Chapter 118

  "Baby Fighting" is an instinctive variety show in the form of live broadcast.

  After the consciousness of all guests enters the modeling of the holographic space, the live broadcast of the outside world also enters the countdown link.

  The host introduced the guests of this issue.

  Jiang Dang occupies a relatively high proportion of propaganda.

  After all, he has made a popular song in recent years. Streets and lanes are his songs, and Kuaishou Douyin is also his song.

  The funny thing is that some of the listeners disdain him, thinking that all the songs he composed are slobber songs from the street. An original musician named "Sibian" is really pursuing... and it turned out to be on New Year's Day. At that time, it was also Jiang Dang's trumpet, and it was all his experimental niche music. After fine-tuning the sound, it was not recognized for the first time.

  With the face of idols, doing pure singer-songwriter things.

  [Fan on the head, I suggest that he should be assigned to the ranks of small guests, I am really worried about him bringing the baby...]

  [Fortunately, it's an instinct variety show, even if you don't take care of it, it won't happen. ]

  [Your "Encrypted Love Story" is bloody and vibrato again. As soon as I enter the subway at work, someone will put it on the public, which is so good to hear. ]

  The second Zhang Shi's subconscious mind is the default "honest professional household" in the industry. Many viewers think that his wife is either cheated or is on the way to cheating when he sees his face. He is known as a cuckold by birth. --

  No one would be happy to hear this kind of evaluation, but because of his shame, he got many performance opportunities because of this characteristic, stood out from the ranks of honest people, and made the first pot of gold, so he repeatedly said that he didn't mind.

  Zhang Shi, who is thirty-five years old, is still single.

  It is rumored that he was acting in an instinctive movie, because he was unable to set foot in his emotions because of the experience of the green again and again, and in fact it was true. He privately sought help from a professional psychologist. The doctor's advice has affected his life. Trajectory, it is better to change the way of play.

  However, in the projects that invited him, the price of acting as an "honest person" is the highest.

  Between money and marriage, Zhang Shi, who has lingering fears about the latter, decisively turned his grief and indignation into strength, and went further and further on the road of an "honest person". The gimmick on the show this time is also "This may be the only opportunity for the audience to see Big Brother Zhang Shi bring a baby", and the hot comment on Weibo is-

  [So it's not a real baby? ]

  I was praised directly until next year.

  The third female artist, Long Fei, is subconscious. The team asked her to dress up on all occasions. The ridicule on her body has always been too hard and she wants to overwhelm others. This time she also bought the show to fight with Tong Zhao's beauty. Announcement.

  The fourth person, Xie Zihan, is interesting. He is a trainee from the talent show. He immediately felt a huge gap after his debut. I already felt that the competition was extremely fierce during the draft. After debuting and competing with the entire entertainment industry, I immediately felt the cruelty and injustice of life, so I clipped my tail and obeyed the company's orders. He listened very much to the agent because of her and Tong Zhao's faces. There are three-point similarities. Sports are particularly good. Among female idols, she is surprisingly able to carry and run. So a draft called her "Xiao Tong Zhao".

  It is true that the two are related.

  Xie Zihan debuted in the talent show "Star Selection Girl", which is the same issue as Xu Zhu.

  Arranging her to appear on this show, the agent did a great job, and I hope she can catch up with Tong Zhao's enthusiasm.

  "The fifth place, Ye Fanxiao, "Dancing Youth Team", once starred in an instinctive TV series about campus superpowers..."

  The following introduction is quite long.

  Like Xie Zihan, Ye Xiaofan debuted in the draft.

  However, he was lucky. After his debut, he took on a super idol drama. Although he chose a traditional TV drama with a much lower cost due to insufficient funds, he also became popular in a small area-after all, it was popular on Weibo. Selected short videos can never be holographic.

  With the support of fans, Ye Xiaofan got an instinctive movie role with a lot of investment. Although he is not the protagonist, he can be regarded as the second male number, which happened to be staggered with "Never Island". The publicity announcements all piggybacked him and got a lot of exposure opportunities, so he fought for the personal announcement of this holographic variety show.

  Ye Xiaofan's external appearance was arrogant and cold.

  He has relatively few subconscious words, is a bit of secondary disease, and also likes to pretend to be cool. The role template for him to press his head is very suitable...

  The barrage exploded.

  It wasn't because of Ye Xiaofan's momentum and popularity.

  Half of the guests of "Baby Fight" were announced, and half were not.

  The audience watched the live broadcast and waited for Tong Zhao to come out, thinking that her coffee position was also normal.

  But wait and wait...

  Have you finished introducing the big guests? ? ?

  Introduce the little guest!

  Where is Tong Zhao?

  What about Tong Zhao, who was so big in the promotion of the official blog? Where did you go?

  Tong Zhao fans were the first to quit.

  After all, the official blog promoted Tong Zhao, and fans naturally promoted "Baby Fighting" and sold various Amway. Generally speaking, the first half of the first episode of the instinct variety show in the form of live broadcast is free of charge and is used to attract netizens. How can fans think so much? I said that I will have my own sister, so I will directly order the viewing rights without explanation.

  The money is also contributed.

  As a result, now the host says there is no Tong Zhao?

