Calm Before the Storm

Jess' Sister POV:

My name is Kari Hart. I have pretty weird younger sister. Ever sense I can remember, she's done tons of crazy things. She could float before she could walk, and until recently he actively hid the fact that she just floats around everywhere.

She stopped hiding it at the beginning of the school year though. I don't know why, but whatever. A week ago she just called me asking for help to "save her friend" who was suffering from magic poisoning. She manages to run into the most weird people.

Anyway, I accepted the request and came home over the weekend to help, then all the sudden, this week she just walks in with a finished model of what we were making like it came out of the air. I have no clue how she got it, and what's more, after opening it up, I saw it's expertly crafted.

There is no way she did this, she wouldn't know a thing about how magi-tech works if it wasn't for me.

I decided not to ask about it. Something about how she was acting made me feel like some things are better off unknown. Instead, I took the thing apart, taking note of how it was constructed, so I could build more of them. I'm gonna be rich! Well, me and Jess, I guess she helped a little. She can get 30%, seems fair to me.


Unknown POV:

"How is the Sapient doing?"

"He is recovering somehow. I saw an Elf girl teleport in and give him some device. It must be what is helping him recover."

"How dare she! MP is precious and sacred. How dare that Sapient even think of having so much of it! Sapients are blessed that they even get a little with their dirty blood."

"I know, but I have an idea. Tonight, we'll take the device and when the girl goes to give him a new one we can catch her. She is a traitor. Those... things don't deserve help."

*Knock* *Knock*

"Shoot, the cops are on to us! Get out now!"

"Remember, make sure to get that device, it could have some use later, and we can't allow that... thing to live."


Jess' POV:

"on --- ne- today w- ha-- re--rts -f e-- supr------"

Why is the TV on... I'm so tired... my memories are so fuzzy... wait, what was the reporter saying. Trying to get up, I listen to what's on the news.

"Recently there have been a rise of reports of crimes against Sapients in the area. Those who call themselves 'Magic Liberators' or ML for short are attacking random Sapients off the streets. They consider Sapients to be creatures who are below the other races. Because of the weak MP contained by Sapients, these attacks show no sign of stopping as most cannot fight back."

I hope William will be okay... he does have a lot of MP, so he can fight back. I'm still worried about him, so I'll give him a call. I type in his number and pray that he answers his phone. Oh, he picked up.

"Hey Willi-"

"Jess! Someone broke into my hospital room last night and stole that MP Drain whatchamacallit!"

"What? How did they even know about it, no way any information about it got out! Despite her looks, my sister can be tight lipped about this stuff!"

"I don't know, but it's the only thing missing in my room, and the window's broken. They left this note saying that, 'You are not welcome here'."

Why do I have the feeling that this isn't going to go well? I say goodbye to William and hang up because I suddenly remembered something. Why am I home? I swear I teleported to that lab on the ISS right?

"You finally remember." Some random man's voice rings throughout my room. The TV, the walls, and all the furniture except for the bed fade away, and I'm left in a room with nothing with a bed, the walls, floor, and ceiling are so white it's almost blinding.

"Who are you? Am I still in the lab? How did I just watch the news and call my friend from here?"

"Hahaha, calm down with the questions, I'll answer one at a time. First of all I am Osiris, the owner of this lab."

"The person that that Homunculus talked about earlier?"

"Yes RUBY-MODEL-4 is very helpful around the lab, I see she's helped you too with that magi-tech you brought earlier."

"Yes, she helped me a lot."

"Good to hear, for your second question, yes you are currently located in a room in the ISS. My apologies for hiding that I was hear and making the room appear like yours, but I thought that a lab wouldn't want to be the first thing you saw when you wake up."

"So you made me watch the news? You know how depressing that stuff is right?"

"It was just the first channel that showed up."

"You don't think things through, do you?"

"Ehehe." Did... did that grown man just 'ehehe' me while doing what I'm guessing is supposed to be a cute pose.

"For your last question, being up in space all the time gets lonely, even with a homunculus for a friend, so I got full reception up here. Magic can do wonders you know? I'd say my reception is the best in the world! Well I guess I'm not currently in the world, so the best in the world's orbit!"

"I feel like your personalities changed..."

"A lot of people say that about me!"

"I can see why..." This old man is so weird. He seems to be a Zodiac. At least that's what I think. He has a few Ox like features, so I'd guess that's his zodiac sign. He is super pale, probably from being inside all the time, and not getting enough sun. His eyes are the strangest thing about him though. He is blind. They are both clouded over and I can't even see his pupils.

"Excuse me sir, I know this might be cruel to ask, but how do you know where everything is when you are blind?"

"Haha, you see, I can see, or well I can't, but I can at the same time."


What? What is that supposed to mean?

"I can see you're confused, basically, I emit low levels of MP at all times and use it as my sight, like radar."

"Oh, I see." Wait, is that mean to say?

"You should probably head back, peasant." Ah, his demeanor changed again. I swear, what's up with him and all these personalities.

"Do you have a way for me to get back?"

"Tch, take the way you came." Okay, that's too big of a personality change to be normal. Well, not like I have the right to deny the crazy old man, honestly I'm scared of him.

"O-okay, bye." I teleport home. Next, I need to go give William a new MPD3.