Chapter 116

  Tong Zhao dazzled.

  In addition to the existing popular variety shows inviting her to be short-term guests, some of the projects handed over have not started shooting at all, but have a general idea. Sister Chu explained: "As long as you say something that you are interested in, the funds and staff will be available immediately, so choose what you like."

  Sister Chu thought for a while and added: "You can pick a few things you are interested in first. If you are not sure, I will take them back and refer to them for details. I will pick one that is suitable for you in all aspects."

  After all, the agent and the team are doing this kind of work.

  Allow artists to immerse themselves in art work.

  Tong Zhao nodded, and flipped through these variety shows.

  It's really too much, dazzling.

  Tong Zhao first removed some of the desert islands to survive. Since the ratings of "One Life Survival", which was full of effects, were announced, looking at the embossed data, the ratings difference between Tong Zhao and Wu Tong Zhao is so big that it is so big. It cannot be ignored that similar invitations to survival-type variety shows flew into her hands like snowflakes.

  The hostility of Duan Song was almost vented last time, and it can be stable for a while, and Tong Zhao naturally does not intend to go to the same type of show.

  So a bunch of promises to let her stand in the C position, the script project's invitation to her as the focus of publicity was directly pushed aside by Tong Zhao, and he didn't even look at it.

  "Strange Flowers" is a talk show type.

  "New Era Instinct Group" draft type, invited her to be a special mentor, similar to a mysterious guest. This Tong Zhao is a little bit interested. Anyway, there is only one issue, so I ticked an asterisk on it first.

  "Dwelling Era" takes stars to experience the life of renting a house.


  Excluding the variety show that focuses on eating, drinking and having fun, Tong Zhao is really not interested in much, and what is left is a seven-day instinct variety show "Baby Fighting".

  It features celebrities and celebrities with babies. The biggest highlight of this variety show is the relationship between celebrities and cute babies. The show crew doesn't know what to expect. Half of the invited kids are second-generation parents. The parents have big stars, well-known singers, There are all kinds of big directors, only unexpected and not invited.

  The remaining ordinary children often have their own characteristics because of their original families.

  Bear kids are inherently troublesome. Not only are they not born with them, they are also very strong. Even in instinct variety shows, no one dares to really attack them. Little fresh meat and little flowers were tossed and furious, and they achieved a brilliant record of high ratings in the program group.

  These second-generation cubs are very difficult to take.

  In reality, he may still converge his nature and put on the silent air of being too lazy to deal with these stupid adults. In the instinct variety show, they have all the best ideas, and the big brothers and sisters are speechless.

  Obedient is impossible to obedient.

  Stupid lord!

  One of the most popular links among the audience is that the program team invites the parents of these bear kids to watch the live broadcast, then broadcast their reactions and interview their thoughts.

  Netizens call this time for public execution.

  Tong Zhao looked at it for a while, and the personalities in the Palace of Consciousness had their own opinions.

  Chen Guifei: [Pass, my palace is annoying to see children. ]

  In the ancient world, the concubine Chen was rushing to fight for favor. She could not accept favor after ten months of pregnancy, and her body deformation was inevitable, so she took adequate contraceptive measures. In the beginning, many court ladies with babies brought their children to show off her, and it was quite noisy.

  The mother and concubine are responsible for yin and yang, and the child is responsible for Tong Yan Wuji.

  Both mother and son thought she couldn't hold her face to care about with the child.

  The imperial concubine asked the palace lady to palm the palace's mouth, and then twisted the prince's chubby face, twisting it upwards, so that he could no longer scold such words as slut vixen: "Is your Royal Highness pretending that the palace does not fight? Child?"

  Chen Guifei does not hit children.

  She just turned his chubby face red, and asked your Majesty to cross out his name from the list of rare go-go entertainments such as Safari South Tour, and included a super double homework gift package.

  Duan Ge: [I don't have much experience with children. ]

  Express: [I am not interested, but if Tong Zhao needs me, I can bear it. ]

  Han Zhi and Shu Yi agreed, but Lu Xianchang went into retreat.

  If you want to show your face in a variety show, in addition to interesting projects, Tong Zhao very pragmatically wants to choose the one with the highest ratings.

  The box office myth of what is happening, Tong Zhao knows that there is a element of luck.

  There is no need to pick niche unpopular projects that everyone is not optimistic about every time.

  Tong Zhao: [I can do it myself. ]

  In the memory that has been restored, Tong Zhao has no impression that bringing a baby is particularly good.

  Sister Chu saw that she was holding a plan number in her hand and looked at it for a long time, then she looked over and took a look: "There is a second page behind, don't you turn over and have a look?"

  "Ah, forgot."

  With that said, Tong Zhao turned to the second page.

  Generally speaking, the second page will write what kind of treatment the project is going to give the invitees.

  Like the survival variety show that Tong Zhao ruled out before, most of them reserved her role as a villain who killed the Quartet, or leadership positions, and wrote in detail which points were reserved for her to attract fans in those levels. Very sincere.

  After turning to the second page, the two were stunned.

