Chapter 113

  Zhang Wenshi thought very well.

  "Sweet Covenant" is released on Saturday, and "Never Island Girl" one day later, on Sunday.

  After five days of work, it's the norm to be impatient for a date the next day. Small couples have to watch a movie on a date, right? The production quality of "Sweet Covenant" is quite good in all aspects. It is a stable love computer. It is guaranteed to laugh and cry after entering the cinema. There are also fans of the actors and actresses who are looking forward to this movie.

  The actor Gu Zhisuo of "Sweet Covenant" is one of the more top-notch people in the current traffic. He made his debut as a cool and handsome little overlord, which is in line with the movie actor's young master's setting.

  Everyone felt that after the movie was broadcast, his popularity and status would increase further. After all, not everyone is as adventurous and playing with fire as Tong Zhao, so they can pick up movies from their subconscious minds and follow them step by step.

  The investor felt guilty, but the crew of "Sweet" didn't think so.

  Among the love movies, they were willing to pay for the capital, and with a little relationship, they were squeezed in front of "Never Island" to be released-

  It's strange to say that when it comes to personal connections, although the producer next door is not very good, Shi Qianqiu's relationship is very strong, and there is a brother-controlled entrepreneur brother, if you hear your brother complain that the schedule of the movie he directed has been interrupted Team, he will never give up.

  But it was very quiet over there, and didn't care about what was released the day earlier.

  I don't know if it is really short of money or too confident.

  Gu Zhisuo thinks it is the former.

  Because when "Never Island" said it was going to be organized, he asked his agent to say he intended to play it, but the other party felt that the price he offered was too high, and if he was willing to drop it, there was still room for conversation. Of course, the second half of the sentence is not said, after all, it is obvious that bargaining is too insulting, and everyone in the entertainment industry knows it well. When Gu Zhisuo heard this, he dispelled the idea.

  The box office of love movies is rather mysterious, and it is not a big award-winning production. It is just a grass-roots team. His original heart was also directed at the reputation of the Tongzhao box office myth, and he was not so excited to lower his net worth. It happened that "Sweet" at the same time was opened for a good price, so he went. Because of this relationship and the time of the shift, he has been paying attention to the next door consciously or unconsciously.

  The news of additional funds in the middle soon reached Gu Zhisuo's ears, and there was a bit of a knot.

  Isn't the co-authoring completely impossible to pay, just think it's expensive?

  "Never Island" was politely rejected at the time. Gu Zhisuo's coffee position and temper were not so big that he felt humiliated without agreeing on the film contract, and then stared at other people's crew to make trouble...

  It doesn't exist. It's not even a contradiction. He had a snack and secretly hoped that this movie would not be as good as his own "Sweet", so that he can generously regard this episode as his own "good vision" and "good bird choice." The anecdote of "Mu Erqi" and "He is worth the price" is said.

  The preview of "Sweet" was also well received.

  The screenwriter Zhang Wenshi analyzed in the WeChat group that the quality of the two sides are equal, and there is no need to extinguish his own ambitions. If the two plays have a 50-50 chance of winning, then the follow-up propaganda will be on his own side. Gu Zhisuo liked this statement. He was at ease when he said it. He also felt that his choice was right. It wasn't that the next door didn't like him, or the next door didn't deserve him.

  Fifty-five! Fifty-five!

  These three characters became a booster for the crew of "Sweet".

  A few days before the show, just looking at the frequently appearing keywords in this WeChat group, I thought it was a fan group of a certain controversial anchor.

  When "Sweet Covenant" was released across the board, it seemed to have responded to the crew's expectations and achieved a relatively good middle-of-the-range score. There were no surprises, and it was exactly in line with the box office forecast. On the first day, it barely broke 10 million. The cost recovery is Stable. But when it is released on Saturday, it should be the highest box office of the week, and then it will slowly fall back.

  Sunday will suffer the impact of "Never Island".

  It doesn't sound realistic to expect a box office decline on Monday...

  Instinctive movies without strong special effects are successful without losing money. They can make a lot of money during the release cycle. The film reviews also stabilized at 7 points on that day, and the word-of-mouth scores were qualified. This made many fearful thinking that they would be defeated by Tong Zhao. The goddess of the box office breathed a sigh of relief to the crew members who had smashed, and the roadshow publicity ran even more vigorously.

  In recent years, the start of the first day of romance films breaking 10 million is really not bad.

  There is also a degree of discussion.

  Many anchors have opened holographic rooms where they can watch movies together, and the number can be turned over. That's not bad.

  As a result, it was Sunday, which thousands of netizens were looking forward to. Guess what?


  "[Hai Ye accompany you to watch the movie] Neverland Girl Premiere"

  "[Lady Tsundere Today's Movie Carousel] Hmph, I didn't want you to watch the movie with me."

