Osiris and Chiron

"S-so, sir, are you friends with Osiris?"

"Ah yes, I met him a few millennia ago. He's crazy but he's an absolute genius. Every year I send him funds for his research in exchange for details about what he's discovered. He's fast-forwarded our understanding of science and magic by decades just in the past few years."

"R-really, I don't really often see his name anywhere."

"He tends to keep to himself, writing under many separate pen-names."

So, he has pen names huh, I wonder if I've ever read any of his works before? Well, I guess it isn't that important. This just proves he isn't just crazy, but a genius too, although throughout history the line between the two has always been thin.

Although, if he uses different pen names, I wonder if I've ever read any of his stories before? I mean, there are all kinds of magic research studies I've read, how many were made by him?

Whatever that isn't really important, what is important is that Chiron and Osiris somehow know one another. I would be shocked, but I've become numb shock at this point.

Something that does interest me though is that while Chiron's look and even somewhat his personality while having differences, match up pretty similar with the mythology that he relates to from the old version of the world. I don't know about his history, so I don't know if his origins match up too though, although saying what happens in the mythology, I think it's best not to know.

Osiris on the other hand is completely different from the mythology that his name originates from. First off, Osiris wasn't even related to Ox, unless you count the fact that he was technically the god of agriculture. He also had nothing to do with the zodiac signs, but in this world he is an Ox Zodiac, it doesn't add up.

Why does Chiron match his mythology, but not Osiris? That isn't a question that will probably ever be answered saying that the old version of the world likely doesn't exist anymore. I can't just go back and test what happened during the Shift to find out this weird outcome.

Wait, even though I said that Chiron matches the mythology, his great-great-great-I-don't-know-how-many-greats-grandchildren don't. I mean, they have the same name as his parents in the mythology, however their parents probably just named them after Chiron's parents.

"Hello? Earth to Jess?"

"Oh, s-sorry, I was lost in my thoughts..."

"No matter, but you might want to leave this forest soon, something bad will happen here soon. I believe a natural forest fire should start soon, it is a little hot and dry outside today."

"How do you know?"

"An animal's intuition. The forest animals are running away from the epicenter of the forest."

"Okay, bye, your highness."

It is super hard for me to talk to normal people, and that was the king! One wrong word and I could have been executed! I'm so tired after that, but I need to get out of the forest quick before I burn. I teleport home into my room and go to sleep.

The next day I wake up and see the forest near our house in ashes. Wow, King Chiron was right, the whole place is burned down. I go downstairs to see my family... praying? Well, I don't wanna look outta place so I join in. I'm guessing they are praying because of the forest being burned down.

In a lot of fantasy novels, Elves are closely tied with nature, and on top of that forests burning down often gives way for younger plants and trees to grow. It's like a forest's rebirth by fire. I'm guessing that is what they are praying for.

Once they are done, I just act like I totally knew what I was doing. And on top of that, somehow it works? Well, my family is probably used to me being an idiot by now, if I did something wrong, they'll probably just take it as me being a fool again.

Did I just insult myself? Well, whatever that isn't important.

=== One Month Later ===

School is finally back in. After the whole fiasco of what happened a little over a month ago, with the attack on the school and everything, we were finally allowed to go to school again. Some parents are still worried, especially the Sapient parents because their children were targeted in the last attack, but that just comes with school being let back in.

I for one am glad to be back in school though. After all this time I can finally actually learn things. Over the last month, we have had classes over the internet, but it is much harder to not only learn but pay attention in those classes. Something about being at home during learning makes it hard for me to focus.

Well, Magic Studies class has just started and I see William walking into the room. He seems kind of disturbed right now, must be because of one month ago. I guess he witnessed something that a kid shouldn't have to see.

It is important as his friend for me to cheer him up!

"Hey William, been a while since I saw you! Wanna fight that new boss on 'Spell Craft Battle' later?"

"Yeah sure. Hey, can I talk to you after class?"

"Yeah, sure."

What is that about?