Chapter 126 


  [caveat! ]

  [caveat! ]

  [Host, please go to a safe and private space in time to unlock the personality! ]

  I haven't heard the system prompts for many years, and Tong Zhao actually feels a little nostalgic. She used to receive warnings from the system before she finished the task. Tong Zhao had a high degree of trust in the system. Without asking why, he directly declined the invitation of the program group to let her stay to have a meal to celebrate the achievement. With uncomfortable borrowing, he returned to Yulongxuan in the nanny car as quickly as possible.

  When Tong Zhao locked himself in the room, the lock on the deepest door had been knocked off.

  Quiet in the palace of consciousness.

  Lu Xianchang stayed with her in the hall, and the rest of them all went back to the room and stayed.

  During Tong Zhao's fast-travel journey, only Lu Xianchang was a fantasy, a world of high magic and high martial arts. Even in this era of thin spiritual energy, you can still use effective methods to cultivate. It is not possible to set foot on the fairy road again. Without the spiritual energy conditions, it is true that it is superior to ordinary people in all aspects.

  So, she has been to so many copies, is there any other high magic world?

  Tong Zhao can't remember.

  Perhaps in those gates, there may be personality with supernatural powers.

  Lu Xianchang [Who is in this door, you don't remember at all? ]

  [I don't remember,] Tong Zhao smiled bitterly [Zhao Zai is a part of me when I was a child, and I remember it very clearly that it was her, so I can think of her before opening the door. I can only feel that this personality is a bit dangerous. ]

  Lu Xianchang [Dangerous than Duan Song? ]

  Because Duan Ge lives in the end times when he is licking blood with the tip of a knife, even if he returns to the peaceful age, he often has the desire to kill and the tendency to violence... It is true that she cannot be blamed. Her little partner. Like before, in "One Life Survival", Duan Ge killed 20 people in the holographic world, so he vented that tyrannical hostility. The 20 people in reality were unscathed, and all the variety shows, including her, gained both fame and fortune.

  That's why Tong Zhao felt that he needed to continue acting in order to allow many personalities to find a balance between illusion and reality.

  Tong Zhao weighed it [...should. ]

  Lu Xianchang comforted her [No matter how dangerous people are, there is no reason to hurt themselves. ]

  Everyone loves Tong Zhao.

  Letting other characters go back to the room is not greedy for life or death. Everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, afraid of a wool? I'm just afraid of stimulating new friends. Tong Zhao is also very protective of them.

  Tong Zhao held her face [So I just found a quiet place to wait for her to come out. ]

  It feels a little strange, like hatching a monster egg.

  Before the shell broke, no one knew what kind of monster it was.

  Just as the two were chatting with each other, the door lock fell off, and a white hand came out.

  It seems to be covered in white in countless deep palaces with no view of the sun.

  The girl wore a pure white silk sari with many complicated gold and silver threads, bright and dark, as she walked, she seemed to have a streamer effect on her body. It's just that she wore more revealing than traditional saris, and her waist and thighs that were too thin to hold all leaked out.

  She wore a lot of decorations, including huge and rich rubies, gold ornaments and rhinestones. Her long white-gold hair was tied into a Greek goddess braid behind her head. The round and shiny pearls were strung into chains and woven Between the braids.

  With so many accessories, none of them can overwhelm the girl's own appearance.

  Pearl is not as good as her milk-watered skin.

  The ruby ​​eclipsed her lips.

  The supreme authority is nothing but a long stick she is playing with.

  Seeing that face that had been seen in the mirror countless times but had a slightly different face, Tong Zhao remembered her name.

  [Yia, you woke up. ]

  She blurted out.

  [I woke up...]

  The girl called Yiya smiled sweetly at her, her voice filled with complex and crazy joy

  [Will there be my believers here? ]


  What comes up with the name is a huge memory in that world.

  Even the reason why I don't remember this personality at all, I also remember it...

  System [Because you have been in that world for too long, and your previous mental power is not enough to fill the entire "Yia", so temporarily seal it up for you. ]

  To put it bluntly, the previous configuration was not enough.

  Forcibly running the application graphics card will burn up or burst the memory.

  That was the first time that Tong Zhao traveled to the Western Fantasy World.

