Chapter 122 

  Zhao Zai wanted to help.

  Although there are servants at home to do it, but now only I and Brother Dang, so those who have a share of the meal should work together. But when she walked to the side of the stove with short legs, Jiang Dang held her head down.

  "Go and sit down."

  "I can help out with the bowls and chopsticks."

  Zhao Zai's tone was serious.

  Jiang Dang "Are you going to walk over or do I hold it?"

  Zhaozai and him stubbornly looked at each other for a while.

  Finally Jiang Dang gave her a pair of chopsticks and asked her to take it out.

  The noodles in the small pot are cooked.

  Jiang Dang asked if she had anything to eat? Zhao Zai shook his head "I'm not picky eater~"

  Not picky eaters are easy to handle.

  Zhao Zai sat down and looked back at the kitchen.

  He only heard the sound of bang bang bang, Jiang Dang cut the green onions into sections and sprinkled them in a bowl. The boiling soup has overtaken the green onions, and the green onions are cooked all at once. The tender green and white parts are full of water color, and the color and fragrance are delicious.

  He put the bowl in front of Zhao Zai.

  There is only one bowl.

  "Brother Dang, don't you want to eat it?"

  Zhao Zai hesitated to pick up the chopsticks.

  The scent of the soup base aroused her appetite with the pale steam. The child was not hungry at first, and the hunger that was originally only five points was also hooked to eight points. After Jiang Dang answered affirmatively, she couldn't hold back her chopsticks. Poke open the half-boiled poached egg on the soup noodles, the tender yolk snorted silently, spilling over the noodles like melting rocks, she picked up a large mouthful of noodles with egg yolk, so fresh that she almost bit her tongue.

  It's hard not to make a sound when eating noodles.

  But even if he was terribly hungry, Zhao Zai could still restrain his instincts and ate hard without opening his belly. He ate extremely quietly during the long night, and his hands and feet warmed up with satisfaction. While she was immersed in the food, her little head was held down from behind.


  Zhao Zai wondered.

  "You eat yours, I blow mine."

  Brother Dang's voice came from behind.

  Jiang Dang held a hair dryer in his hand. The little girl's hair was as soft and thick as cat hair, and could not stand the ravages of the maximum wind. He turned the wind to a low level so that it would not faint her head. The warm yellow light in the dining room was soft and sprinkled on his hands-they were a pair of very sunny and snowy hands, composing too many touching songs, and at the moment they were just combing her hair.

  This scene is warm and heartwarming.

  Intelligent AI tries to interpret the heart's voice from Jiang Dang's subconscious, trying to read some human words to sublimate this scene.

  "Smart AI captures Jiang Dang's heart..."

  "Caught! "

  This guy is thinking about something.

  The assistant director on night shift was moved to tears.

  Jiang Dang

  [Did the egg or the chicken come first? ]

  [When will the yolk of the poached egg be pierced? ]


  Night shift staff "..."

  When Jiang Dang thought, God was speechless.

  When Zhao Zai finished eating a whole bowl of noodles, his hair was blow-dried to a halt. The long black hair, which was as bright as seaweed, was properly combed, and the broken hair was pulled behind the small shell-like ears.

  Jiang Dang squeezed her ears "Blow dry."

  "Thank you Brother Dang."

  Zhao Zai picked up the bowl, turned around and walked to the kitchen sink, washing the dishes consciously. She has almost no experience in housework, but she doesn't need training in this matter. It's just a matter of checking whether it's serious or not. She holds a sponge in her hand and brushes every position, not even the small ditch at the bottom of the bowl. Brush well. Put it in the disinfection cabinet only after it is finished.

  Zhao Zai wiped his hands clean.

  As soon as he could not sleep well after eating and sleeping, Zhao Zai was a little troubled thinking about it for a while, and walked over to ask the elders "Brother Dang, can I walk in the yard? My stomach is a little too full~"

  "I'll be with you,"

  Jiang Dang took up her hand after washing the dishes, wrapped her big hand with her white tender cold hand, and covered it for a while "Your hands are so cold."

  The fingertips, which had been a little red from the water, were warmed up a little bit.

  "I am a little envious."

  "What do you envy?" Zhao Zai wondered.

  "If my hands are so cold, I can freeze your face." Jiang Dang stared at her little face thoughtfully.

  ! ! !

  Zhao Zai is alert.

  Unfortunately, Jiang Dang, who had just cooked the noodles and used a hair dryer to blow the child's hair, had warm hands, and there was no chance to freeze her. Had to lead her around in the yard, she walked in front, and he followed behind.

  Under the moonlit night, Wan Lai was completely silent.