  [Mysterious guest of "Baby Fighting"]

  [The program team took a fancy to Miss Tong's child modeling in "Never Island Girl", and wanted to invite Miss Tong to be the most special guest in the issue, with the pseudonym Xiao Zhao to join the ranks of the little babies. After entering the instinct variety show, other guests' memory of your identity will be blocked. ]


  Tong Zhao: "Can it still be like this?"

  "Others can't do it, you must do it," she was shocked at the beginning, and then, Sister Chu made sense: "I remember, didn't I make a childhood modeling for you alone in the movie? That image is very cute. I have sucked a lot of fans, and a large number of people want to be mothers and fathers fans, calling you Zhaobao, want to suck cubs, can you perform a rejuvenation?


  Tong Zhao thought that she was not old either.

  Zhao Zai, who heard that he was praised, probed his head from the room, and was pressed back mercilessly by the imperial concubine Chen.

  Before Tong Zhao spoke, Sister Chu stared at her head and sighed: "I don't know how Sister Xiao Zhao's brain grows. The holographic modeling of others is slightly different from that of me. It's very awkward, but if you say that you become a male, you become a male. Saying that you become a child when you become a child. There is no sense of disobedience at all."

  "Are others awkward?"

  "Of course." Sister Chu told her an industry joke.

  In the past, an actor had a whim and gave money to the modeler, saying that he wanted to add 5cm to the instinct movie.

  The modeler asked him where is 5cm.

  Does the actor say it's all right?

  The modeler said that you have to add money.

  In the end, only 5cm of height was added.

  As soon as the filming started, it didn't work. The actor's subconscious mind felt that something was wrong, and finally doubted the meaning of survival, so he pulled out of consciousness and remade the film again.

  Tong Zhao's pupils moved slightly as she listened to Sister Chu's words: "But don't panic. There have been people like you with relatively strong adaptability before. Experts seem to say that this is called... a very broad brain."

  A broad brain is a talent with exceptionally high mental power in the eyes of the system.

  If you think of your brain as a bag, this kind of person has a huge capacity, but you want to have the dazzling and diverse performances of Tong Zhao in instinct movies. This bag contains all kinds of wonderful life experiences... Ordinary people It cannot be raised, so there is no relevant training school.

  Sister Chu explained that because she was afraid that she heard a small part of Heizi's words and said she was a monster.

  Tong Zhaohun curled his lower lip indifferently, said to consider it again, and gave an answer within three days.

  The agent was always assured of her, and asked her to think about what type of movie she would pick next time.

  Good guy, didn't give her advice.

  Seeing the trusting gaze of her agent, Tong Zhao felt that next time she said that she wanted to play a particularly terrible abortion and suicide movie, Sister Chu would not stop herself.

  In the Palace of Consciousness.

  Hearing that Zhao Zai was bullied by the imperial concubine, his face was puffed up, and Lu Xianchang, who pretended to be dead, came out of the room and sacrificed himself to attract firepower and led away the imperial concubine Chen. Zhao Zai walked her little short legs and hung it behind Tong Zhao's back, and asked in a milky voice: [Do many people like me? ]

  [Well, yes, many people praise you for being cute. ]

  There is also Han.

  Tong Zhao said in his heart.

  Zhao Zai: [...I heard it! ]

  Tong Zhao: [I was wrong, I didn't expect it to be like this when I was a child. ]

  Many people have misunderstandings about how they looked when they were young, and occasionally they look incredible when they are recalled by their parents and elders. If the conditions at home are better, they can still see childhood videos, but they don't remember them at all. Tong Zhao got used to the self when he grew up, and thought that he had always been so calm and mature.

  Until I saw Zhao Zai.

  A childhood that can walk and talk.

  Zhao arrogant: [I am calm and mature! ]

  [Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Are you kidding here? ]

  Zhao Zai nodded like smashing garlic.

  After nodding her head sharply, she twisted her fingers embarrassedly: [I want to play with other kids...]

  Tong Zhao was stunned.

  Every time a person grows, it is to say goodbye to the past self.

  After being deceived by the scumbag, he chose to kill the girl who used to pay for the other party without reservation.

  After adulthood, the Tong Zhao in every world is very good. Every personality can create a career in the position of master. Others will not notice much abnormality. Only Zhao Zai is different. She hasn't had time to grow up, and she doesn't have many opportunities to come out and play.

  Thinking of this, Tong Zhao's heart is too soft, like a lavish adult who has no brain to buy and buy for his childhood after traveling to the past:

  [Okay, let a bunch of children play with Zhao Zai. ]

  Zhao Zai tweeted her cheek happily.

  The imperial concubine Chen who did not know when she appeared said quietly: [I also want to have a lot of handsome guys to play with me. ]

  Tong Zhao pretended not to hear, packed up and went to bed.


  The director of "Baby Fighting" was so happy after knowing that Tong Zhao was willing to be a guest. The two sides combined, in order to broadcast the program effect at that time, decided to hide that Tong Zhao was a special setting for the children, and only announced Tong Zhao to the outside world. News of joining.

  The ratings of the program are already high.

  As soon as the news came out, the discussion was in full swing.