  In the western fantasy world, there are very common light gods and demon gods.

  The God of Light is the order of the entire continent. Believing in it can gain the power of faith. With the power of faith, warriors and wizards can contend with the dark creatures. What kind of order is that? Just like no matter which industry you are a worker, if you want to preserve the value of your money, you have to contact the investment industry after all.

  The power of faith is such an existence.

  You can be any attribute of gold, wood, water, fire, or earth, but if you want to use it in actual combat and fight enemies from the abyss, you must believe in the god of light. At that time, Tong Zhao thought that if Sasuke from "Naruto" came and wanted to make a giant fireball, he would have to pray to the God of Light and inject gold into Chakra...Ah no, the power of light.

  The identity given to Tong Zhao by the system, Yiya is a saint in the village temple.

  Strictly speaking, it is the Saintess Reserve.

  There are dozens of reserve saints like her in the country temple, and there are hundreds of temples in the whole continent, and only one can truly become a saint in the end, and it has to go through countless tests.

  The Saintess examination is like the imperial examination of the Western Fantasy World.

  It's just not so public, it's more like a tacit secret.

  Tong Zhao has long been accustomed to starting against the wind, and the difficult situation of losing her life if she is not careful, so she accepted this setting with kindness, put away all her edge, and followed the rules of this world.

  At that time, the system only issued one task, which was to complete the current assessment.

  Tong Zhao has completed one task after another, and in the process of completing the tasks, he gradually understands how sinful this continent is illuminated by the light. The examination of the saint in the village temple is very simple. It requires a beautiful body and a perfect body, and Written exam, education level must not be low, and the affinity of Guangming God must be high.

  The affinity of Guangming God is how firm you are in your faith.

  Because the difficulty of this world is extremely high, the system also grants Tong Zhao the administrator-level authority-just like the system can take into account the host's tolerance and seal part of her memory. After she gets this authority, she can also Rewrite some of my own ideas, give myself a deep hypnosis, and talk nonsense so that I can believe it.

  The first line of code rewritten by Tong Zhao is that she deeply believes in the god of light.

  Even if she does something that violates doctrine, she can still be interpreted as piety from the heart, and it will not affect her ability to gain faith.

  At the time, she really just wanted to be more convenient when doing tasks.

  Otherwise, she would not have the power of faith if she was a young man who grew up in Maoxuan and grew up with the roots of Zhengmiaohong.

  The assessment of the town-level temple is to learn magic, Tong Zhao has no problem, he learns very fast.

  After learning magic, it is not difficult to assist the instructor in killing dark creatures.

  The outstanding performance over and over again made Tong Zhao a key training object and leveraged his efficiency in completing tasks.

  After passing the most basic test, the saint will be personally put on a snow-white magic eyepatch by the priest of the local temple. The eyepatch has a lace edge. In the future, he can only perceive the outside world through the light belief——

  That is a very special experience.

  Many little saints were bruised and bruised as a result of walking. Only Tong Zhao adapted well. After all, she "deeply trusted" the guidance of the God of Light. On the other hand, wasn't this an infrared thermal scanner?

  The task of the saint handed over to her is unexpectedly simple, just like the task of Novice Village in the online game. It is thrilling to accompany the instructor to hunt the dark creatures, and she usually accompanies the vehicle that transports the goods. The container is covered with cloth. Occasionally a hoarse and weird voice can be heard inside.

  The instructor said it was a dark creature.

  The appearance of dark creatures will be distorted when they perceive them, and the saint only feels that their faces are abominable.

  When Tong Zhao went to a larger temple in a carriage, the assessment performed became more and more strange.

  [Main Task Three-Assessment of the Temple Wash the body of the dark creatures]

  Dark creatures also have magic cores, which can be refined into magic potions, which are very useful in all aspects, but they need to be purified before being refined, and the saint's cleaning of their impure body is one of the necessary processes.

  [Main Task 4-Assessment of the Temple Lectures for the new saint]

  The Saintess Reserves are orphans from all over the mainland.

  At that time, Tong Zhao's identity at that time, apart from his beauty and high magical talent, could not even afford a meal. If it weren't for the temple to take her in, the law would have limited protection for orphans and widows, and living outside would be a big problem.