  This doesn't seem to be the time for the children to wake up and move out. Zhao Zai was a little excited, his little face was hot, and he felt like he could hit ten one at a time, and he couldn't help but walk faster, as if a puppy was playing Huan'er.

  Jiang Dang looked at her little back and thought

  [Such a small one...]

  [Kicking her will definitely fly far. ]


  Night shift assistant director "Is this content that can be broadcast?"

  "Ah this," the field clerk "It seems that his agent has given up on him up and down."

  No help, let him go.

  Zhao Zai jumped up with joy, but the night was unpredictable. She was so happy that she was about to fall. She was hugged from behind by the sharp-eyed Jiang Dang and picked up like a chicken. The little girl in the air kicked her legs and hung her face on his powerful arm. Her small face was obviously frightened and stretched out calmly and calmly "Thank you, Brother Dang."

  Strained hard.

  Jiang Dang looked down at her.

  Just when the night shift assistant director thought he was going to comfort the children, Jiang Dang came up with a thoughtless sentence


  "It looks like a tumbler."


  Zhao Zai's little head was greatly puzzled.

  What are you talking about?

  Zhao Zai jumped from his arm.

  After a walk and digestion, she took Jiang Dang's hand back to the villa, brushed her teeth and washed her face alone, and thanked her parents before going to bed

  "Thank you for making me a supper."

  It's still delicious.

  Zhao Zai licked his mouth in his heart.

  "Well, limited by the material time, otherwise I can do better." If Jiang Dangyan regrets, it is a pity that he didn't have the opportunity to make his expert molecular cuisine-molecular cuisine is generally time-consuming to make. I just saw the child hungry. My stomach groaned, so I had to retreat and cook a very simple dish, without showing his cooking skills at all "I'm wronged you."

  "Don't feel wronged, just do it next time~"

  Zhao Zai, who didn't know that he had escaped, pulled Jiang Dang's finger.

  "Shall I tell you a bedtime story?"

  Maybe the bowl of noodle soup was too warm, and the timely hug made Zhao Zao relieved her guard. She blinked her eyes, tucked her quilt, and whispered the truth "I want to hear it."

  "it is good."


  The night shift assistant director suddenly came to his mind.

  This is Jiang Dang's bedtime story!

  Audio alone is a very attractive selling point.

  Just think about it, that low and gentle voice, in the quiet night, traces the story of hypnosis in the ear, I must be able to fall asleep with a sense of security...

  Jiang Dang sat on the edge of the bed, and the small night light illuminates his profile, drawing his already deep silhouette deeper and more handsome. The shadow cast on the other half of his face, as if wearing a jet black mask, and the evil beauty emerged spontaneously.

  Not only can he sing, but he also brings a little bit of broadcast accents. He whispers like some kind of call from ancient times

  "Perhaps you, have you heard of Cthulhu?"

  Zhao Zai "I haven't heard of it."

  The night shift assistant director was stunned.

  "That's the old dominator, it's an indescribable terror..."

  The voice is very low and soft, very sexy.

  When Jiang Dang told the story, the picture and appeal were really strong. Zhao Zai was shivering while clutching the quilt, but he was really sleepy and fell into a sleep in anxiousness...

  There is a big octopus in her dream, with countless eyes, she dare not look at anything.

  Because Cthulhu's gaze is crazy.

  Zhao Zai's face was pressed like a small rice cake when he was lying on his side. He didn't know what he was dreaming, his eyelashes and lips trembled slightly. When Jiang Dang saw her asleep, he felt that he took good care of the children and felt proud.

  Harm, maybe he has the talent to be a babysitter.

  The night shift staff at the back office agreed that he was a man in the magic sect.

  In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Cub, who had gotten up early, brushed his teeth and washed his face as quickly as possible. Quietly Mimi touched the Jiangdang room and sat quietly waiting for him to get up. She was in the children's room alone, always feeling that she had mysterious eyes watching her, but she didn't dare to verify the authenticity. After all, in the story of Brother Dang, everyone would be unable to control the search for that mysterious power. Finally, its horror led to madness.

  When Jiang Dang opened his eyes, he saw a neat little loli sitting on the sofa next to the bed.

  It's like a domestic ceramic doll.

  "Get up so early,"

  Jiang Dang's handsome face raised a self-confidently friendly smile "Do you want to hear the story of last night?"

  Zhao Zai's small head shook like a rattle.


  The program group had no idea that Jiang Dang and Tong Zhao had nothing to do with the group.

  I thought something was going to happen the first night.

  As a result, Jiang Dang will take care of children.

  It's a bit inappropriate to tell children the horror stories of Kexi as a fairy tale before going to bed.

