
Since the school was obliterated on Tuesday last week, and they needed a week to rebuild it, school is starting on Wednesday this week. Which by now is in one day. And yes, this is the infamous time skip... by a couple days.

Now you might be wondering what happened over these couple of days, and the answer is... nothing. If something interesting happened then it wouldn't really be a time skip would it. Why am I talking to myself anyway.

Time to prepare for school tomorrow, even if it is boring. I pack my lunch, take a shower, and get clothes ready for tomorrow, but don't really do anything else. The teachers couldn't give us any extra homework to do because you can't hand out papers to people you can't get in touch with.

On another note, I can't wait to see the new renovations for the school. It is gonna be interesting to see how the school has changed. Oh well, guess I gotta wait till tomorrow unless I want to get charged with breaking and entering.

The next day I wake up, and it's on time for once. I grab my stuff, get dressed, and as I walk out the door to the bus stop I pass through that veil again, and enter into the weird magic lab that I have been teleported to before. They say third times the charm, and even if I wasn't expecting this, I hope to get some answers this time.

"W-who's there..." Okay maybe it is still a little creepy.

"Oh, your back, well welcome to the International Space Station."

Wait... what?

"Space station, b-but I was just walking out the door to my house a second ago... how is that even possible?"

"I don't know but magic works in the strangest ways, and it seems it's calling you here for some reason."

"How did you know when I was gonna be teleported back last time though, and who are you?"

I couldn't really make out her looks last time I saw her, but this time I could clearly see what she looked like. She was a Homunculus. I could tell because of her extremely pale, almost white skin, and the metal halo looking thing on her head. Her eyes glimmered a shade of crimson that was so beautiful, yet murky. Like a jewel, it was glimmering, but there was almost no life behind it.

Her hair was almost platinum in color, with strands of black that looked like seeing into a void, creating a strange contrast, and her clothes were a bright white, shaped like a lab coat. It was a strange sight for sure, but she looked beautiful.

"Ah, sorry for being impolite, my name is RUBY-MODEL-4, I am a Homunculus created by the inventor and magical researcher Orion. I am to look after this laboratory while he is away."

"Why is this lab in space?"

"The lab is in space to protect the dangerous research that lies here. While funded by most world governments, the research here is too deadly, in more ways then one, to lay into the hands of a single country."

"And how did you know wh..."

"Seems time is up, I'll tell you next time you're here, and also why I'm not hiding anything from you." She says giving me a wink. Hey! You knew this would happen didn't you! This makes no sense!

"Hey! Tell m-"

And I was back on Earth standing in the doorway.

"That was weird, but also informing. Annoyingly it created more questions then answers though. Oh no, the bus is leaving, how long was I in space!"

I start to float to the bus at full speed and get in at the next bus stop. At least I won't have to teleport to school again. Unless that weird space station lab makes me late again!

When I finally make it to the school, I enter the building and see that it is a lot bigger than it used to be. Even the library seems bigger, though there aren't many books in there yet. The school administration can create a building in a week, but it still takes time to print and ship books huh. Well that makes sense.

I was hoping I could get my hands on some more magic books though. I may specialize in Gravity magic, but most people know one or two spells out of their respective professions. For convenience purposes, like knowing a fire spell to light a fire when you specialize in water magic.

This especially applies to more complicated magic like Gravity magic. Top tier magic takes up a lot more MP than other types of magic, and while that may not be a problem for me most of the time, it would still be convenient to have a back up plan.

Back to school though, it seems like the security has gone way up, the amount of security cameras have increased dramatically, and I can feel the magical flow of powerful barriers all around the school. Must've been placed by someone who specializes in barriers.

I float up to my first class and everyone is just crowding the doorway for some reason. As I walk up I sadly learn what the heck they are doing.

"Jess, are you really the one who saved everyone during the attack, you are just a student, how can you use magic so well?!?"

"Yeah! I was freaking out and all the sudden I just floated over the water in an instant!"

This goes on until class starts, and I'm about ready to pass out. See you later, you cruel world, I just want my peace and quiet. I thought it was all over until...

"As you all know-" Oh no, I have a bad feeling that the intercoms are about to say something dangerous... to my quiet time that is.

"A student here saved all one-thousand-two-hundred-thirty-four of you in this building." Yep, that isn't good, also how did I just notice how silly the amount of students here is.

"Please-" don't say it, "Give a round of applause to-," please no, "Jess Heart, the person who single-handedly saved every student in this building." Yep, I'm doomed, goodbye, rest in pieces. Guess it's time to die.

"So it really was you!"

Well, as they say, if you can't beat them, hide away from society.

"Huh, where did she go?"

I cast a smaller version of the 'Invisibility' technique I had created. It works in the same way, except it covers my entire body. The only problem about it is that means I can't really see or hear anything, so I made sure to wear headphones so I wouldn't go crazy from complete isolation of my senses.

It's been around five minutes, at least I think, I can't really check the time, so I deactivate my 'Invisibility' technique, and luckily everyone has gone away from me.

"Oh, she's back!" Mob character one states.

"Yeah, but we don't want her to disappear again do we?" And there is Mob character two.

"LOL, the m8 is like a c@" And there is the one who talks in abbreviations. How do you even do that? I believe he said "LOL, the mate is like a cat?" What is that supposed to mean? Is he calling me skittish?

"C-can everyone calm down please?" Like seriously, please be quiet.

"Wow, she finally talked! I thought she would never!"

Oh no, I made it worse. Talk about one step forward, two steps back. Those people really don't take a hint do they. Please leave me alone. My introverted heart can't take it anymore. And, when will school be over, I am already ready to head home. This is getting ridiculous. How can people be so loud?

Finally, the bell rings and the period is over. I finally get to head to the next class. I look for the new classroom, because the layout of the school has changed, and finally find the new Magic Studies 3 room.

I walk in and find a seat, and right after William takes a seat right next to me.

"Hi, we haven't really talked since we played together."

"Oh yeah, you are InfiniteGamer112."

"I know it's a silly gamer-tag but I made it when I was younger, and kinda stuck with it."

"Yeah, mine's not the greatest either. Darknight224 is kinda silly after all. And a bad pun."

"I think it's at least more creative than mine."


After that, the class starts, and we get busy taking notes. If any class, this is one I do not wanna fail, neither does William. He may be a Sapient, but his magic has enough potential to make it big one day.

I don't know what he wants to do with Time magic though. Infinite youth? With his MP, his lifespan is long enough for that not to matter. Maybe the ability to turn back time? Contrary to belief, Time magic does not specialize in turning back the clock, but only slowing it down, speeding it up, or occasionally stopping it for brief moments.

I don't really know what he would want with Time magic, but it isn't my place to interfere.

After class is over, Mrs. Dragonheart walks over and asks me, "Hey, you know your friend, the one with the black hair and blue eyes?"

"You mean William Jackson?"

"Yeah, sorry, I don't remember everyone's names yet, anyway, can you hand this to him next time you see him?"

"Sure..." That was kinda weird, what is this paper anyway?

I look down and see that it is titled, 'Nurses Note'. Is he sick? It seems it's for permission to bring medicine to school, but what does he need medicine for? I know it's wrong but I gotta know what's wrong.

It is then a lot of things were explained to me, why he has so much magic, why he wants to specialize in Time magic, it all makes sense.

He has Magic Poisoning.