  Those little saints are in the same situation as the former Tong Zhao.

  If you want to eat, sleep, and your personal safety is protected, you can only do your best to complete the assessment.

  Tong Zhao, who wears blindfolds, only knows that they are tall, short, fat and thin, and can't see the outline of their faces. Among the first batch of little girls she brought, there was a sister who loved to sing. She liked to touch her blindfolds and touched the eyeballs under her eyes Itchy. Guna likes to sing the tunes she created, maybe because of her creativity and imagination, she is a bit disobedient.

  Everyone believes in the god of light and the temple. Tong Zhao also brainwashed herself in order to perform tasks, but she still has a part of modern thinking. She feels something is wrong, but her "suspicion" has been modified by code and beautified into Up--

  She suspected that the temple did not faithfully believe in the God of Light and practice the teachings of God of Light.

  Tong Zhao began to collect evidence.

  One of the evidences that confirmed her suspicion was that at the moment she became suspicious, the system issued a side mission.

  [Second Mission 1 Strange Sound in the Priest's Room]

  Task introduction The priest of the Temple of Gaadoro trusts you very much, and often gives you some trivial file work. You have the privilege and honor of free movement in the temple. Today, because of curiosity, you have hidden a part of the document in your body, so that even if you are found when you search the temple at midnight, you have a good reason to explain it-you just want to send the document back to the priest. That's it! Thinking of you this way, you heard a strange sound outside the priest's door, which was very similar to what you heard in the carriage and container carrying the dark creatures.

  [Second task the saint who failed the test]

  Task introduction There were five little girls in a class you taught, four of whom passed the test, and one of them was eliminated because of a crime. No one cares about the whereabouts of the loser. You try to ask the old nun of the temple, and the nun said that the unqualified girls will return to their original place and will no longer be greeted by the god of light. The other little saints who passed the test were afraid to return to the days of starvation and freezing, and became more active in learning.

  Because you are so petted, your room has a lot of dry food and snacks. Even if the temple cannot leave the girl who loves to sing, you still want to stuff her with a little dry food before she is driven away to support her to find a living in town. Work.

  You did not find her.

  No one talks about the eliminated little saint Guna, and the system does not punish you for not completing the side quest, but that quest is still "in progress"-you guess it means that she is still alive after being driven out of the temple , Otherwise this mission will directly become "failed" because of the girl's death.

  This may be the best news, you think optimistically.


  The annual Illumination Festival is coming soon.

  This year is very different.

  Because the last saint was martyred in the battle against the dark creatures, at this year's light sacrifice, the pope will select the true saint who can be worshipped by the people. The saint will live in the temple of light in the imperial capital and have the opportunity to see your majesty. The privilege of not kneeling.

  As dark creatures can only be resisted by believers of the god of light, the kingship of the empire is completely controlled by the gods.

  If the king is not religious enough, or something unpleasant to the pope occurs, the line of defense that year will be in jeopardy.

  At the Light Sacrifice, a dark creature will be killed symbolically by the pope.

  The dark creature used for the show will be "adjusted" to dying before attending the Light Festival, ensuring that there will be no casualties.

  Tong Zhao is a highly anticipated seed player.

  And she also felt that as long as she took down the throne of the saint and touched the power core of the church, all doubts should be solved.

  [Main Mission 5 The Eve of the Light Festival]

  You are assigned to wash the offerings.

  Dark creatures have their unique language. Humans sound like meaningless hoarse calls. Their composition is also very strange. You can touch the body like a medium-sized dog, the wings of a bird, and the four with clammy scales. foot.

  There is also a flat face with bumps.

  In the past, when cleaning captured dark creatures, they were always noisy, but this one was very quiet-it was still roaring restlessly, but it quieted down when you appeared in the cell. You are a little surprised, but also thankful that today's work will become easier.

  Until you are cleaning its body, you hear its sluggish and hoarse screams to form a familiar tone.

  Its sound was broken like a broken bellows, and at first it sounded like the desperate cry of a young child.

  Do dark creatures also sing?

  You are surprised.

  Then, your scrubbing of the dark creatures stopped.

  Because you suddenly think of something.