  What about temporary families in other groups?

  Zhang Shi and Xiaoquan spent an honest night.

  Long Fei has no patience to take care of the children, almost all of Xie Zihan's work before and after her busy schedule. When it was her turn to tell the bedtime story session, Xie Zihan told Jiajia the story of "Cinderella". Long Fei commented on the side " Sure enough, if you have a stepmother, you have a stepdad. A man is unreliable.

  "Man can't be trusted!" Jiajia repeated it all the same way.

  Xie Zihan was a little panicked "Sister Fei, it's not good to say this in front of the children..."

  "What's wrong, you have to know sooner or later, men are unreliable!"

  Jiajia is curious "Then what's reliable?"

  "By others, you are the princess, by yourself, you are the queen."


  The most noisy group was Ye Xiaofan and Noah.

  Noah was the eldest master who came to open his mouth and stretched out his hand at home. Ye Xiaofan didn't get much better. When he was in school, he was either a takeaway or a canteen. He had never cooked before. After the two arrived at the villa early, they stared at him with big eyes. After staring for a while, Noah opened his mouth and shouted that he was hungry.

  After thinking about it, Ye Xiaofan found two bowls of instant noodles from the kitchen.

  Noah turned his head and said not to eat this.

  Ye Xiaofan "Then what do you want to eat?"

  Noah glanced at the kitchen full of ingredients "I want to eat a decent meal."

  This is a reasonable request.

  Thinking that he was in a variety show and couldn't act too badly, Ye Xiaofan bit his scalp while Baidu, while making a dinner with ordinary colors and fragrances. Ye Xiaofan himself was quite disgusted, but he made it by himself anyway, and it was normal after a couple of bites, not raw but salty.

  Ye Xiaofan asked him to wash his hands and eat, but Noah sat in the corner and did not speak.

  He skimmed the appetizer "I won't eat this."

  Ye Xiaofan picked up two slices of fried meat in front of him and ate them "It's not unpalatable, although it's not delicious."

  Noah scowled, not staying in the living room, and ran directly to the playroom to play with toys.

  Ye Xiaofan watched his back and asked in a loud voice, "Aren't you going to eat?"

  Noah said angrily "I'm not hungry, I won't eat!"

  After speaking, Noah played with toys absent-mindedly, waiting for the adult to come over with a bowl to coax himself to eat. This is also a necessary procedure for him to eat at home, as long as someone coaxes him, he can still barely eat it a little bit.

  But waited and waited, but only until Ye Xiaofan was eating deliciously in the living room, and there was the sound of cleaning up the dishes.

  Noah took a glance at his head.

  Where are the traces of food in the living room? There is only one instant noodle. Ye Xiaofan is too lazy to clean up, and may want to eat it at night. The bowls and chopsticks are made of porcelain. He is afraid that Noah will be naughty and break him and hurt himself-Ye Xiaofan is a normal adult when he brings a baby. The way of thinking, will take into account the safety issue, but coaxing to eat? I didn't even think about the ones that didn't exist.

  After discovering that Ye Xiaofan didn't mean to coax him at all, the toys in Noah's hand suddenly didn't fragrant.

  He threw the toy on the wall like a vent, thinking in a huff

  [He is not rare. ]

  [Anyway, he is not hungry at all, the food is terrible at first glance. ]

  Since it was the first day, the program team did not give the guests any interactive tasks. The original intention was to allow guests of all sizes to cultivate feelings in a relaxed situation and not to perform tasks in a hurry. Ye Xiaofan saw that there was no task, so he was looking for game consoles in the villa to pass the time. Sure enough, he found game consoles such as switch, will and ps5. He also asked Noah if he wanted to play together, but Noah's little master He hugged his hands and snorted coldly "I'm tired of playing."

  Oh, then play it yourself.

  So Ye Xiaoye started playing comfortably.

  Noah with a good mentality persisted until midnight, and the more he thought about it, the more angry.

  [This adult doesn't ask him to eat, and he doesn't care about playing games, it's really bad! ]

  On the second day, Noah applied to the host to change parents!

  The host is embarrassed, after all, there is no such precedent.

  The other two children were unhappy when they heard it. After all, they finally got acquainted with their parents. Although Brother Fan danced cool and handsome, Xiaoquan had developed a sense of dependence on Uncle Zhang Shi.

  Seeing other people's unwillingness, Noah's mentality is about to collapse.

  He pressed his lips tightly, as if he was about to cry.

  The program team temporarily negotiated and asked the two families of Noah and Zhaozai to unite and bring them together.

  After all, judging from Jiang Dang's performance on the first night, he can cook.

