'Floating Elf Princess'

So as I make my way to my next class, English, I see some other people staring at me. Honestly, being the center-of-attention, this early in the school year at that, is so tiring. I just wanna go to school in peace, but what can I do about my habit to float?

It is quite strange though. Even if I'm floating, I shouldn't be attracting this much attention. Something else has to be behind my sudden popularity. Maybe someone got a recording of me teleporting? What are the odds of that though... It might be a rumor then. I'll see...

As I'm sitting in English class, the teacher goes on about simple things, like the abc's and stuff. Since I know all this stuff I use the time to see what people are gossiping about. I'm not really into that stuff, but I gotta know why I'm attracting so much information. All I can hear is people gossiping about someone called the 'Floating Elf Princess' and I mean, that can't be me, right? I sure hope not at least.

Before I know it, class is over and I move on to the next one. People are just talking about this 'Floating Elf Princess' girl. Honestly, I'm starting to get worried. After all, I'm the only person I know who can float, and I'm an elf.


Random POV:

"Is she the one?"

"Yeah, I saw her floating in the hallways earlier. She was floating in Magic Studies too. She must be the one everyone's talking about! Who else do you know that can float like that?"

"That's true, but she doesn't really talk that much, so how will we know?"

"Just go ask her!"


Normal POV:

So yeah, after overhearing that conversation, I'm sure that they were talking about me. I understand the 'Floating Elf' part, but what about the 'Princess' one? I definitely don't match that criteria. Like, not even close.

Whelp, there is nothing I can do about it... I've been thinking that a lot lately. Oh well, best to know when you can't do something then to try to do the impossible. Even if I wanted to end this weird rumor, what would I do to end it? Ask nicely? Yeah, like that would work. I'm not delusional.

"Excuse me? What's your name again?"

"Uh.. it's Jess."

"Well Jess, I heard you have magic that makes you float, do you happen to know anything about this 'Floating Elf Princess' people are talking about?"

"Um... no?"

"Yeah sure, how else do you explain how you float around? Did she teach you?!?"

"Huh?" It seems that I'm so unpopular that this person, instead of considering it might be me, think that this person taught me how to float... pft. That's hilarious! But maybe I could use this...

"Yes, she is my... uh... friend..."

"I knew it! See I was right, no way this average elf could be her!"

I mean, pulling a SMALL prank on her wouldn't hurt right. She doesn't have to know it was me...

"Uh... the moon sure is bright today..." I tell her trying to hold back a chuckle.

"What do you mean? It's the middle of the day." Meanwhile everyone around us is laughing their butts off (no pun intended). Her friend walks over to her to break the news.

"Uh, you might wanna pull your pants up a little." The girl who called me average, lets call her... Mob 1, yeah that works, realized what I meant at that moment and runs out the room embarrassed. Okay, so maybe I overdid it a LITTLE, but hey, she started it!

The rest of class was pretty uneventful other than a couple of chuckles I heard throughout class and a super embarrassed classmate, which were a little enjoyable of course.

After class ended, I made my way to my next one, in which I floated over the crowd of people to save time.

In my next class, which was Elvish, was pretty simple because of the auto-translation that's been happening. Calculus also passed by pretty quickly, and nothing interesting really happened other than, you know, doing Calculus. Same with Chemistry honestly. I fell asleep in History so I don't really know how that one went.

Weirdly enough Study period was more interesting than all those classes. When I got to it everyone turned their head towards me. Seems like I have more questions to answer ugh....

"Are you the 'Floating Elf Princess'?"

"No... who even came up with that silly name..."

"If you aren't why do you care so much about the name?"

"I would never call myself princess... just look at me."

At that moment, what I would not know for a while is that I somehow managed to earn a fan-club. Apparently there's something called moe... Idk heard a lot of people gossiping over it.

Anyway, finally Study period is over! Let's go home... or not. At that moment, a flood of water started heading towards the school, I quickly float over it to see where this water came from, when I see a magician on top of all the water doing a generic villain laugh.

"Muahaha! This stupid school has no idea what's coming after them! This is what you get for failing me 40 years ago!"

Huh, 40 years? He looked young to me. He must a lot of MP or something, but I can't really tell from here. By the way, life span is determined, not by race, but by amount of MP. Normally more magical races have a much higher level of MP, thus are longer lived, but even a Sapient could live the same length if they had the same amount of MP.

NO! Stop the inner monologue! We have some people to save! I quickly use my Gravity magic and make everyone in the school float as high as I can. This takes a lot of MP so I can't hold it for long but hopefully I can hold it for long enough. William starts to float up next to me due to my spell. Huh, he must have been under me when I cast he spell.

"Jess? Are you doing this? What is going on?!?"

"I-I don't know, but a magician is attacking the school! Do you not see the ginormous tsunami! I need to get everyone out of danger!"

As soon as all the water has gone and the magician has run out of MP, I float everyone down into the rubble that used to be our school. Luckily, the magician only had enough MP to concentrate his attack on the school, otherwise that would have been dangerous, I can't make everyone in the city float after all.

"What were you thinking Jess! What if you ran out of MP! We would have all fallen to our deaths you know!" Mrs. Dragonheart scolds me.

"But... it was all I could think of..."

"Calm down Mrs. Dragonheart, while what Jess did was reckless, it did save all the student's lives." Some random Elf in a suit walks over to us.


"She will be punished later, but for now we need to focus on apprehending the attacker and dealing with... them." He says pointing to the news-reporters flooding into the used-to-be-school.

"Fine, but Jess never, and I mean NEVER do that again okay?!?"


It seems the Elf in the suit was the principal of the school. Seems he's had that position for 50 years and knew the person who caused this incident, which is some pretty good memory if you ask me.

While the teachers did protect me from the reporters, it seems like some students got interviewed. Looks like I'll be a big deal for a while... Ugh, This is gonna suck, isn't it.

Since all the busses were done for, all the students had their parents pick them up. Meanwhile, I used the newly dubbed (by me) 'Teleportation' spell to get home. My mom was surprised to see me randomly appear in the living room but I just told her to check the news, and obviously they were talking about the attack on my school, and a 'mysterious' hero who seems to use Gravity magic.

Seems like this mysterious 'Floating Elf Princess' stuff isn't going away for a while... is it.