  [Second task the saint who failed the test]


  "You Found Guna"



  [I get a headache as soon as I see you. ]

  Tong Zhao pressed her head, and a huge amount of memory poured into her brain, causing her to have a splitting headache.

  When Ia sat down, a human chair appeared out of thin air in the Palace of Consciousness, built by four rebels who had tortured innocent girls for their own selfish desires. When she sat down, one could still see them in pain and regret. 'S face [You remember slowly, I'm not in a hurry. ]

  The dark gods and dark creatures are the saint's assessment, and they are all scams built by the church to consolidate the theocracy.

  The Dark God had already left this continent because of losing to the Light God.

  But the reason why the church can sit on an equal footing with the king and gain the upper hand is because it fights against the god of darkness every year...Without the god of light, the temple is just a pastime for everyone to pray on Sunday. At that time, the Pope was unwilling to accept this result, so he used powerful magic to create the illusion that the Dark God did not go far.

  The temple does not need so many saints.

  But the temple needs a lot of dark creatures.

  The dark creatures were created by girls with magical talents through the unique synthetic formations of the church. It was no different from the previous days when the dark gods were still alive. They were just made artificially.

  Underneath a carefully selected saint are countless bones and enjoy the benefits of power. Even though some of the saints who have learned the truth, they collapsed because they had accidentally assisted in abuse during the assessment process, or rationalized their behavior. .

  More than that, he believes deeply in the Holy Court.

  There have been many sessions of the Saintess Examination.

  When Tong Zhao traveled through the past, it became an existence like "The Hunger Games." Not only did it serve the purpose of providing raw materials for dark creatures, it also became a grand gamble for some gentry and high-ranking clergymen, betting on a certain saint. In the female body, if she passes all the tests and eventually becomes a true saint, the bettor will be able to get her first night right.

  Doing so much for the first night?

  What is playing is the pleasure of blaspheming the saint.

  Yiya, who Tong Zhao passed through, is one of the bets that the big shots have fancyed.

  Because of Tong Zhao's power beyond ordinary people's beliefs, the Church has always believed that she is a deeply brainwashed fool. He is extremely relieved of her and gave her many opportunities to explore the truth. In the process of shedding her cocoon, she saw a darker, more cruel and inhumane truth...

  Just like the expression of a female reporter, it takes courage to face the darkness of human nature.

  In the previous world, the expression of being an interviewer was depressed.

  In the Western fantasy world, Yiya not only observed all this, she also found that the seemingly simple and ordinary tasks in the past were all inadvertently assisting this kind of brutality. She was a screw in the entire criminal process. A saint who passes the test is a sinner.

  The peace and warmth after the journey are all illusions.

  The more kind people are, the more they can't stand the darkness.

  Yiya was so angry that she almost lost her senses, her nails were deeply pinched, and Gu Na, who sensed that something was wrong with her, rubbed her blindfold with her head as usual in class to show her intimacy. The magic of the runaway crushed a part of Yiya's eyeball tissue. , Blood overflowed from the eye sockets, like bloody tears.

  It's her fault.

  She is guilty.

  Iya feels that he has the responsibility to eliminate all this evil, even if this idea is like a mayfly shaking a tree to those in power.

  At the same time, the system also unlocked the last mission in this world for her.

  "Becoming the Last Saint"

  The original intention of the system was only to allow her to collect evidence, expose the truth, and overthrow the church.

  Yiya felt that this was not enough.

  Doesn't the church really need dark creatures?

  The fake must come true.

  In the Palace of Consciousness, Tong Zhao reminded her [We have children here, so don't take out such a restricted chair. ]

  [So complicated. ]

  Yiya sighed softly.

  The next moment, the human chair was wrapped in a layer of black leather, but the contours of the limbs that were pushed out from under the leather from time to time still made it look straight away from the san value.

  [Not only has the Dark God gone, but the Light God has also given up on its followers. ]

  [All are scams weaved by the Church in order to preserve power. ]

  [Later I found the inheritance of the Dark God before he left. ]

  Yiya said it lightly.

  In fact, at that time, she had to race against the coming Light Festival to find a way to break the game. Half of her firm belief was that the system never gave way, and the other half was the monstrous anger and malice. She doesn't even think that she is doing justice, she just wants to kill these sinful rebels, and want to return the crimes they once committed to the little saints doubly on them.