  Moderator "Can you?"

  Zhao Zai was not as resistant to Noah as the other children. She glanced at Noah and knew that he was about to cry, so she agreed. When asked about Jiang Dang, the host gave him crazy winks for fear that he would refuse.

  If he refuses, Noah's pride will really collapse.

  After getting up, the agent who turned on the live broadcast and saw this scene sighed from the bottom of his heart that the host still didn't understand Jiang Dang.

  Sure enough, Jiang Dang looked puzzled in the face of the host's hints "You..."

  Moderator "Huh?"

  Jiang Dang "Are your eyes uncomfortable?"

  The agent just wants to say something--

  It's just the basic operation, don't laugh.

  Fortunately, after listening to the host's words, Jiang Dang not only agreed, but also agreed very happily, looking at Noah with appreciation "It just so happens that I want to make a very hard lunch, and the story of last night. It's too wasteful to have only one listener, you really come at the right time."

  Hearing "Last Night's Story", Zhao Zai, who has always been steady, couldn't help but glanced at his brother Dang like he was facing an enemy

  "In fact, Ye Xiaofan's brother is pretty good, or else you..."

  "I want him!"

  Hearing that Tong Zhao seemed unwilling to let Jiang Dang take him. Based on the principle of "what the enemy refuses is what I want to fight for", Noah immediately made the request first, and looked down upon Zhao Zai as a winner, ignoring her words. "Run away" implied in here.

  Zhao Zai was speechless "Xing Ba."

  Brother Dang cooks deliciously and should be able to make up for the psychological trauma caused by the stories he tells.

  Young Master Noah is like a rainbow, chasing after victory

  "I didn't eat last night, and I'm so hungry now! I want him to cook for me only, and you can eat that guy's food, and you will know why I don't eat his food after eating."

  It was almost noon, and the live variety show gradually had an audience.

  [The beauty of this bear child's face is directly proportional to the annoying level. ]

  [At first glance, I was spoiled. ]

  [Why bully Zhaozai, Zhaozai beat him up! Jiang Dang can't beat Zhao Zai! ]


  Zhao Zai, who the audience wanted to see, pressed the young master to the ground and beat him painfully, which is obviously impossible at this stage.

  Because before the great changes, the little Zhaozai was a well-educated and demanding eldest lady. She glanced at Noah with tolerance. She wanted to fight for reasons, but she caught a glimpse of Ye Xiaofan's sullen expression. After expressing his expression, he chose to take care of another adult's self-esteem "You want to eat the meal made by Brother Dang, right?"


  "Then I want to eat the meal made by Brother Ye, too."

  Zhao Zai winked at Jiang Dang, saying that he did not dislike him, but was just a stopgap measure, and walked to Ye Xiaofan's side and pulled the corner of his clothes to show encouragement. Ye Xiaofan was both upset and injured--

  Doesn't he eat instant noodles by himself? If it weren't for taking care of this kid, he would need to look up Baidu and cook in the underground kitchen?

  As soon as I lowered my head, I saw the little girl's clear deer eyes as if it had been watered, and my heart melted.

  "Okay, I will give you whatever you want to eat!"

  Ye Xiaofan knelt down and hugged the little angel.

  Zhao Zai didn't expect this to happen. There was an expression on his small face that he could hardly breathe, and he forced himself to pat his head "Good..."

  Harm, adults are really hard to take care of!

  Seeing everything under his control, Noah raised a smirking smile.

  This is the situation he is most familiar with.

  All the adults revolved around him, served his needs, paid attention to him, and regarded him as the focus.

  Jiang Dang lowered his head and asked him

  "Then you have to finish the meal I made?"

  Noah, who consciously won the victory, was in a great mood, patted his chest and agreed

  "I have been hungry all night, and now I can eat a cow! As long as it is not made by him, I will eat it all! I will be a dog if I don't finish it!"

  In order for the guests to show off their cooking skills, the ingredients in the villa are very complete.

  Even if it's too tricky to find, the host can deliver it within five minutes-anyway, it's just the program group tuning data, and the code for the ingredients is very cheap.

  Just four sardines, eel, nutmeg, pork blood, chocolate and banana that Jiang Dang wants...

  What kind of dishes are you going to do?

  Seeing that Jiang Dang was going to serve the little young master every day, Ye Xiaofan's original hostility to him not only disappeared, but also a little bit of sympathy "I didn't expect you to look so unreliable, so you still cook. ?"

  "Basic skills for international students,"

  The Jiang Dang wearing an apron was contaminated with the atmosphere of home, and the steam from the pot gave a reliable profile

  "I studied in the UK for a while."