  "Never Island Girl, who knows how to advance"

  "Never Island, only for Korean female fans, decline male fans"


  At the beginning, there was a new page just as soon as it was refreshed. The first ten pages were full of popularity. Some unknown anchors saw this momentum and couldn't wait to join the ranks of synchronized holographic viewing. Like this kind of live broadcast, viewers have to buy tickets to watch the movie, and a large part of the gift share and advertising revenue obtained by the anchor will also be shared with the movie party.

  How many live broadcast rooms a new movie can afford can also be regarded as a profile reflection of the heat.

  The derivative stalks born in the live broadcast will also have a positive effect on the popularity of the movie, which is a win-win business behavior.

  Some fans will also organize fans to watch movies exclusively, so they have to verify their fan status.

  Really achieve self-advanced enclosure, each play his own.

  Some anchors who were originally broadcasting other content heard that something major happened in the viewing area, and after a little inquiries, they found a reason and changed to "Never Island". Hai Lao Shi is one of them who both "make money." The anchor who works on the principle of "not shameless" was originally playing pubg. When he heard Jiyou say, he immediately threw a grenade to himself and quit the game:

  "Dear friends, I'm actually a ten-year old fan of Tong Zhao. I've been looking forward to this movie for a week. If you don't mind a movie ticket, let's go see it together?"

  "Anyway, I'm broadcasting chicken, Tong Zhao's marksmanship is also very good, and the content does not conflict!"

  [Tong Zhao hasn't made his debut for ten years. ]

  [Your mother's Never Island is a romance movie, and it has a yarn relationship with marksmanship. This is the first time I have seen such a fresh and refined way to follow the trend. ]

  [As expected of Hai Lao Shi who can block bullets with our cheeks! ]

  Eilao has few fans, and belongs to the little transparency of the anchor world. Otherwise, he won't be able to broadcast the game to join in the fun, so he wanted to take the opportunity to get some audience for himself.

  He quickly clicked on the viewing area and found that the option of "Never Island Girl", which was newly released today, was grayed out.

  Eilao counted the points in a wet or unbelieving way.

  no response.

  "Rely? The server has a convulsion?"

  The same situation keeps happening at the same time.

  The official response speed is also very fast, and a full-site announcement was made immediately-"Never Island Girl" has too many movie theaters open, which creates an excessive burden on the server, and temporarily does not support the opening of anchors below the gold level (already Those who start to watch movies are not subject to this limit).

  The threshold for anchors is not high. Some users have specifically turned into anchors just to open a live broadcast room to watch holographic movies with friends.

  This situation is not new.

  In the past, when there were big hit movies, the official will set some thresholds in advance. It is recommended that users who want to watch movies with friends can go to the holographic cinema. When "The Ruthless Tribulation" was released, the threshold was set early, and there was no such embarrassment of temporary overburden and overload.

  But those are all special effects blockbusters.

  "Never Island Girl"...

  But is it a love movie that is more literary? !

  It's so magical.

  Hai Lao Yan Yi with a shocked expression on his face was recorded by Iron Fan, and it will be included in the live response collection of this storm in the future. Because the expression that is about to fall out of his eyes is too happy, he really accidentally let him hit it. A little bit of heat.

  This is something.


  #"Never Island Girl" suffered a flow restriction? The largest holographic viewing platform can't stand it! #

  No need to spend money to buy hot searches, the discussion degree is ready.

  Except for those who can go out to the movie theater with friends and lovers, people who usually have the habit of watching movies, and those who want to wear holographic helmets at home on holidays to watch movies, have noticed the explosion of the new movie "Never Island". The fire is too dazzling. People are animals with a herd mentality, so movies that were scolded by many people and praised by many people tend to get good box office by different routes.

  The UP host in the video area of ​​Station B is complaining, the Weibo homepage is scolding, colleagues, classmates and friends are all spraying movies, so you can't buy tickets to see how bad it is?

  In the age of instinctive movies with rising prices, there are a lot less movies with bad hype.

  "Never Island Girl" has gained popularity, is it good or bad?

  The first audience of the premiere hasn't come out yet to speak up!

  Previous film critics said it was particularly good.

  But returning to the general public group of audiences, no one knows whether it is good or bad.

  But it's so hot: There must be a reason for it, not to mention Tong Zhao starring... I've seen her movies/TV series/variety shows before, and the quality is good, it shouldn't be boring! With this level of audience fate, coupled with the topic of #本能电影historis first real one person sub-playing the protagonist#, countless audiences took advantage of this trend and brought a group of people into the cinema.

  Only half a day passed on Sunday, and the box office surpassed the whole day of Saturday's "Sweet".

  The more terrifying data is that on this Sunday, the box office of "Sweet" plummeted to be completely unwatchable, far lower than expected. Generally speaking, it is normal for the data to drop slightly the next day. Counting the Sunday factor, the super optimistic expectation is a steady, medium and small increase. The crew of "Sweet" is still holding their "Five-Five Open" three words together, falling. If you have less, you should make a profit.

