Magic Studies

Finally Japanese class is over! I normally love that class, but jeez it takes a lot outta you to sit there when you haven't even started doing anything in that class yet.

'What class is next' I think as I take out my phone to check the schedule recorded on it. "Oh it's Magic Studies 3."


"Wait." Suprised, I say that out loud quickly covering up my mouth.

'Magic Studies? And apparently it's my third year taking it! I am so doomed. I don't remember anything that I did according to this new world past this morning, how the heck am I supposed to take a class that requires previous knowledge!' I slowly start freaking out in my head.

'Well it seems like I have a lot of studying to do... ugh.' I just hang my head in defeat and make my way to the classroom I have written down on my phone.

"Is this it? A112?"

"Are you looking for the Magic Studies class?" I nearly jumped outta my skin hearing that. As I turned around I see who I can only guess to be the teacher for the class. I mean, she plays the part of 'Crazy Magician Lady' to a tee. Honestly, with her velvet robe over her head and her pale skin its picture perfect. And I swear her eyes were glowing red but thats probably because she is a dragon-kin.

"Ah, yes. Is this the right class." I ask still recovering from the inital shock.

"Yes, yes, come right in."

"Ah thank you!"

As I walk through the door I feel like I pass through some weird veil, and all the sudden I'm in what looks like an entire labratory, not for science, but for magic. 'What are those glowing crystals? Why is that computer on a floating platform? WHY AM I FLOATING!"

I look down to realize that there is no floor, just white void, until suddenly in the blink of an eye, I'm in the classroom I was entering, receiving some strange looks from some of my classmates. Apparently the whole time I was in that magic lab, to them I was just standing here dazed.

Anyway, I make my way to a random seat and wait for class to start, reading some manga on my phone. There are some differences in the stories, like the species of character, but for the most part they are the same. I don't know what I'd do if I figured out that all my favorite stories were thrown out the window because of the Shift. That would suck.

"Okay class, I know today should be a day of introductions so lets start by introducing everyone in the room along with cast your favorite spell." Huh, stuff like this is new. For my Japanese class we just played a game of 'Does it Float'. Also there is a small problem, I don't know any spells! How the heck would I, just yesterday I was playing video games on the computer not even aware that something like magic would be possible!

"I'll go first, my name is Flare Dragonheart and my favorite spell is, 'Crimson Flare!'" Suddenly an eighth of the room that no one was sitting near (luckly), erupted in crimson flames. "As you can see this room has been reinforced with magic so don't worry about damage!" She stated WAY too enthusiastically.

As the teacher goes around the room asking people their favorite spells, I have literally no idea what to do until she gets to me.

"Uh... hi, I'm Jess Heart and for my favorite spell..." My brain is running so fast I don't think Usain Bolt could catch it.

"'W*ngardium Le*iosa!'" All the sudden, I started floating.

'This is not what I meant to do! I mostly said that as a joke, I didn't think anything would happen! Especially make ME float! Thats not what the spell does!' As I think of going back down, I float back to my chair, crisis averted. The teacher gives me a weird glare but moves on to the next student. Finally, I can take a deep breath in.

As all the students finish stating their name and reciting their favorite spell, the teacher lets us move around and talk to friends. 'Hah, jokes on you seems like I'm staying right here! Who needs friends anyways, totally not me!' As I'm not at all lying to myself, suddenly someone walks up to me. 'I remember him, he's the sapient who casted the spell to make tiny fireworks, it was pretty cool. Though what was his name again?'

"Hi Jess, I'm sure you already heard from the whole spiel the teacher did, but I'm William Jackson."

"Ah yes, hey William, so what did you wanna talk about." I say stretching my non-existant communication skills to their max. 'Why now, I'm not ready to have a conversation!' I think to myself.

"So, what was that spell you cast earlier?"

'Huh? When I looked at the manga all the stories I was reading remained the same so I thought other stories would be the same. But maybe that wasn't the case. This guy doesn't seem to know about "H*rry P*tter."

"Can I look up something really quick?"

"Yeah sure, I don't see why not."

'Ah I see' As I am looking up "H*rry P*tter" I found the problem, it doesn't exist. My guess is that the reason it doesn't exist is that if it did exist, it wouldn't be unique. With how the world currently is, there would be nothing special about the story, thus it wouldn't sell, so it wasn't made. A story based around a hidden magic society wouldn't make much sense in a world where magic is commonplace.

"W-well, it is a spell that is passed down in my family..." I say trying to dodge his risky subject.

"Ah, I see, I had never seen I spell like that before, so I had to know about it."

"Oh... I see."

"Well it was nice meeting you, lets talk again some time!" He asks walking away. All I can manage to do is mutter "okay." as he walks away.