  [Really nothing. ]

  It only provoked an internal struggle in the church, and launched two truth wars to purge the old church, and finally became a new god by gathering the power of faith from the entire continent.

  In that most critical period, Iya used her weak temperament to fool the ears and ears of the teaching court, and this habit has been deep into her bones. When she became the only and last saint, the continent was unified and peaceful.

  In order to punish herself, the temple of Saint Ia is not luxurious, and it is said that there are no holy servants, except for the holy woman who lives, the temple is just a dilapidated and dilapidated building. A traveler who mistakenly broke through this temple said that it is a fake that there is no holy servant in it. He encountered a weak and timid, but especially beautiful blind girl in it, who provided him with food and stomachache for the hungry and cold. Rest your feet.

  He wanted to see the saint.

  Just mentioning the name of the saint, the servant girl shuddered with fear.

  It seems that the saint is really a brutal and powerful existence, as the outside world said!

  Yiya stayed in the Western Fantasy World for a long time, so long that she almost forgot that she was only here to do the task. She doesn't like the system, and she doesn't like herself very much, so far she can't forgive herself for being so late...

  She knew that even if she noticed it earlier, she might not be able to make changes soon.

  Because of the inheritance of the Dark God, the stronger her divine power, the more she could not control the urge to do evil, so she finally chose to commit suicide after maintaining the continent for a hundred years of peace, and at the same time left the plane.

  Yiya also received Tong Zhao's memory during this time.

  She frowned in embarrassment [I'm afraid there is nowhere to help. ]

  Tong Zhao [Suggest to speak the truth to yourself. ]


  Yiya lifted up her long thin white legs with beautiful lines, and stepped on one of the restless human chair components with one foot. Her tone was lazy

  [Why should I help you? It's best if the world is destroyed, shut me back. ]

  [If you let it go, you won't be able to go back. Your desire to destroy will affect me, including the spiritual imprint that was made in my soul during the inheritance of the Dark God. You have a certain amount of time each year to do evil and to harm living beings. ]

  Yiya stopped talking.

  At that time, her solution was to mutilate the wicked person. When the old believers were cleaned up, there would be no one to kill to complete the task.

  What should I do then?

  Where should the turbulent malice go?

  The powerful and violent saint chose to put the point of the sword against herself to torture herself to atone for her sins.

  This is Tong Zhao's only personality with a tendency to self-destruct.

  [I can take some villain scripts to play, so you don't have to hurt yourself anymore,] Tong Zhao said [It's not the same world anymore. ]

  [I know. ]

  Lai Lingzi covered Yiya's eyes, Tong Zhao couldn't see her expression clearly.

  But they couldn't hide each other's mood.

  The two were silent for a long time.

  Iya curled her pale lips, and pointed out the words that everyone knew well, but she didn't say anything

  [Are you persuading me to forgive myself? Don't you always blame yourself for not discovering that Xu Zhu and her mother are a pair of slut, and always feel that you killed her mother? That's why I try my best not to make mistakes in every fast-travel world. The person who is harshest to yourself is obviously you, and you are the one who draws the line with others. ]

  For those who have no bottom line, forgiving yourself is a simple matter.

  Even if they murder and arson, and force the good into a prostitution, they have their own set of logic to justify themselves.

  But for the pure, kind and soft...

  It was the most difficult one to pass one's own level.

  The time to ask oneself always came without warning, and was exposed by "self" all at once. It was Tong Zhao who could not help but feel a little embarrassed.

  In addition to embarrassment, there is also joy.

  [you are right,]

  Tong Zhao looked at her directly, thinking of herself in each world, those similar but slightly different faces, different thoughts and different personalities [So I am slowly remembering myself in each world, trying to forgive myself . ]

  Iya looked away.

  Tong Zhao walked over, wrapped her arms around her, but she didn't push her away.

  [I want to admit my mistakes. One of the reasons why I am letting you out now is that I did not dare to face the mistakes I made before. ]

  The saint sister is merciless [Little waste. ]

  [The saint sister hugs the little waste. ]

  Yiya snorted and pressed her into her arms

  [I need to do evil in the holographic shooting from time to time, and I usually don't act like a baby with me. ]