  [Tong Zhao himself is a little baby, how can he bring other babies? Mom is worried about QAQ]

  The mother fan craze has not passed yet.

  [What the hell is the baby, think about your sister Zhao has a martial arts foundation, and look forward to performing a shredded bear kid on the show! ]

  Netizens were discussing the joy, and the program officially threw out another heavy news——


  Announce another guest @江door

  Unexpectedly, this dream combination has become a reality!

  Netizens are stupid.

  Although it has been a long time since "I Don't Be a Chivalrous Man", people have a very vague sense of time for major Internet events. After all, Han Zhi and Tong Zhao are the same people, and Shi Qianqiu is the director-on netizens. In his mind, Tong Zhao's more serious screen CP is Jiang Dang.

  Although in that movie, Tong Zhao's boyfriend is another actor.

  However, it was Jiang Dang who got the Hetongzhao CP bonus. It can be seen that the world is unpredictable, and the artists who can make trouble have sugar to eat.

  [Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, can you arrange for them to bring a baby? Experience a family of three in advance! ]

  [No, in the program crew, are you really relieved to let Jiang Dang take the baby? He would thank God if he didn't take himself away. ]

  [Jiang Dang will live independently with his assistant and agent? /狗头/狗头]

  This is not awkward, there is a criminal record.

  Jiang Dang was allowed to take a break during a propaganda event. He thought about going around, but his mobile phone was stolen. He turned around and got lost. After asking for help, he was recognized. He was on the third floor and the third floor in the street. Surrounded by people, they all picked up their phones and patted him with vibrato, asking him to come to a live version of the brainwashing divine song.

  The result was all the grievances of him bowing his head after being blocked.

  A handsome one-meter-eight guy, just like a lost kindergarten boy, was laughed badly by netizens.

  However, half a month later, he released a popular song about incompatibility among the masses and searching for oneself. The world-weary and indifferent look in the MV swept the Internet, and the image of his "silly son of the landlord" was completely washed away. !

  CP Fanle is crazy and thinks this is the official sugar.

  In the past, "Baby Fighting" often had parental interaction sessions. If there were not so many young guests invited in that issue, there would be two stars with a baby.

  In addition to CP fans, there are also netizens who watch the excitement and don't think it's too big to make a fuss:

  [Arranging Dangzhao to bring the baby together is to cry, I advise you not to be ignorant of praise from the program team! ]

  Only the fans on both sides took their brothers and sisters away, don't bind them.

  The already popular variety show is even more anticipated.

  The program group saw a lot of discussion, and the search data increased rapidly, and they were extremely satisfied.

  Tong Zhao was surprised when he learned the news, and he doubted that Jiang Dang was rushing to her.

  Chen Guifei asked her how she felt.

  Tong Zhao is not angry: [How do I feel that you didn't know it for the first time? It was a little unexpected. ]

  In this regard, Tong Zhao did not feel anything.

  Neither felt that it was annoying to be glued, nor the vanity of being pleased to please.

  The former is because she also used him as a shield to be a male star in the movie when she was on the show, and the latter was because Jiang Dang was a very mysterious person. Although he confessed to her brightly, he never came to hang around in front of her again. , Quite mysterious.

  Perhaps the artist's liking is so elusive.

  Tong Zhao didn't worry about it.

  Unexpectedly, less than an hour after the official release of the news, Jiang Dang sent a message to ask Tong Zhao if he had a chance to have a meal.


  Jiang Dang sent a voice message, and the deep voice of the best voice invited her, and her ears were itchy, as if she was kissed by the wind. In fact, Jiang Dang's tone was very normal, he didn't speak without talking, and asked very unconventionally.

  Blame his voice for such a good voice.

  Tong Zhao felt that he was crooked, and he replied with a voice message: "The recording is now or later? What to eat? Hey, I think that since becoming a celebrity, it is difficult to make an appointment with a friend for a meal. Hidden high point shop..."

  Chen Guifei: [The handsome guy has an appointment about what you care about eating. Before and after recording the show, you really have you. ]

  Zhao Zai probed curiously: [What duck should I care about? ]

  Chen Guifei: [That must be to pay attention to whether there is any collision with the day when you come to Guishui...Hey, what are you doing in this palace? ]

  In order to prevent the imperial concubine from spreading the wrong content to the child, Lu Xianchang dragged her into his room.

  Tong Zhao is not a dull monster, she thinks a lot.

  Alone men and widows make appointments alone, not for official business, there must be something.

  It may be because of the original family that Tong Zhao is a little weak in feelings.

  When she was a concubine Chen, it was time for her to like men the most.

  Now that I am myself, there are good-looking men and women around me, but I am indifferent to everyone. Jiang Dang hasn't contacted her much these days, and the conversation is very serious, all work-related.

  Tong Zhao guessed that he might not have that meaning.

  Often, as soon as she sent the message, three voices came back in seconds--

  "It's okay, I can accommodate your time."

  "I want to eat what you want."

  "Friends have an appointment?"

  At the end of the words was a fleeting low laugh.

  It seems that I don't just want to be friends.