believe it more. You must become an adult before you are qualified to choose to be a child in front of a specific person."

  "This is the last lesson I teach little kids."

  "When I grow up... there are some relationships. There is clearly no quarrel, no betrayal, just because you choose a different direction, you will part ways. When the last side comes, you are defenseless, and then you will never see again. This person, if I think about it occasionally, I might feel that if I knew that it was the last side, I must hug him tightly."

  Nie Su smiled, his laughter was gentle.

  The distortion of the old-fashioned tape recorder can't hide the exquisite voice.

  Don't want to grow up, yes, the adult world is not that good.

  However, Nie Su did not want to become Shi Erya's new cause.

  "I am a failed adult, and I can teach you very little. If you have new ideas and insights in the future, just believe in yourself and don't doubt your judgment. I believe you will become a thousand times better than me. grown ups."

  "Boy, I like you very much."

  "But I love Shi Erya."

  Here the picture information given by the director is all connected in series--

  Nie Su liked Shi Erya from the beginning. It was an online dating that he had never met before, so he did not commit any further evils. He gave up the idea of ​​making a fortune by killing pigs, and came to the door after his lover had no news. She untie her knot. At the same time, because of his higher emotional intelligence than ordinary people, he perceives his own existence, making Shi Erya become able to endure all this.

  But she always wanted to grow up.

  Nie Su knew this.

  This has nothing to do with money. It is a child's instinct to explore the unknown with curiosity.

  Shi Erya cried a lot, wiped her tears and was about to catch up.

  Nie Su guessed right, she really got rid of her knot, and fought hard in front of her parents, promising that she would go home early, even if she stayed out all night, she would tell her parents where she lives...

  With the help of her parents, Shi Erya began to look for Nie Su while taking over the family business.

  At the end of the movie, you can still see traces of the poet's parents' overprotection. For example, Shi Erya could not go home for a week on business trips, and her aunts were too old to keep up physically, so she reserved the hotel where she was staying on business trips. There will be no bad guys around the girl. This wasteful behavior made Shi Erya angrily, and borrowed this resource to entertain the partner well.

  Nie Su taught her adult survival tips, all of which came in handy.

  But she couldn't find Nie Su.

  Freed, Shi Erya has a strong enthusiasm for learning. She hires a door-to-door teacher every quarter and attends classes three times a week. In her free time at work, she learns a new skill, such as how to cook meals, driving, flower arranging, and tea art. , Plumbers, painting... In short, as long as you think you have a craft that can teach the poet eldest lady, you can apply.

  However, this recruitment information has a very strange non-hard requirement.

  [The surname Nie is preferred. ]

  Shi Erya knows that he must understand, as long as this job information is available, he will always be the priority in her heart.

  Paying off his debts, Nie Su, who was so human, finally came to the tall buildings of Shishi Building in the middle of an overtime night.

  When they met this time, they were all tired and rushing adults.


  When the movie ended, thunderous applause rang out.

  After all, it is a trial screening. The audience invited to the scene are all those who are more literate in watching movies and also love movies... After watching them quietly and patiently until this moment, they are finally able to release their surging desire to talk:

  "Unexpectedly, Tong Zhao's love can be so contagious."

  "I think it's the actor's credit. His emotions are more delicate."

  "Yes, this cannot be denied. After all, he has a more controversial past, which makes his character setting more depth and layering. In comparison, Tong Zhao is a bit thinner, but she is here in Shi Erya. The answer sheet shown on the character can give a full score-someone can explain to me why her subconscious mind plays the role of a child with no sense of disobedience at all!?"


  In the debate over whether the male lead or the female lead performed better, someone weakly put forward:

  "Ah, the hero is also Tong Zhao..."

  As soon as this word came out, the voices of the people who had been arguing were completely silent.

  Tong Zhao is like a kind of ever-changing wine, but it is filled into different bottles, which can reflect all kinds of light.

  The only thing in common is that they are all so dazzling.