  A bad news hit the crew of "Sweet".

  Not only fell, but also plummeted.

  Falling straight into the water, there was no splash, no one cared.

  Except for Gu Zhisuo's fans and the netizens who had seen "Sweet" yesterday and found it good, they were all discussing the slaughter phenomenon of "Never Island" and the awesome deeds that caused other people's servers to collapse.

  This Sunday is destined to be a black Sunday for the members of the "Sweet" crew.

  A few days before the movie's release, it should be the harvest stage after the hard work of the entire crew. They scan the box office data together, share the praiseworthy film reviews, and the ratings on the review website... However, since the box office statistics came out this afternoon, the group It was as silent as death.

  After a meeting, the director broke the deadlock:

  [Have you seen the box office? ]


  [Harm, after all, the first day next door, but it is normal. If the word of mouth is good, then it will be normal. Our quality is still very good. ]

  Although there are words of comfort, the overall atmosphere in the group is still melancholy.

  The assistant director thought of Gu Zhisuo, so he @ him in the group, hinting in a joking tone: [It's useless for us to be in a hurry. Why don't we let Zhisuo publicize it? ]

  Gu Zhisuo's remuneration accounted for a large part of the cost.

  Investors are counting on him to carry the box office.

  After all, his various Weibo data are very high, and the new generation of traffic is considered to be able to hit. He encourages fans. If one person is not enough for one ticket, he can do it a few times or buy it as a gift.

  Gu Zhisuo: [This is necessary, I'm thinking about Weibo copywriting. [Sunglasses cat head nodding wildly.jpg]]

  With his assurance, the atmosphere in the WeChat group only became alive...

  The cat's head in sunglasses is very cute.

  But Gu Zhisuo, who was holding a cell phone, had a handsome face with a sword eyebrow and a star as dark as a pot. His character is the eldest young master spoiled by his family, and his expression is like a rich second generation who has been dragging the only child for twenty years with smooth flow, and found that the government has opened up the second-child policy, and his mother She looked the same after she became pregnant and gave birth to her younger brother quickly.

  He is uncomfortable.

  These people don't understand their traffic stars.

  The core fan group who has the most consumer power and is most willing to hit the wall for him has already done the above behavior without waiting for him to promote it. What does this mean? It means that the box office of fans he can carry is so small, there are not many, and it will be a drop in the bucket if it is squeezed.

  Gu Zhisuo is gone.

  But he didn't dare to tell the truth to them, so he could only think of a more provocative Weibo copy to abuse fans, and squeeze out the surplus value from the desperate fans...

  After a while, a well-written Weibo was born.


  On this special day, there are a lot of things I want to tell you. The agent always tells me that I say more and make more mistakes. Let me say less, I don't care about that much! I am the young master of the Duan family who is not afraid of everything. I really want more people to see my acting Duan Xinghe.

  Then he commented on this Weibo: [Have you seen Duan Xinghe? ]

  The fans broke their tears on the spot.

  [I saw it! I don't just want to see it myself, but more people see the best Duan Xinghe in the world, my favorite Zhisuo! ]

  [Baby, you played well, really, don't be influenced by outside sounds, okay? ]

  [Three brushes of "Sweet Covenant", and I want to give Amway to more people! ]

  In just one hour, the forwarding broke 10,000.

  In stark contrast to the increase in Weibo forwarding data is the slow-growing movie box office.

  Gu Zhisuo fans worked very hard.

  But fans really can't get more money. In the box office of instinct movies, the traffic is like beautiful bubbles. When the box office itself is good, fans can create momentum to blow it higher, but expect fans to turn it from mediocrity into magic? It's not possible.

  Gu Zhisuo also understood in his heart.

  The mobilization of the abuse of fans was sent to Weibo, and it was also a matter of destiny, and did not want the crew to think that he was collecting money and not doing anything.


  Fans saw their brother's depression, and immediately discovered their initiative to do reading comprehension, wondering why his brother was unhappy. The reason is also easy to understand. Box office data is open and transparent and can be checked at any time.

  In this investigation, the originally broken defense was directly caused real damage.

  How can the contrast be so tragic? ? ?

  Don't understand.

  The announcement of "Sweet" is quite impressive, and it is rare for Lidian fans to say that the official is back.

  You should know that this is a miracle among the official/company/agents who are generally scolded by fans for the whole family's ascension. It can be seen that the announcement of "Sweet" is quite conscious, and the whole process is based on Gu Zhisuo, which greatly pleases his family. Fans.

  The box office plummeted on the second day of the show. Why?

  Both Weibo and entertainment forums are discussed.

  The answer is simple.

  Because "Never Island Girl" exploded.