  This vague painting of pie and fans is even more excessive, and no fan can bear it. Even if Tong Zhao fans change from the usual Buddhist commentary area, passers-by will mostly understand the reason. It is deceiving and immoral. Fans spend money on Tong Zhao. This is false propaganda.

  The rice circle girl doesn't say anything else, typing is really fast.

  Massive question mark barrage occupies the entire screen, which is quite spectacular.

  The viewers who have been a little concerned about the pre-broadcasting promotion have already felt the anger of the fans that the mountains and rain are coming and the wind is full of forests. Ye Xiaofan fans who are more informed and witty shut their mouths obediently at this time, and did not dare to behave on the barrage. So happy, muttering in my heart...

  Their elder brother won't take the position of Sister Xiao Zhao, right?

  No, no, not so good, right?

  If it's really so good, do we still have to be beaten by that Nine Leaking Fish? It's time for C-bit fault to make his debut!


  Only only here.jpg

  The anger trough reached its peak, when fans were about to curse with the 18th generation of the ancestor of the show director...

  On the live broadcast screen, a white and tender sleeping face appeared.

  The big guest and the small guest are different from the initial birth point.

  The big guest is in a living room with a sofa and coffee table.

  The birthplace of the little guest is like a playroom in a kindergarten. The floor is covered with soft woolen mats, colorful pillows are stacked up to a hill, and the corners of the one-meter-high bookcase are all thoughtfully wrapped with soft edges.

  A little loli about six years old was lying on her side on a hill of pillows.

  The girl's long black hair was scattered behind her head, her pink and soft face resembled glutinous rice dumplings, and her pink lips were like jelly, so it was delicious. When the camera zoomed in, the thick eyelashes trembled. This angelic sleeping face made the most irritable fans hesitate for a moment before pressing the barrage send button, for fear of disturbing the little angel's sleep...

  However, there is another factor.

  This, this, this...

  Isn't this the cub in "Never Island Girl"?

  The brains of Tong Zhao's fans and viewers became blank, and they were instantly occupied by the 4D wandering slot.

  Some fans who were too quick to send out the curse, had to explode quickly to follow the sentence and round the words back.

  So the barrage is full of fragrant grand occasions--

  [The show crew is not a good person! ]

  [This kind of fairy operation can be imagined? That's great mom loves you mua]

  [Director Sima came out to me]

  [Praise! ps. Sima is the director of acting talent than Sima Yi. ]

  [Take out my Italian cannon]

  [Set off a firework for the master of the program group to cheer up! ]

  At this drift speed, Fujiwara Takumi had to bow to the wind when he came.

  Whoever reads the Sichuan Opera has changed his face without saying a word.

  The face-changing Shengjing of the barrage made the other viewers look stupid, and a screenshot of the hand fast was posted on Weibo and shared with friends hahahaha. The netizens who understood the ins and outs of the matter also understood very well. Tucao [the show director's mother was pushed to the Naihe Bridge, and the fans performed a performance of squeezing the throat and spitting out Meng Po soup and dragging it back to Yang. ], some people say that the program group is not wronged, this must be one of their propaganda strategies, to reverse the topic of interest.

  After that, the netizen wondered again, how did Tong Zhao become a kid?

  The fans have a good explanation.


  "Little guest No. 1 Tong Zhao."

  "In reality, she is a well-known actress with billions in box office. As a young girl, she has a reputation and experience far surpassing her peers. She has constant scandals and was once a controversial figure, occupying the top 1 list of female stars in the Baidu Index. One year."

  "With the help of Time Machine, she turned back into a little friend and walked into our guests."

  "The program team adjusted her age through some techniques, but the subconscious mind is uncontrollable. When this little baby with an angel face wakes up, what kind of surprises will she bring to our program?"

  With the introduction of the host, "Let's gather 10,000 likes and wake up Zhao Zao!"

  Immediately after the voice, a button appeared in the live broadcast room.

  This interactive link is also one of the highlights of "Baby Fighting".

  Sucking small glutinous rice dumplings in the air is an unimaginable happiness!

  Accompanied by the sound effects of [Dang Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng, the collection of like bars overflowed in the blink of eye.

  A Q version of Mickey Mouse appeared in midair out of thin air and poked Zhao Zai's cheek lightly.

  The marshmallow-like cheeks sunken slightly.

  Zhao Zai who was poked frowned in his sleep, his soft lips pursed slightly.

  Just as the white hand was about to poke again, Zhao Zai turned over and buried his face in the pillow face down, not to poke.

  However, the ruthless show crew poked her in the back of the head again.

  Zhao Zai uttered an annoyed dream. Because it was too vague, the audience only heard the milky smell of Umi.

  [Awsl--! Medical soldiers! Where are the medical soldiers! ]

  [While keeping her sleeping and wanting to poke her to see her reaction, I am a sinner! ]

  [I want to save this episode and enjoy it over and over again, ah, ah, ah, I hate it, when can I launch a table pet like Zhao Zai, mom wants to raise qwq]

  The barrage all want Yun to raise Zhao cubs.

  The show crew saw that the sales were about the same, so they turned Zhaozai over and twisted her cheeks.

  Twist it hard, pinching one side of the tofu-like cheek meat and lifting it up.

  The audience was surprised to find that the tofu has become a soft rice cake—

  [Do you want to increase efforts? ]
